11 Signs of True Love in a Long Distance Relationship

Signs of true love in LDR
Photo by Aaron Burden

Surviving a long-distance relationship may be one of the greatest undertakings that any couple can have but aside from being proof that you have kept your promises, it also means that you are truly, deeply and sincerely committed to giving your love a chance regardless of time and distance.

However, there’s a huge difference between simply ‘surviving’ and actually ‘nurturing’ a bond especially if you’re not physically together. Some people have the ability to endure and just go with the flow while others can actually have fun regardless of the physical absence of the person they are in a relationship with – so how can you know if it’s really true love or just enduring patience?

Signs of True Love in a Long Distance Relationship Video

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11 Signs of True Love in a Long Distance Relationship

Here are the revealing signs of true love in a long-distance relationship:

1. They never fail to express how much they long for you.

Not only in words but in deeds. It’s so easy to say the common “I miss you” but it’s another thing if they actually do something to express their endless longing to be with you. For instance, what are the special things that they never fail to do, the sweet gestures that they show you to make you feel that your absence is sincerely missed?

2. They make you feel that you’re in this together.

You both face the challenges and the struggles of being in a long-distance relationship together, even if one partner is more independent and less expressive than the other, there is true love if they try their very best so that their more emotionally dependent and clingy significant other won’t feel alone in this journey.

3. They’ll take every chance just to be with you.

It doesn’t matter if they have to travel ten hours just to have a two-hour conversation with you; two days or three days of vacation is more than enough even after a year or two of being away from each other. They’ll do everything just to finally see and feel you in their arms again no matter how far and exhausting it can be just to get to where you are.

4. They don’t make promises they can’t keep.

Because they know how heartbreaking it is to hope for something and just be disappointed in the end. Long-distance relationships can be emotionally exhausting for couples. In other words, feelings of disappointments, anxieties and heartbreaks are two or three times more taxing and more hurtful. Broken promises can do a lot of damage and can even cause your significant other to doubt your commitments.

5. They don’t entertain unproductive and unhealthy arguments.

Just like what was mentioned earlier, being in a long-distance relationship subjects you to a magnified and intensified way of feeling and perceiving emotions. That is why it’s very important to never entertain unnecessary thoughts and emotions that will only lead to terrible fights and unhealthy arguments. Instead of nurturing hate and anger, try to focus on the good side of longing and love.

Signs of True Love in a Long Distance Relationship
Photo by Kaboompics

6. They let you live a happy and independent life.

They will never keep you from living a happy and independent life. Their absence and the commitment that you have with each other won’t serve as a prison, a cage that will hinder you from enjoying life beyond your relationship.  They understand that your world does not revolve around them and they would gladly support you in everything that will make you feel happy.

7. You both have your own independent goals.

You know that it’s real love when you feel confident to focus on your personal and professional goals without worrying about whether you’re putting enough time and effort into your relationship or not. In other words, you don’t have to focus on one aspect of your life all the time because both of you know how important it is to move forward and work on your dreams.

You don’t let the loneliness of being away from the person you love to cripple your chances of becoming successful professionally.

8. They trust you, period.

They know that they don’t have to worry about where you are or who you are with because they fully and genuinely trust you not only as a person capable of protecting herself but also as a partner who won’t easily give in to temptations.

More often than not, thoughts of doubt and distrust are the main reasons why couples in a long-distance relationship don’t make it. Someone who truly loves and wants you will always choose trust over suspicions.

9. They express their love even at the most unexpected moments.

And it doesn’t have to be in words but in the most unexpected things and gestures. They know they’re miles away from you but they will do anything just to make you feel like they never left. They’ll always be there for you and even if they can’t always talk to you, they’ll make sure you’re reminded every day that you are loved, that someone out there appreciates your existence.

Signs of True Love in a Long Distance Relationship
Photo by StockSnap

10. They respect and believe in the decisions you made without them.

They understand that they can’t be there all the time to give their thoughts on the big and small decisions that you have to make. That’s why even if sometimes they don’t understand why you chose some actions over the other in their absence, they will respect it. They will trust your own judgment and rely on your experience to handle matters on your own.

