Being a smart WIFE…!!!

5 min read Dec 28, 2016

The power behind every great man is a smart WIFE!!

There are lot of qualities a guy tends to look at in a Woman. Also, there are many qualities to make you to be called as a smart Woman. Anybody can become a smart Woman. But how about being a smart WIFE? Only your husband knows it and can identify that particular genre in you. Here are few tips or suggestions if you want to be identified as a smart WIFE.

Nick of Time:

A smart WIFE finds time for everything. She watches Television, she listens to Music, she dances and she can sing, she sleeps enough, still her chores are all promptly done and never pending.

Tip: Create your daily calendar and stick to the timings. Strictly, no snoozing!


You need to look clean all the time to look smart. Dirty, shabby, uncombed hair are all opposites of being smart. You need to also keep your home and office neat and tidy. You do it or make your maid do it (or maybe hubby), it really doesn’t matter. It need to be clean if you need to fall into the “smart” category.

Tip: Buy less clothes :P

How to Cook your life:

A smart WIFE cooks for her family. She eats to keep herself happy. She cooks for her family because she cares about their health. She learns from her experiences to cook better. She takes criticism and convert them into suggestions.

The Way to a Man’s Heart is Through His Stomach!!!

She explores new dishes to impress her family. She cooks to satisfy her husband.

Tip: Follow my blogs right here. I will be posting quick recipes soon.

The Game Plan:

What was your favorite game when you were 16? Do you still play them? Do you remember the rules? Have you tried playing them in your real life? You don’r give up until you win. You feel bad for losing but it never discourages you. You try hard and better to win the next time. It’s okay even if the tournament comes after 4 years. You still prepare for it. You stick to the rules and you play fair. You win, you try to win more.

Tip: Life is a game, just smash it!


If you are looking for some content under this topic, then you seriously need help. Only you should be able to understand what your husband feels. There is no dictionary our there. A smart WIFE always understands even before something is said.

Tip: There might not be a dictionary, but there is definitely spell check

Spell Check:If you gossip, you are the first one to be one off the smart list. Naah, husbands love gossiping. Especially, when you share that one secret about your friend with them. A smart WIFE shares everything with her husband but nothing with others. But, make sure your spell check is ON.

Tip: Avoid gossiping about others and try gossiping about yourself. This increases intimacy and is definitely worth a good laugh together.

The Money Train:

Earn better than him — you can hear this from everyone. You need to get a better job. You need to be respected by the society. You need to buy the best clothes displayed from the branded shop and tell your family proudly that worked worked whole night to buy it. You need to stand on your own feet and remove the word “dependable” from the dictionary. And there are websites and blog tipping on how to earn more than your husband or double his salary. You really need to show him that you can do better than him. Did anyone tell you anything different? If Yes, trust me, they are your best friends! You need to work harder and better. But not to earn more than him but to support him better. Can you imagine the stress you might undergo if you had the whole family’s burden on one’s shoulder alone? If Women are know to be the strongest, why not carry some extra weight? Yes, you work a lot, you take care of lot of things, but, why not do little more in terms on money also? Yes, a smart woman knows that he husband needs support.

Tip: Do you have a piggy bank at home? — Its yours or his?


Smile, for you are the sunshine of his life!!

I am a smart WIFE, are you?
Tip: Even if you are not a smart WIFE, believe or at least pretend to be one! Dear husbands,

Are you reading this expecting to turn your wife into a smart piece? Try helping them become one than expecting a magic overnight!!

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