  • Honista APK | Latest Version APK June 2024

  • Version: 8.2
  • Size: 79.1 MB
  • Download APK

What is Honista?

Instagram has been released for over a decade and so far we all know that META has been trying their best to perfect the application over the years. Even though Instagram has come up with new features like story, reels, etc. There are still some features missing that make users seek for something new.

Honista app was developed from that idea, where the developer would like to satisfy user’s needs with better experience and features. To simplify it Honista is the upgraded version of Instagram where users can explore the new sensation of socializing with better features starting from privacy features to thousands of new emoji packages.

Download Honista APK Latest Update

Is Honista Safe?

We all know that Honista was developed by a third party. That is the reason why the Honista app is not available on Google Play. But please rest assured regarding the security or safety issues of the app. Honista was developed by a respected developer and before we published the application on our website we always ran the APK through several anti-virus and found out the application passed every single anti-virus test and was safe to use.

On the other hand, users are not supposed to worry about the security and privacy issues because the Honista App comes with built-in better security and privacy features. One of the best privacy feature that the app has is Ghost mode, this feature allowing you to see your friend's story secretly without them knowing, allowing you to go online but it shows you are offline on your friends devices and among those two benefits you could watch live streaming without your name showing in the list of viewers!

Why do we choose Honista?

As we are living in this era where smartphones are one of the most important survival tools, we always seek something new to try on! Honista came up with powerful features like no other application has ever provided. So if you are looking for something new and willing to try a new user experience, Honista is your best option to go!

Benefits of Honista?

  • More privacy options (Ghost Mode)
  • More features
  • More fun

Download Honista APK

Package: cc.honista.app

Name Honista
Package Name cc.honista.app
File Size 78 MB
Downloads 78,000,000+
Last Updated 1 Day Ago
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