How to extend sexual intercourse and delay ejaculation?

Added: 16-08-2019 | Update: 16-08-2019
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How to extend sexual intercourse by delaying ejaculation? To the rescue come tablets to delay ejaculation, psychotherapy, but – most of all – a set of exercises to extend sexual intercourse. The best is... sex.

Tablets to delay ejaculation

In recent years, increasingly more often are used tablets to delay ejaculation, which actually are antidepressants. It was found that antidepressants, which affect the serotonin system – the so-called serotonin reuptake inhibitors – have positive effects on the duration of sexual intercourse. Sexual intercourse can be prolonged using pharmacological methods or cognitive and behavioural psychotherapy. Each man can effectively work on delaying ejaculation and prolonging intercourse at home, also together with his partner.

See: Methods to treat premature ejaculation

Regular sex and prolonging intercourse

How to extend sexual intercourse? What to do to prevent premature ejaculation from ruining your sex life? The answers to these questions should not be surprising. Especially when it comes to young, inexperienced males, the cause of premature ejaculation can be the unfavourable proportion between the high sexual tension and the opportunities to relieve it. Thus, the best exercise to delay ejaculation and prolong sexual intercourse is to have sex as frequently as possible. It will allow both relieving the tension and making yourself comfortable with these emotions as well as learning your body reactions to tactile and sensory stimuli.

Masturbation and delaying ejaculation

Although masturbation is still a taboo, sexologists argue that it can be the best way to delay ejaculation. At least for the two following reasons. First of all – it relieves erotic tension; therefore many men masturbate before sexual intercourse with their partner in order to avoid the embarrassing false start. Secondly, masturbation is an activity which helps inexperienced men discover the reactions of their own body. When masturbating, one can also perform numerous recommended exercises aimed at delaying ejaculation. These can include the popular start-stop exercises.

See: How to prevent premature ejaculation?

Start-stop exercises

The start-stop exercises, developed in the ‘50s in the USA, rely on achieving the pre-orgasm and pre-ejaculation state multiple times and inhibiting the arousal. Ejaculation delay can be practised this way individually during masturbation or together with the partner during petting or sexual intercourse. An improvement to the start-stop exercises is the pressure method – interrupt stimulation right before ejaculation, squeeze the penis strongly, placing your thumb on the glans penis with the rest fingers embracing the penis at the neck of glans.

Pressing the crotch and prolonging intercourse

Instead of pressing the end of the penis, you can also press the area between the scrotum and the anus. This technique allowing delaying ejaculation and prolonging intercourse comes from ancient China and dates back 5,000 years ago. The said area should be pressed with three fingers, which is why the method is sometimes called the three-finger technique. The task should be performed by the partner right before a man starts reaching an orgasm. It might not seem like it, but this causes certain technical difficulties, therefore it requires practice and appropriate sexual positions. Pressing the crotch in the right moment can delay ejaculation by several minutes.

See: Premature ejaculation – treatment and advice at the sexologist’s

APE exercises to delay ejaculation

Another method recommended if you want to delay ejaculation are the APE (Anti Premature Ejaculation) exercises. This is a refined technique which involves massaging certain parts of the body and simultaneous stimulation of imagination. The places massaged are not at all located within the crotch region. One of the places is the breastbone, halfway between the nipples, the other – the left thigh. The massage should last around 5 minutes. At the same time, you should picture sexual intercourse in your mind in a way that you have a complete control over it. In a peak moment of the fantasy you can reach an orgasm, but with your full control of that moment, so that ejaculation is your own choice and not a false start.

Male Kegel muscles

The Kegel muscles and sexual intercourse – contrary to common beliefs, this question is not concerned with the female Kegel muscles only. Men also have the Kegel muscles. These are pubococcygeus muscles which constitute a part of the levator ani. They are located between the pubic bone and the coccyx. The muscles reach the prostate and the anus and wind around the base of the male external genital organs.  Strong Kegel muscles allow extending sexual intercourse in two ways – first of all, they improve the control over ejaculation, and secondly, they improve an erection. The Kegel muscle exercises involve tightening (10 seconds) and relaxing (30 seconds) the muscles alternately.

Condoms to prolong intercourse

Another method for prolonging sexual intercourse is extended intercourse condoms. Even using a normal condom considerably reduces the stimulus level for a man. And even longer intercourse will be possible when using special condoms made of thicker latex or different material, aimed at delaying ejaculation.

Read also: The problem of premature ejaculation – how to prolong sexual intercourse?

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