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  • SAB Disclaimer

    Read SAB disclaimer, privacy statements and terms & conditions before using the website.

    Saudi Awwal Bank, a listed joint stock company, incorporated in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, with paid in capital of SAR 20,547,945,220, commercial registration certificate 1010025779, unified number 7000018668, P.O. Box 9084 Riyadh 11413, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Tel. +966 11 4050677, www.sab.com, licensed pursuant to the Council of Ministers Resolution No. 198 dated 06/02/1398H and Royal Decree No. M/4 dated 12/08/1398H, and regulated and supervised by the Saudi Central Bank.

    SAB Privacy Statement

    Please read the following important information.


    SAB recognizes that it is important for you to know how we deal with your personal and financial information. SAB appreciates that you may be concerned about your privacy and about the confidentiality and security information we may gain about you on-line. SAB is committed to keeping that information secure.

    This statement sets out our current privacy policy. Your use of SAB web site indicates your acceptance to the SAB Web Site Terms of Use and this Privacy Statement.

    When you browse the web, you leave a digital footprint. It’s information about your device and the way you use it online.

    We just want to let you know that we’ll collect this information about you. Most websites do this.

    We use this information to deliver the website to you. We also use it for other things, which we think help you and us.

    We’ve put this notice together to explain this.

    When we say “we” this means SAB and our trusted partners who provide services to us.

    These include our:

    • Technology providers.
    • Cybersecurity companies.
    • Social media partners.
    • Advertising partners.

    This is our website notice.

    We have other notices. Some of these may apply to you as well. It depends on how you choose to interact with us.

    • Public website notice (you are here): This notice covers parts of this website where you don’t need a password (like this page).
    • Full privacy notice: Our full privacy notice contains more information to read alongside this notice. It will tell you more details, such as how SAB uses your personal information in general. You can read that at: https://www.sab.com/en/privacy-and-security/
    • Cookie notice: This notice covers how we collect information from your web browser or mobile device.
    • Other notices: Some of our apps or parts of our websites have their own privacy notices. For example, our mobile apps have privacy notices.

    You can usually find our notices in the footer of the webpage. If you’re using an app, it will usually be in the menu. Our full privacy notice is our main one and can be found at https://www.sab.com/en/privacy-and-security/

    Personal information collected by this website

    We collect information when you use our website. We also do this when you visit one of our social media sites.

    When you view our website or social media sites, we can see:

    • What you click
    • What you view
    • How long you spend on pages
    • Your device & internet connection details such as: type of device you’re using, IP address and details about your internet connection, technical details such as your screen size and the software you’re using, such as your web browser.
    • Your country or region (not exactly where you are unless we ask permission)
    • Your unique advertising or other identification numbers allocated to your browser or device.

    If you follow a link to this website, we know the last site you visited. You may have reached this website by following a link from an e-mail. When you open an email from us, we may be able to tell:

    • that you’ve opened it.
    • what links in the email you click on.

    When you fill in a form on our website, we can see what you type.

    If you send us a message, we may collect information you tell us.

    Some of this data is collected by:

    Our partners: These may be website hosts or social media sites.

    Cookies and similar technology: These are set on your device by us and our trusted partners.

    We don’t often know exactly who you are from this data. But sometimes we may connect this data with other information we hold about you.

    For example:

    • If you browse our website and then access online banking, we may connect this data to you. The next time you visit, we may still link that data to you.
    • If you browse our website while logged into social media accounts, then our partners may be able to connect this data to those accounts.
    • It might be possible to connect your browsing data to personal data held by third parties.

    We use your data when it is in our legitimate interests.

    This means we need to have a valid and lawful reason to use your data and balance this with your interests.

    Personal Data information collected by SAB Mobile and SAB Online 

    We collect the following information when you use SAB Mobile Application:

    • Email address when registering to SAB digital channels
    • National ID/IQAMA number when making Sarie transfers or when paying some government payment bills
    • When customers requesting for a new card, the national/ residency address will be requested to be shared

    How we use this personal information

    To deliver the website

    We use your information to operate the website and monitor how well it is working. Most websites do this.

    To improve our business

    We use your information to:

    • Understand how you use our services.
    • View trends in product offerings.
    • Develop well targeted offers and products.
    • Find offers and products that may be of interest to you.
    • Make our services better for you.
    • Learn how useful our marketing is and make it better.

    Security & protection

    We use your information to help protect you and ourselves against fraud or crime. For example, our service providers look at all use of our website to help block malicious activity. This helps keep you and us safe.

    Personalising our website

    When you visit our website, we may use data we collect to make the site customized for you. This could include:

    • Tailoring our website content and services for you.
    • Showing you information or updates that might be useful for you.
    • Showing products or services that we think will be of interest to you.

