Living with high calcium score

Posted by pop77 @pop77, Oct 10, 2023

I am a 53 year old male. Just found out I have a CAC of 731. Most of it (699) is in the right coronary. I exercise 5 times a week , used to eat eggs every day (15-20 per week), cottage cheese and yogurt. Upon hearing this news, stopped eating eggs right away. Just trying to figure out what else to adjust. I don't have BP and am at a healthy weight of around 160 lbs for 5'8".
Doctor still has to reach out to me and I think most likely I will be put on Statins. I have high LDL and Apo(b), but triglycerides are under control.
The question I have is, how else should I adjust the lifestyle. I don't drink or smoke or eat meat. Should I reduce how hard I work out? I used to take my HR to 165 and whenever I did it I used to get a heartburn. I was thinking that the workout has triggered acid reflux but looks like something else is going on.
For those with high CAC , how hard do you work out? Should I stop hiking and running? Looking for some insights.

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Did your Dr rec a angiogram ? I would think the non invasive would be a good piece of mind

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CT type scans have issues with artifacts associated the reflectivity of the calcium, so not as useful.


Did your Dr rec a angiogram ? I would think the non invasive would be a good piece of mind

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no other recommendations other than an echocardiogram and an treadmill stress test.


I’m nearly the same as your husband: 68 years old, non smoker, bmi of 24, on statin (80 mg) for 20+years and zetia for more than 15, and my calcium score is 843. Passed the stress test ecg, and echocardiogram with no findings.

My MD added Repatha after the calcium score which has dramatically lowered my LDL and Lipo(b), and I exercise daily, eat a plant based diet, and hold my breath

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Did your Dr rec a angiogram ? I would think the non invasive would be a good piece of mind


Ah, OK, you're referring specifically to medical care. My care was excellent, but interactions since I kept the military with their medical system has been limited to pharmacy departments. Remember, however, the system in the military is designed to support younger people - and, then to reflect care in civilian SoC systems. Increasingly, any specialty care is done by civilian sector.


I have a high cac score and work out hard: generally get the heart rate in the upper 150’s or lower 160’s (I turn 69 this week), and I exercise based on my heart rate. No issues of any kind doing this.

I transitioned from a decent diet to virtually all plant based, perhaps something with grilled chicken not more than once a week, and fish 2-3 meals. The rest are all plant based and lots of nuts


My husband had a calcium score of 846 . We were shocked . He is 65 , not overweight , nonsmoker . He has been on a statin for 20 years before learning of his high calcium score .
Saw cardiologist , put on higher statin and zetia , baby aspirin , following Mediterranean diet , cardio 150 min per week .
He passed stress test and had a normal EKG .
Dr said he doesn’t need angiogram now because he passed the stress test and EKG .
I feel like it’s Russian roulette .
Any advice ?
Can you live a normal life with a high calcium score ?

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I’m nearly the same as your husband: 68 years old, non smoker, bmi of 24, on statin (80 mg) for 20+years and zetia for more than 15, and my calcium score is 843. Passed the stress test ecg, and echocardiogram with no findings.

My MD added Repatha after the calcium score which has dramatically lowered my LDL and Lipo(b), and I exercise daily, eat a plant based diet, and hold my breath


Stop the progression but not decrease through healthy diet , cardio and statins

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Yes, that is what I continue to read. Frankly, those that say that have never quoted or shown there was not a continuing increase over time.

One would think there would be some point where statins have tamed the cholesterol to where there was stability - ie, no increase or minimal increase in CAC, however I have not read this - or seen proof this has occurred. Proof would be if someone had two CACs over five years which were increasing, then a CAC two years later showing no further increase.



I have found no indication, anywhere, nor any report by anyone, that one's calcium score can decrease.

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Stop the progression but not decrease through healthy diet , cardio and statins


From the Bloomberg article: “I was under the impression the brand-name drug was the same as the generic, but that is not the case,” said Miranda Janvrin, a researcher who is working on a drug quality study the US military is conducting through the Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine. “This was not something taught at school.”

She told the audience that making generic drugs is like attempting to bake your late grandma’s prized cookies — but without the recipe. Generic drugmakers know the key ingredients in a brand medication but they have to figure out the best way to actually manufacture that treatment without the exact directions.

There are differences that result when each company has to find their own way, she said.

The conference was put on by the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, which offers medical training for military members. The university is working with the independent lab Valisure on the medication quality study. Valisure has been behind several revelatory findings in recent years of contaminated drugs and personal-care products.

That drug quality study was also the focus of a Senate Armed Services subcommittee hearing last month looking at ensuring military members receive safe and effective medications.


question of balance,

Do you have first hand knowledge to substantiate your claim regarding how our military's personnel are treated? It seems an odd comment related to medication sourcing.

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