
third planet from de Sun insyd de Solar System

Earth, wona world (symbol: 🜨 anaa ♁), be de third planet from de sun den de only astronomical object dem know edey harbor life. Dis de Earth enable secof ebe water world, de only one for de Solar System insyd wey dey sustain liquid surface water. Almost all of Earth ein water dey contain for ein global ocean insyd, wey dey cover 70.8% of Earth ein crust. De 29.2% of Earth ein crust wey dey remain be land, chaw wey dey locate for de form of continental landmasses insyd within one hemisphere, Earth ein land hemisphere. Chaw of Earth ein land be sam what humid wey vegetation cover am, while large sheets of ice for Earth ein polar deserts dey retain more water dan Earth ein groundwater, lakes, rivers den atmospheric water dem combine. Earth ein crust dey consist of slowly tectonic plates wey dey move, wey dey interact make e produce mountain ranges, volcanoes, den earthquakes. Earth get liquid outer core wey dey generate magnetosphere wey be capable make edey deflect chaw of de destructive solar winds den cosmic radiation.

terrestrial planet, inner planet of the Solar System, narrative location
Part of Earth-Moon system, inner Solar System Edit
Year dem found am 4540 million years BCE Edit
Name in kana ちきゅう Edit
Dem name after soil, land, ball Edit
Ein location inner Solar System, circumstellar habitable zone, Milky Way, Local Group Edit
Coordinates of easternmost point no value Edit
Coordinates of northernmost point 90°0′0″N 0°0′0″E Edit
Coordinates of southernmost point 90°0′0″S 0°0′0″E Edit
Coordinates of westernmost point no value Edit
Highest point Mount Everest Edit
Lowest point Challenger Deep Edit
Creator no value Edit
Catalog code 806.4616.0110 Edit
Studied in Earth science, geology, geophysics, planetary science Edit
Parent astronomical body Sun Edit
Type of orbit heliocentric orbit Edit
Date dem dissolve, abolish anaa demolish unknown value Edit
Hashtag Earth Edit
Flag flag of the Earth Edit
Geography of topic world geography Edit
Get characteristic mass of the Earth, Earth's magnetic field, planetary habitability, geologic activity Edit
History of topic human history, history of Earth, geological history of Earth Edit
Manifestation of open system Edit
Notation Earth symbol Edit
Shape geoid Edit
Epoch J2000.0 Edit
Demographics of topic  Edit
WordLift URL Edit
Stack Exchange tag, Edit
Unicode character 🜨,  Edit
Opposite of sky Edit

Etymology edit

De Modern English word Earth dem develop, via Middle English, from Old English noun wey most often dem dey spell am eorðe.[1] E get cognates for every Germanic language insyd, wey na dem reconstruct dema ancestral root as *erþō. For ein earliest attestation, na dem use de word eorðe make dem translate de chaw senses of Latin terra den Greek γῆ : de ground, ein soil, dry land, de human world, de surface of de world (wey dey include de sea), den de globe ein self. As plus Roman Terra/Tellūs den Greek Gaia, Earth fi be personified goddess for Germanic paganism insyd: late Norse mythology include Jörð ("Earth"), giantess dem often give as Thor ein mummie.[2]

References edit

  1. "earth, n.¹". Oxford English Dictionary (3 ed.). Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. 2010. doi:10.1093/acref/9780199571123.001.0001. ISBN 978-0-19-957112-3.
  2. Simek, Rudolf (2007). Dictionary of Northern Mythology. Translated by Hall, Angela. D.S. Brewer. p. 179. ISBN 978-0-85991-513-7.

External links edit