    Online advertising

    When we advertise online, we may share your information with our advertising partners.

    We may ask our advertising partner touse that information to:

    • Check if you hold an account with them.
    • Choose which adverts to send to you.
    • Send our adverts to you.
    • Exclude you from adverts, e.g. if the advert is for a service you already use.
    • Advertise to people who have a similar profile to you or share your interests.
    • Identify what other marketing may be of interest to you.
    • Understand how useful our marketing is and make it better.

    Social Media

    SAB uses social media to:

    • Help connect with you.
    • Share information about our products and services.
    • Sometimes these involve using your data.

    Social media platforms may let you choose what advertising you receive. You should contact them for more information

    Your rights

    We think carefully about how we use your information. We always aim to use it in a way that’s fair to you. You might prefer us not to use it for some purposes.

    You have a legal right to:

    • Ask us to provide you with copies of your personal information, make corrections or sometimes ask us to delete it.
    • Object to our processing of your information in some circumstances. For example to ask us not to share your personal information for online advertising.
    • Raise a complaint to the https://www.citc.gov.sa/en/pages/default.aspx
    • We may not always be able to stop processing your information, such as if we’re using it to help protect you or others.

    Other important information

    We have a couple more things to tell you.

    • Security: We’ll use a range of measures to keep your information safe and secure, such as encryption.
    • Storage: We keep your information in line with our data retention policy. We do this to comply with legal and regulatory requirements, and for our legitimate purposes.

    Contact us

    We’re always happy to hear from you.

    This privacy notice may be updated from time to time, and you’ll always be able to find the most recent version on this site.

    Last updated: June 13th 2021

    Thank you for reading this privacy notice.

    Happy browsing.


    SAB Terms and Conditions

    By accessing this web site, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. If you do not agree, please do not access this site. The contents of this site should not be regarded as complete or up-to-date


    The information contained on the Site is for information purposes only, sab.com does not hold itself out as providing legal, financial or other advice via the Site.


    All products and services provided are subject to the terms and conditions and disclaimers of the applicable agreement governing their supply and use ("Product terms and conditions"). Where Product terms and conditions conflict with these Terms and Conditions, the Product terms and conditions shall prevail.

    Saudi Awwal Bank “hereinafter may be referred to as SAB” does not offer financial services or products through its use and operation of the www.sab.com portal, or gateway. Products or services on this Site do not constitute an offer or recommendation of any products or services provided by Saudi Awwal Bank . The information provided on this Site is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person in any jurisdiction where such distribution or use would be contrary to law or regulation. This Site should not be considered as communicating any invitation or inducement to engage in banking or investment activity or any offer to buy or sell any securities or other instruments outside Saudi Arabia where SAB is not licensed or authorised to perform such activities.

    All the products and services that you may be able to view via this Site are available only with in Saudi Arabia. It is the responsibility of any persons accessing this Site and any information available through this Site to inform himself or herself of and to observe fully the applicable laws and regulations of Saudi Arabia.

    Products discussed on this Site may not have been registered or authorized by any central bank, governmental or regulatory authority in the country of your residence. Accordingly, you may not have the benefit of protection from the securities laws, banking laws and other relevant laws and regulations of your country of residence with respect to products or services referred to on or through this Site.

    No representation is given that any securities, products, or services discussed in or accessible through this Site are suitable for you or any particular person. You acknowledge that your use of this Site and any requests for information you have made as a result of visiting this Site have not been solicited by Saudi Awwal Bank  or any of its affiliates and that the provision of any information through this Site shall not constitute or be considered investment or financial advice."


    The information, material and content provided in the pages of the Site may be changed at any time without notice. Changes may be made to these Terms and Conditions by us at any time without notice to you by updating the posting of the Terms and Conditions.


    We are committed to protecting your privacy. All information gathered from you in connection with your use of the Site will be maintained in accordance with the applicable privacy policies disclosed for the Site.


    Information or opinions provided by us or through a third party on the Site should not be used for investment advice and do not constitute an offer to sell or solicitation of an offer to buy any securities or financial instruments or any advice or recommendation with respect to such securities or other financial instruments or investments. When making a decision about your investments, you should seek the advice of a professional financial adviser.


    The contents of the site distributed to you without any warranty of any kind. We and the third party content providers disclaim any and all warranties information on the site is provided on an "as is", "as available" basis and to the fullest extent permitted by law we do not give or make any warranty or representation of any kind, whether express or implied in respect of such information whether in respect of the site or any other site. Your use of the site is at your sole risk.

    We do not warrant the accuracy, adequacy, completeness or timeliness of the information, material, products and services or the error-free use of the site.

