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Difference Between Longitude and Latitude


Longitude vs Latitude

The term Longitude is used to refer to the long lines on the globe or a map between the north and the South Pole. The term Latitude is used to refer to the lateral lines on the globe stretching between east and west. The unit of measurement for both Latitude and Longitude is degrees. Equator is zero degrees (0Ëš) Latitude with the farthest from the equator being 90Ëš. Towards the north 90Ëš Latitude would signify the North Pole while towards the south 90 would signify the South Pole. The Prime Meridian which passes over Greenwich is known as the zero degrees (0Ëš) Longitude with the maximum being 180Ëš in both east and west of the map.

Latitude lines are all parallel to the equator and the radii of the circles formed by the Latitude lines around the earth reduces with each circle farther from the equator. The Longitude lines are  all parallel to the Prime Meridian and radii of the circle formed by these meridians around the earth is identical. The Latitudes are denoted technically by the symbol ‘phi’ (Φ) while the Longitudes are denoted by the symbol ‘lambda’ (λ).

The Longitude of a place would normally determine its distance from the Prime Meridian and its time zone. All the time calculations for maritime and aviation use are calculated using GMT or the Greenwich Mean Time. This denotes the time at the Prime meridian which would then be used to determine the exact distance from it. The Latitude would actually determine the climate and the weather of the region. Latitude would basically determine its proximity to the Equator, Tropics or the Arctic and hence the climate. The effect of various weather patterns and phenomenon is also influenced mainly by the Latitude.

1.Longitude refers to the long lines on the globe or a map between the poles while Latitude is used to refer to the lateral lines on the globe stretching between east and west.
2.Longitudes stretch from 0 to 180 degrees while Latitude stretches from 0 to 90 degrees.
3.The Latitudes are denoted technically by the symbol ‘phi’ (Φ) while the Longitudes are denoted by the symbol ‘lambda’ (λ).
4.The Longitude of a place would normally determine its time zone while the Latitude would actually determine the climate and the weather of the region.

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  1. why don’t u provide the differences in tabular form? it would be easier for your viewers and be of more academic use.

  2. very informatic…thanks

  3. Why u can’t write simple differences?

  4. this is wrong longitude means east/west

    • Are you okay?
      Coz LATITUDES are lines running from east to west, and longitudes are lines running from north to south.

  5. this is not corret because i ask for calcution

  6. Very good information giving program

  7. What is my time in regards to London England. Greenwich meantime.
    Politicians have us four hours behind Greenwich I believe we should be six hours behind Greenwich. Thank you

    The latitude and longitude of Munising, Michigan is:

    46° 24′ 40″ N / 86° 38′ 53″ W

  8. It is a sincere advice/opinion from my side that you should make a table & provide the differences it is easy for the viewer to see.It is also easy for academic purposes also.

  9. It is a sincere advice/opinion from my side that you should make a table & provide the differences it is easy for the viewer to see.It is also easy for academic purposes also and I believe that many of you will agree with me.THANK YOU

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