11. They look forward to a better and happier future with you.

Last but not the least, you know that you are deeply loved and cherished if you are a part of their future. Couples who think and consider long-term goals together are rare given the modern dating behavior of today’s generation who focus more on the present and short-term benefits of being in a relationship.

Finding true love even in the most challenging stages of life is one of the most beautiful things that can happen to anyone. Couples who are willing enough to both endure and nurture their relationship regardless of time and distance are the ones who can make it in the end.

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Gift ideas to strengthen your true love:


22 Signs of True Love in a Relationship

10 Inspiring Tips for a Successful Long Distance Relationship

8 Signs that You’re Ready for a Long Distance Relationship

18 Real Signs of True Love from a Woman


Charm is a writer and a student. She is currently completing her Graduate Degree in Language Studies while refining her creativity and related skills through the visual arts: drawing and painting.
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September 7, 2021 5:57 am

This is so hard for me right now, I am writing this with so much burden in my heart, I hope I am not dead by the time someone who knows me reads this.
So apparently, I have been married for 7 years with 2 beautiful kids , (I had two miscarriages before my first child) , Honestly he was there for me through out my miscarriage and he made sure I was fine.
Three years ago he lost his job and that put a lot of responsibilities on me, I had to give him money every month, pay for literally everything, sometimes I put money in his card when we out so he can pay. I just wanted to make sure he was ok cause I loved him so much. In 2020 I had an accident and I lost my legs so I had to start using wheelchair, this was when everything changed . I noticed he stated acting strange and keeping late nights, when I asked where he was coming from , he would give me stupid excuses. This went on and I could not take it, so I reached out to a professional investigator blonde_hacker_ on insta, gram who helped me gained access to his phone without his knowledge and I found out he was cheating with my sister , to crown it all , she is pregnant for him , right now I am sitting and thinking if I came to this life to suffer. I do not know what to do, I have not told him that I have evidence he is cheating , what should I do ?

Reply to  ANNA
September 11, 2021 5:36 am

Hey Anna,
Well first of all YOU ARE A VERY STRONG WOMEN, I mean miscarriage twice…that just hurts mannn but still you went through that phase. RESPECT.
About your husband who is cheating on you with your sister(question: Is she really your sister? LIKE WTF SHES BUSY WITH YO HUSBAND, shows how much she respects you :)) There are certain things you could do:

  1. Talk to someone you trust, or see if his friends (if they are not like him) could help you out.
  2. You could have your back ups like I mean a couple of people you trust and show your husband that he cheated in front of them, just in case you need them for support(drama alert).
  3. You could give him the taste of his own medicine. Just be like him for a week, stay out and give him stupid excuses and pretend youre cheating on him, and if he really loves you he might apolozise and confess on his own.
  4. Give him nonstop heads, like tie him up and ask him if he’s cheating while he’s moaning cos you know psychology works here.

And no you didn’t come in his life to suffer, its just that you can’t trust no one these days (my guy said he loved me, dumped me :)) And you know if things get worse, just think of the time when he lost his job and was completely dependent on you, again shows how stronger you are and he’s nothing in front of you.
I hope I helped you. <33

Kathleen Wages
Kathleen Wages
February 15, 2021 2:21 pm

I’m not sure if this will be answered, but I’m losing my mind. I’m 19 and in a long distance relationship. My boyfriend is in college right now and I’m about to go into the Air Force. The problem I’ve had with him is that he doesn’t engage with me. I understand that he has classes and baseball practice but literally go the whole day without a text or call, but when I call he’s always on the game. He will be gaming with his friends EVERYDAY, and not talk to me or listen to me. I’ve brought the issue up before and then he turns it on me, so then we are back to square one of him not engaging with me. When he interacts with his friends he’s upbeat and joyful but with me he is monotone and lifeless. I know he says he love me but sometimes I feel like he doesn’t. Recently the day before Valentine’s Day I wanted to watch a movie with him over the phone but he was persistent on playing his game instead, I just don’t feel like a priority or special anymore and every time I bring this up he gets upset and turns it on me. I don’t know what to do anymore.