    We do not represent or warrant that the site will be available or that it will meet your requirements, that access will be uninterrupted, that there will be no delays, failures, errors or omissions or loss of transmitted information, that no viruses or other contaminating or destructive properties will be transmitted or that no damage will occur to your computer system. You have sole responsibility for adequate protection and back up of data and/or equipment and for undertaking reasonable and appropriate precautions to scan for computer viruses or other destructive properties.

    We make no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy, functionality or performance of any third party software that may be used in connection with the site.


    In no event shall we be liable for any damages, losses or liabilities including without limitation, direct or indirect, special, incidental, consequential damages, losses or liabilities, in connection with your use of the site or your reliance on or use or inability to use the information, materials, products and services on the site, or in connection with any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus or line or system failure, even if you advise us of the possibility of such damages, losses or expenses.


    A “cookie” is a small-text file that is transferred to a computer hard drive by a webpage server. Web browsers are initially set to accept cookies. However, you can choose if and how a cookie is accepted by configuring your browser accordingly. The cookie stores information about the use of site and can be retrieved by the webpage server. We use cookies to assess whether you are logged into our website. However, none of the information can be traced to an individual and we do not know who you are as a unique user but merely indicating the number of people using the site. Accordingly, the cookie relates to what’s happening in SAB website and the accessed information cannot be used for marketing on an individual basis. It is therefore necessary to refer to the WebTrends On Demand Privacy Policy to learn how information is collected and used. The Web Trends On Demand Privacy Policy is found at https://ondemand.webtrends.com/privacypolicy.asp.


    Your use of hyperlinks on the Site is at your own risk. We provide hyperlinks to other locations on the Internet for information and convenience purposes only. No endorsement of third party websites or content is implied. We are not responsible for the content of any other websites or pages linked to or from the Site. We have not verified the content of any such websites, or pages. It is recommended that you view the linked website's terms or privacy policy pages to understand how use of that website may affect you.

    We are not responsible for the accuracy, timeliness or the continued availability or the existence of content, hyperlinks, or third party websites or pages linked to the Site or any Local Site. Links to downloadable software sites are for convenience only and we are not responsible or liable for any difficulties or consequences associated with downloading the software. Use of any downloaded software is governed by the terms of the license agreement, if any, which accompanies or is provided with the software.

    The Site may offer access to news services, market analysis, financial planning tools or other information provided by third parties on the Site. No endorsement or approval of any third parties or their advice, opinions, information, products or services is expressed or implied by any information on the Site. We do not control, cannot guarantee, and are not responsible for the accuracy, timeliness or even the continued availability or existence of such content.

    INTERNET E-mail

    Do not use ordinary e-mail to communicate personal or confidential information to us. Use the secure server available. Ordinary e-mail messages sent over the Internet may be intercepted, lost or altered. We are not responsible for them and willnot be liable to you or anyone else for any damages in connection with any messages sent by you to us using ordinary e-mail.


    This site includes material, trademarks, logos, slogans and products. We do not grant you any license to use them whether they belong to SAB or any third party intellectual property rights. SAB and its logo is registered in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. You are prohibited to copy or use SAB logo or any service products or any third party products without the prior written permission of the legal owner.


    You are prohibited to use the Site for any purpose which is unlawful, abusive, libellous, obscene or threatening.

    Different access permissions and cookies will be required while using the SAB Mobile Banking application and SAB Internet Banking for some functions and processes within the application for the reasons mentioned below.

    In order to enjoy our services when you use the application, you may need to grant the following permissions:

    • Camera access permission: It is used in the Digital Onboarding.
    • Gallery access permission: It is used when setting up the profile picture.
    • Location: It is used for fraud preventions and to allow the customer to locate the nearest SAB Branch and ATM.

    Biometric Information:

    • For Android: Allows you to use your biometric credential, such as fingerprint recognition, to log on
    • For IOS: Allows you to use your biometric credentials, such as Face ID or Touch ID, to log on
    • Push Messages: Allows us to inform that you’ve received a chat message and send you transaction notifications from us.

    Permissions specific to Android devices:

    • Device Information and Internet Access: This allows us to use your internet connection to access our banking systems and check you have a working connection.
    • List of Apps Installed: We collect information about applications installed on your device to check whether you might have risky applications on it. This helps us protect you and us from financial crime.
    • External Storage (eg memory card): This lets the app save files onto your device's external storage. This allows you to store and send documents, for example digital Letters
    • Device ID & Call information: This allows you to contact SAB directly through the app without having to manually dial a telephone number


    We also use the following tools to collect information about your device and the way you use it online:

    • Transmit Security - helps make sure your logon and authentication are more secure
    • AppDynamics - helps track app performance so that it can keep running properly
    • LiveChat – allows us to provide chat support and messaging services
    • AppSeal - allows us to protect you against fraud by identifying if there are any malware or risky software installed on your device
    • Vasco DigiPass - allows us to detect and prevent fraudulent activities on our app

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