This is AhaSlides

We’re more than just exceedingly pretty faces. We’re a bunch of friends with a shared dream and a shared way of bringing it to life.

This is our culture.

Our Values

In 2019, we picked five random words from motivational posters to be our AhaSlides Values™. 

Unbelievably, we actually stuck with them. Now, we don’t make a single decision as a company without them.


Don't the shy and marginalised deserve a voice? AhaSlides allows every user and audience member on our platform the chance to be heard. That's something we extend to our own team, too.


We appreciate what we have. Sure, we're not the biggest tool in the box, and our team aren't Silicon Valley superstars, but we love where we are. We thank our users and teammates daily for that.


Us humans need fun and connection; we think having both is the recipe for a joyous life. That's why we built both into AhaSlides. Hey, it makes our users happy. That's really our biggest motivator.


We love to learn. Each member of the team gets access to their own Mr. Miyagi, a mentor that can teach them to catch flies with chopsticks and grow into exactly the kind of team member and person they want to be.

No Kiwis

No kiwis (bird nor fruit) in the office. How many times do we have to tell you guys? Yes James, your pet kiwi, Maris, is very cute, but dude the floor is full of her feathers and droppings. Sort it out.

Don't the shy and marginalised deserve a voice? AhaSlides allows every user and audience member on our platform the chance to be heard. That's something we extend to our own team, too.

We appreciate what we have. Sure, we're not the biggest tool in the box, and our team aren't Silicon Valley superstars, but we love where we are. We thank our users and teammates daily for that.

We love to learn. Each member of the team gets access to their own Mr. Miyagi, a mentor that can teach them to catch flies with chopsticks and grow into exactly the kind of team member and person they want to be.

Us humans need fun and connection; we think having both is the recipe for a joyous life. That's why we built both into AhaSlides. Hey, it makes our users happy. That's really our biggest motivator.

No Kiwis

No kiwis (bird nor fruit) in the office. How many times do we have to tell you guys? Yes James, your pet kiwi, Maris, is very cute, but dude the floor is full of her feathers and droppings. Sort it out.


What’s work without a little play?

At least twice a year, we make sure we get out of our office block and straight into nature. Building management can’t fine us for parties out there.
💸 🎉 🏨

Ba Vi Retreat

Dong Do Lake


Phu Yen

Office Life

What’s play without a little work?

Actually, we’ll take any excuse to down tools and celebrate in the Aha office. Holidays, ping pong prowess, world cultures, birthdays – all good reasons to cut loose.
🎃 🏓 🌍 🎂

Costume Parties

Table Tennis Tournaments

Culture Days

Special Birthdays

Trang Designs Stuff

My favourite part of working here is the mentorship program. I've learnt some really important skills from my mentor, Amin, and now I can enter the World Worm Charming Championship 2025 with confidence.

Karl Analyses Stuff

No matter what's happening, I'm always included in decision-making at AhaSlides. I once missed a brainstorm because I went to the bathroom, so the guys kicked the door down and asked for my ideas. What a supportive gang!

Lawrence Writes Stuff

The culture at AhaSlides is so much better than the old places I worked, like [REDACTED] and [REDACTED]. I very much doubt my old boss, Mr. [REDACTED], would give me half the freedom that AhaSlides does.

    Off the Clock

    Team building isn’t always long trips away.
    Sometimes it’s beer, board games and flooded festivals with friends.

    Team building isn’t always long trips away. Sometimes it’s beer, board games and flooded festivals with friends.

    We have fun here.
    So will you.

    We have fun here. So will you.