Volume 23, Issue 14 p. 1857-1860

Venusian k2 tidal Love number from Magellan and PVO tracking data

A. S. Konopliv

A. S. Konopliv

Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena

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C. F. Yoder

C. F. Yoder

Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena

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First published: 01 July 1996
Citations: 73


The k2 potential Love number which scales the tidal deformation of Venus by the Sun has been estimated from Doppler tracking of Magellan and Pioneer Venus Orbiter (PVO) spacecraft data. The nominal range for k2 from theoretical models is 0.23 ≤ k2 ≤ 0.29 for a liquid iron core and about 0.17 if the iron core has solidified. Our best estimate of this parameter is k2 = 0.295±0.066(2× formal σ) and supports the hypothesis that Venus core is liquid.