دِپرِسلیک (اینگیلیسجه: Depression) بیر روحی دوروم دور.

Lithograph of a person diagnosed with melancholia and strong suicidal tendency in 1892
ایختیصاص Psychiatry, Psychology
علامتلر Low mood, aversion to activity, loss of interest, loss of feeling pleasure
سببلری Brain chemistry, genetics, life events, medical conditions, personality[۱]
ریسک فاکتورلاری Stigma of mental health disorder[۲]
تشخیص اوصولو Patient Health Questionnaire, Beck Depression Inventory
اوخشار شرطلر Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Borderline personality disorder
قاباقین آلماق Social connections, Physical activity
موعالیجه Psychotherapy, Psychopharmacology

قایناقلار دَییشدیر

  1. ^ Depression. Cleveland Clinic (2022).
  2. ^ Shrivastava A, Bureau Y, Rewari N, Johnston M (April 2013). "Clinical risk of stigma and discrimination of mental illnesses: Need for objective assessment and quantification". Indian Journal of Psychiatry. 55 (2): 178–82. doi:10.4103/0019-5545.111459. PMC 3696244. PMID 23825855.

ائشیک باغلانتیلار دَییشدیر