Reply to  Kathleen Wages
March 6, 2021 7:59 am

move on, you deserve effort

Sarah Johnson
Sarah Johnson
December 19, 2020 12:02 pm

Am in a distance relationship, his my fiancee, our families are aware of the relationship, he said no sex his marriage but I mistakenly got pregnant for him when I forced him to make love to me, but he said he doesn’t need a child outside marriage, so we decided and aborted it, he said next year we will get married, Last week he called me and told me to relocate to where he is so I can be working there and stay with him or he can rent an apartment for me there, I refused that till we are married I won’t move over to his place, but I have other suitors coming too, I don’t know if he truly loves me the way his saying, please how can I know and what should I do. Thanks, Sarah.

Eliz Egan
Eliz Egan
June 21, 2020 7:05 pm

Wow! This post is very informative. Most times keeping a healthy long distance relationship is hard. But with these tips, it would help both partners know where they actually stand in the relationship.

May 21, 2020 8:55 pm

Am not so far away from my girlfriend but it’s more like a long distance relationship because we barely see each other. We mostly chat on social media.
Am finding it difficult to trust her because she still have a thing with her ex. Her ex still wants her back. Although she tells me that she doesn’t have anything to do with him anymore but how much can I trust a girl that I barely see. Sometimes when we decide to meet each other, she brings in a excuse at the last minute. I love her so much and she said she loves me too but I don’t know how much she does.
Am trying not to trust her so much because she still have a thing with her ex and sometimes I feel it that she doesn’t love me as much as I do.

Reply to  Marxel
June 5, 2020 6:09 pm

Hi Dear,

I have a long distance relationship I’m here in New York, and his from London we really have a long distance relationship. Not only we had a 5 hours difference in our time. But he managed to send me a message every day. When I am awake me and him will talk and like 2 to 3 hours sometimes 2 hours because he needs to go to work. And I am very understanding girlfriend of him. We really love each other so much. We are happy every time we exchange message to each other. But sometimes when he will say my love I need to go it really drive me crazy. But when his done of his work he will message me that his done and his home. So we start talking to each other. I a lot of people say that long distance relationship is not easy and I agree on that 100% but now we trust each other me and him we had peace. He always mention to me I love you so much I miss you so much and both saying they same words to each other. But still I need your advice.

Reply to  Marxel
July 14, 2020 7:08 pm

this situation is just like mine. I’ll try to give you my pov as a girl who still has a thing with the ex. the only reason she still communicates with her ex is she’s too afraid to let him go. either because he’s such a great best friend ( they clicked on various topics ) or she still likes him. idk how she broke up with her ex but you should’ve stayed alert on them. ask her why she still keeps in touch with her ex, don’t take an ‘ idk ‘ as an answer. if you think that her answer is unacceptable, be brave to told her to stay away from him. if she really loves u, she’ll listen. the point is, when discussing this, you should control your emotion no matter what so she will feel comfortable to discuss this honestly and openly.

May 7, 2020 9:21 am

I just started talking to him 3 days ago but he said i love you which is love at first sight but i dont know if i can trust him but i dont want to break him cuz its long distance and and imaging future with me but im still confused. What shall i do…

April 10, 2020 12:19 am

We have been dating with my boyfriend for 6 years, he engaged me but doesn’t talk about when he will marry me, am in a distance relationship with him, every time I ask him he always tells me not to worry and that I should just continue working on my career, I usually visit him but he often visit me, one day I found a lady’s pic on his wallpaper and he said they were just friends, sometimes I feel as if he doesn’t love me and he is with me because he just wants sex, when I feel like leaving him he always gives me a lot of reasons to stay and continue waiting, it’s also difficult for me to live without him but what can I do.

January 18, 2020 8:35 pm

If a boy tells you he loves you but because of the distance relationship you doubt, he tells you he loves you. We are like 5 hours away form each other. There is another boy who is close to you and also likes you a lot… What can you do??

