
planet tat hu neet Mam hu mi̱ di̱ Si̱stem Mam ji

Swanta (a̱lama: 🜨) hwa yet pi̱lanet tat kyiak neet Mam hu, a̱wot ku si̱ yet a̱ngga kyai tswazwa a̱nyin a̱ byia̱ nkyang nswuan a̱ni. Shimba, á̱ mbyia̱ a̱ca̱cet nvam a̱sa̱khwot koji mi̱ Si̱stem Mam ji, Swanta hu hwa ma̱nyin nhu saai a̱ra̱ra̱k a̱sa̱khwot ma̱ a̱tai a̱byin nhu ka mi̱ Si̱stem Mam ji a̱mgba̱m. Kpa̱mkpaan ma̱ng %71 a̱tai Swanta ka yet kyai a̱sa̱khwot hwa, a̱taan a̱gi̱gak a̱za ma̱ng a̱tak Swanta ka̱ bwuak tyei swon a̱ni, a̱ca̱cet jok, ma̱ng a̱ka̱ghyui. Kap %29 a̱tai Swanta hu yet a̱byin kya ka̱ byia̱ nvam-a̱byin ma̱ng bibyin a̱ka̱wa̱tyia̱ a̱sa̱khwot a̱ni. Ngwat tektonik na na̱ shyei ma̱shonshyon a̱nshyon a̱ni, ni̱nia si̱ mat wat a̱tai Swanta hu, na̱ si̱ byia̱ a̱meang ma̱ng a̱ka̱fan, a̱ka̱fan ndong, ma̱ng a̱tyiri̱m a̱byin. A̱ra̱ra̱k a̱cyian nta wu wa ghwut ma̱ng kyai magi̱net ku mat a̱kungkurung-magi̱net Swanta hu, si̱ ku vwuong Swanta hu a̱ka̱tuk ngwun mam wu.

terrestrial planet, inner planet of the Solar System, narrative location
Yet kap Earth-Moon system, inner Solar System Jhyuk
Kpaat 4540 million years BCE Jhyuk
Name in kana ちきゅう Jhyuk
Á̱ ku nwuak a̱lyoot soil, land, ball Jhyuk
A̱vwuo inner Solar System, circumstellar habitable zone, Milky Way, Local Group Jhyuk
Coordinates of easternmost point no value Jhyuk
Coordinates of northernmost point 90°0′0″N 0°0′0″E Jhyuk
Coordinates of southernmost point 90°0′0″S 0°0′0″E Jhyuk
Coordinates of westernmost point no value Jhyuk
Highest point Mount Everest Jhyuk
Lowest point Challenger Deep Jhyuk
A̱tyubwoi no value Jhyuk
Catalog code 806.4616.0110 Jhyuk
Á̱ fang ma̱ Earth science, geology, geophysics, planetary science Jhyuk
Parent astronomical body Mam Jhyuk
Type of orbit heliocentric orbit Jhyuk
Dissolved, abolished or demolished date unknown value Jhyuk
Hashtag Earth Jhyuk
Tyiang a̱toot shi flag of the Earth Jhyuk
Geography of topic world geography Jhyuk
Byia̱ za̱kwa mass of the Earth, Earth's magnetic field, planetary habitability, geologic activity Jhyuk
Nkhang human history, history of Earth, geological history of Earth Jhyuk
Manifestation of open system Jhyuk
Notation Earth symbol Jhyuk
Shape geoid Jhyuk
Epoch J2000.0 Jhyuk
Demographics of topic  Jhyuk
WordLift URL http://data.thenextweb.com/tnw/entity/earth Jhyuk
Stack Exchange tag https://astronomy.stackexchange.com/tags/earth, https://physics.stackexchange.com/tags/earth Jhyuk
Unicode character 🜨,  Jhyuk
Yet a̱fi̱p kyai tswazwa Jhyuk

Ya̱fang jhyuk