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what south american country has the largest land area

What southern American country has the largest land area?

Brazil The statistic shows the largest countries in South America, based on land area. Brazil is the largest country by far, with a total area of over 8.5 million square kilometers, followed by Argentina, with almost 2.8 million square kilometers.

Is Peru the second largest country in South America?

Colombia (440,715 square miles) Bolivia (424,052 square miles) Venezuela (353,748 square miles) Chile (291,855 square miles)

Largest Countries In South America 2021.

Rank 3
Country Peru
Area 1,285,216 km²
Area (mi²) 496,093 mi²
% of Earth’s Area 0.87%

Is Brazil the biggest country in South America?

Brazil is the largest country in South America and the fifth largest nation in the world. … It has borders with every South American country except Chile and Ecuador.

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Is Costa Rica the largest country in South America?

The statistic shows the largest countries in Central America, based on land area.

Largest countries in Central America, by total area (in square kilometers)

Characteristic Area in square kilometers
Costa Rica 51,100
Belize 22,966
El Salvador 21,041

What country in South America is the largest and is connected to the most countries in South America?


Brazil is the largest country in South America, covering approx. 47.3% of the continent’s land area and encompassing around half of the continent’s population.

What South American country is the smallest by area?

French Guiana is a French overseas department and the smallest country in mainland South America. Officially Co-operative Republic of Guyana, republic (2005 est. pop. 765,000), 83,000 sq mi (214,969 sq km), NE South America.

Why is Brazil the largest country in South America?

4. Brazil is home to about 60% of the Amazon rainforest. The Amazon rainforest is the biggest jungle in the world, so it makes sense that a large part of it lies in the largest country in South America.

What are the eight largest countries in South America in terms of population?

List of South American countries by population
  • Brazil (49.4%)
  • Colombia (11.8%)
  • Argentina (10.5%)
  • Peru (7.6%)
  • Venezuela (6.7%)
  • Chile (4.4%)
  • Ecuador (4.1%)
  • Bolivia (2.7%)

Is Peru the third-largest country in South America?

Overview of Peru

It is the third-largest country in South America, linking Ecuador and Chile along the west coast and bordering Colombia, Brazil and Bolivia inland.

What is the second largest country in South America?

Argentina Argentina. The second-largest South American country is Argentina. It comes two places after Brazil, or eighth place, on the list of the world’s ten largest countries. Argentina covers an area of 1,073,518 square miles (2,780,400 sq.

Is it Brasil or Brazil?

If you are reading our posts, you already know that the language used in Brazil is the Portuguese language. The name of the country in Portuguese is written with -s, so it is Brasil.

Is Chile the biggest country in the world?

“Chile, the southernmost country in the Andean Region, is the longest country on earth

What Central American country is the biggest?

Nicaragua The largest Central American country by area is Nicaragua, which spans across 130,373 square kilometers.

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What is Central America’s largest country by land size population?

Guatemala When you consider land area, Nicaragua is the largest country in Central America. When looking at population, the largest nation in this region is Guatemala, which has a population of over 16.58 million inhabitants. The most densely populated nation in the region is El Salvador.

Is Mexico considered North or Central America?

Geographical and Historical Influences

Mexico is not part of Central America. According to the Encyclopaedia : “Central America, southernmost region of North America, lying between Mexico and South America and comprising Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Belize.”

What are the 2 largest countries by population in South America?

Countries in South America by population (2021)
# Country (or dependency) Net Change
1 Brazil 1,509,890
2 Colombia 543,448
3 Argentina 415,097
4 Peru 461,401

What is the size of South America?

17.84 million km²

Why is South America called South America?

South America and North America are named after Italian navigator Amerigo Vespucci, who was the first European to suggest that the Americas were not part of the East Indies, but an entirely separate landmass. The portions of the landmass that lie south of the Isthmus of Panama became known as South America.

What is the only country in South America that touches Central America?

It is bordered by Mexico to the north, Colombia to the south, the Caribbean Sea to the east, and the Pacific Ocean to the west. Central America consists of seven countries: Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama.

Central America.

Area 521,876 km2 (201,497 sq mi)
Population density 91/km2 (240/sq mi)

What is the most crowded urban area in South America?

São Paulo List of South American metropolitan areas by population
Metropolitan area Year
1 São Paulo 2015
2 Buenos Aires 2015
3 Rio de Janeiro 2015
4 Lima 2015

Which countries share the biggest lake in South America?

Permanent Andean lakes in the continent are Lake Titicaca, Lake Sarococha, Lake Junín, and Lake Poopó. Piedmont lakes are Lakes Buenos Aires and Nahuel Huapi. Other lakes are Dos Patos Lagoon in Brazil and Maracaibo in Venezuela.

The Largest Lakes in South America.

Rank 1
Lake Titicaca
Location Bolivia, Peru
Size (square km) 8,372

Is South or North America bigger?

Generally identified by convention rather than any strict criteria, up to seven geographical regions are commonly regarded as continents. Ordered from largest in area to smallest, these seven regions are: Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia.

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Which is larger Brazil or Argentina?

Brazil is about 3.1 times bigger than Argentina.

Argentina is approximately 2,780,400 sq km, while Brazil is approximately 8,515,770 sq km, making Brazil 206% larger than Argentina. Meanwhile, the population of Argentina is ~45.5 million people (166.2 million more people live in Brazil).

Is Brazil the largest country in Latin America?

Based on land area, Brazil is the largest country in Latin America by far, with a total area of over 8.5 million square kilometers. Argentina follows with almost 2.8 million square kilometers.

Is Chile a big or small country?

A long, narrow country, it has an average width of only about 110 miles, with a maximum of 217 miles at the latitude of Antofagasta and a minimum of 9.6 miles near Puerto Natales. It is bounded on the north by Peru and Bolivia, on its long eastern border by Argentina, and on the west by the Pacific Ocean.

What are the largest islands in Latin America?

The Isla Grande of Chiloé is South America’s largest island and among its most striking cultural anomalies.

Which the largest country in the world?


Russia is the largest country by far, with a total area of about 17 million square kilometers. Despite its large area, Russia – nowadays the largest country in the world – has a relatively small total population.

Is France a South American country?

South America includes 12 countries and two non-sovereign entities: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Falkland Islands (United Kingdom), French Guiana (France), Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay and Venezuela. Portugese is the official language in Brazil. …

Is Brazil bigger than the rest of South America?

Brazil is the largest country in both South and Latin America while the US is the second-largest country in North America after Canada.

Which Latin country is the biggest?

Brazil Brazil is the largest Latin American country and is the third-largest country in the Americas.

✔️Top 10 Largest South American Countries By Land Area

Countries Ranked by Largest land area | countries Size comparison | Top 100 Countries

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