Reply to  Anna
May 7, 2020 9:22 am

Go with your heart who you are like or love

November 28, 2019 4:46 pm

we started dating back in college, everything was wonderful . Now I moved back to my hometown and started working, he stays at his place in a different city, we wanted similar things earlier and now as things change, he wants different things and I’m unable to take that. I really like him but aIso i’m very confused because I dont want to hold him back or be a tie for him to pursue his dreams

Barefoot Girl
Barefoot Girl
September 13, 2019 1:30 am

I want to tell you all to quite worrying, enjoy life, and be okay with space. I’ve had a close best guy friend for almost 5 years now, we are states apart and we don’t talk everyday. And last year was the first time I’d seen him, and I’m planning a trip again sometime. But somewhere in the last few months something has shifted and our relationship feels deeper and more profound/special. But honestly we don’t communicate often, and most especially not every day. That just feels suffocating and wrong. He calls once a month or maybe a few times within a month depending on his mood. Rarely am I ever the one to call, I might text but that’s just how it works for us. Our work schedules are different, our lives revolve around different things but we remain close and we don’t worry about why he/she hasn’t answered a text, but normally a missed call does receive a call back again it’s just our way. But in the end it’s trust and intimacy and more that makes our friendship so wonderful. Live your life, laugh, be happy and do what you want to do and when they call or text, tease, laugh, smile and treasure/enjoy it. The not knowing when they are going to next call makes it fun, an adventure and much more special trust me. 🙂 If you are really focusing on the next reply then you are missing out on what makes a long distance relationship so very special. And honestly it’s not for everyone, it can be hard and it can be challenging but it also can be freeing and very beautiful too. Best of luck to you all,

Reply to  Barefoot Girl
January 23, 2020 3:37 am

Wow… I wish I can be that chill and that cool like you.

Reply to  Barefoot Girl
May 10, 2020 9:22 pm

That’s not a long distance relationship, and dosen’t help anyone. You couldn’t be very involved with each other’s life if your talking once a month. These folks are looking for acknowledgement and comfort from a special someone so they can feel loved. So yeah, I don’t think your casual angle is very factual.

Emilia Emmanuel
Emilia Emmanuel
Reply to  Barefoot Girl
February 5, 2021 11:43 pm

This is exactly what am facing in my relationship right now, we are leaving in different states , i visit him once in two months . I love him so much and my problem is he hardly call, he call once or twice in a month sometimes am so afraid if he really loves me

September 6, 2019 11:28 pm

He is in a different town ,was always sweet talking to him I love him very much buh we haven’t seen each other before I talk to his friends so does he buh he sometimes ask me to come to his place wen I agree to come den he asks me “are u in ur menstrual period” if I say yes den his mood changes buh if I say no he start talking to me about all sought of things about sex…Does he really loves me or he just want to have sex with me

July 16, 2019 5:08 am

Iam in the same situation , I am from Jamaica and she’s from Costa Rica and we both love each other deeply iam thinking about going to see her next year but the thing I cant stand is sometimes she stops replying even read and listens my voice notes and still it takes hours even when she’s online ….I trust her but sometimes these things only just helps to put awful taughts in my mind about her like ,does she really love me or is she texting other guys I just cant help it I love her so much but nothing is changing the more we talk about it…

Aimee Canlas
Aimee Canlas
June 21, 2019 9:12 am

I have a boyfriend from Pakistan for more than 1 month now. He is an Engineer. Please help me what to do because there were times that he is very sweet. When we were at our 1st or 2nd week, he used to video call me often. He is still sweet. But as days goes by, there are times he doesnt txt me much often like he used too. His excuses is that, he is really busy with his work. Please advised me on what to do to so he can remember to txt me more often. Its very hard to have a long distance relationship.. Hoping for your immediate response. Thank you and God bless.
Please reply soon.

Mahi sharma
Mahi sharma
Reply to  Aimee Canlas
August 8, 2020 8:18 pm

May be that he is really busy. Even u give less time to him start ignoring him than see what will happen if he give u attention than it means he is not lying to u

March 7, 2019 6:20 pm

We meet online
We fell in love and we so deeply in love he tells me this and makes me feel he love some but I am also facing the no replying in time or days.well I believe he is busy and super busy yeah he travels and gets no time to talk but like does it really happen this way?
Pls help

February 26, 2019 6:40 pm

my long distance boyfriend is inlove with me but he wont let me go because he needs me to keep pushing and to keep him alive . and also he is very overprotect so he dont let me do anything without him knowing . and he also cant reply fast all the time cause of how his life is but when he gets the chance he do and he in make sacrifices to keep me happy like quitting his job , leaving a gang, and more like he tells me all the time he need me and he is only nice to me because i was the only person in his life that has ever been nice to him and loved him unconditionally he lost his mother , his dad hate him , and his sister is a f**king a**hole and his friends are snakes and ugh its hard but we make it work and when he hurt i hurt too and he will kill somebody in a heart beat about me point blank period

January 23, 2019 11:22 am

I was in relationship with a girl 15 years back. Though she was committed with someone whom she married, but she kept relationship with me knowing that I am happily married guy with children. We were in constant relationship for about 5 years and while my wife cam to know about our relationship, there were quarrel and finally we boke.

I learnt that she is now divorced after 10 years of marriage and now living independently alone in country side with small salaried job. I have again started a distant relationship with her to come close, but she is not interested. I am getting crazy to come close to her. I want to help her financially. How to proceed now. She indirectly tries to avoid me.

Can someone help me

October 3, 2018 3:46 am

I. Totally myself with him

October 3, 2018 3:43 am

I met this man 2011 up to this point we are still comunicating/together. We both lives in different countries have steady relationship with differs people we have our differences have kids wirh other people still holding on. I know I love him he said he loves me but there are times he disappear and then back but to be honest he the only one i can be myself with he makes me happy we kindo holding on he could be dad for my kid

Stanley Chigozie
Stanley Chigozie
July 22, 2018 8:53 am

What if it’s someone you never met before, how will you know the love is real

Reply to  Stanley Chigozie
November 1, 2018 9:15 pm

If he replys quickly

Mike Murphy
Mike Murphy
Reply to  Samya
January 6, 2019 2:03 am

That is true I’ve reply to my girlfriend That I’m in a long distance relationship with fast in If she’s not working Or with her home girls she Texas me back quick I love her dearly

June 17, 2018 3:05 am

Most Long distance relationships are like that …m in one too where I question myself if he does mean what he says …I got an advice from a friend that I must trust n believe coz it’s all abt trust…n besides I must continue with what I do n focus on myself n my goals n just enjoy the rship …if it was meant to be it shall be …so I suggest you stop having doubts n chase ur goals .

May 21, 2018 1:17 am

I kinda have the same problem.. like this person ignores my Snapchats part from some… but they admitted on an app that he said to everyone he does open them but too tired to reply… so I belive in my situation it’s real love … however in yours it’s tricky cause it sounds like your bf/gf doesn’t want you.. probs using you for stuff and to say they have someone..

April 8, 2018 1:24 pm

i wanted to know what if you and your partner are kind of dating but not really , like you say i love you, baby, you are my life etc etc. ( oh btw its a long distance kind of relationship ) and you are unsure if they mean it or not when you do.
also, what if they sometimes just ignore your messages which need a reply but they then make up for it and tell you they love you.
what do do??

Reply to  unknownlover
November 4, 2018 4:45 am

Wow unknownlover, you are really in a piclke. I would say to read more of these articles to see if he fits the bill. Saying “i love you” means nothing girl. Get him to send you stuff, amen goodnight

Reply to  Joshiah
August 27, 2020 1:50 pm

I love you means everything I dont need my girlfriend to buy my love for me 😒

Mike Murphy
Mike Murphy
Reply to  unknownlover
January 6, 2019 1:58 am

I usually will ask her the question over again until she answers it that’s how I get a answer If she keeps a in one thing I keep bringing up what I want her to answer I been in a long distance relationship for 2 months now I really love her she really loves me we never met each other we have each other’s pictures I talk to her mom Her mom is in good spirits about us I’d like to go see her on Valentine’s Day hopefully it happens because I really want to be with her I love her Dearly , So to try to get an answer to a question you’re trying to ask your partner Ask them the question over again until they answer it that works for me it should work for you I hope everything works out for you

Reply to  unknownlover
October 14, 2019 3:43 pm

Ask them! If they really do love you, they probably will be more than happy to have a conversation about where you two are.

Maia Garrett
Maia Garrett
Reply to  unknownlover
March 5, 2020 6:34 pm

I’m in a long distance relationship with my boyfriend, how should i act in this distance relationship?

Reply to  Maia Garrett
October 12, 2020 2:12 pm

Just don’t make him feel alone and try to constantly boost him up by saying positive things 😬👍🏾