Gentleman, have you considered waxing & threading to remove excess facial hair on your cheeks? Well if you haven’t, you should. It’s the only method (apart from costly laser hair removal) that will allow to wait longer in between shaving.

The benefits of sugar waxing and threading can last anywhere from 1 week to 4 weeks for most men, which will ultimately reduce the number of times you shave in between in order to maintain your line up.

Here are our top 5 reasons why we think you should skip the blade next time and opt for waxing or threading:

#1 Facial hair grows back thinner and less course:

It’s a complete myth when people say that waxing makes hair grow back thicker. In fact, with consistent waxing, facial hair will actually gradually grow back less course and lighter in appearance. Also, because hair follicles can grow back at different speeds, you will notice less and more sporadic hair growth than when you shave.

#2 Great way to exfoliate your skin

When you wax, the wax sticks to the top layer of your skin where most dead skin cells collect. Once you rip off the wax strip it not only removes the hair but you will notice that the skin underneath is also fresh and clean. (Note: Gentleman who fake tan and use color cosmetics, waxing and threading will remove any product you have on your face.)

Now, depending on your skin sensitivity, you may want to opt for a wax that is better suited for sensitive skin types to reduce redness, bumps or irritation. Consult with your local esthetician or wax supplier and they can provide you recommendations on the type of wax that will work better for you.

Also, another tip when going in to get your beard waxed or threaded, is to ensure that you come with a completely clean and freshly washed face. You don’t want bacteria or environmental pollution that has been sitting on your face all day to enter your pores (this also applies if you shave regularly). Once you have finished waxing/shaving, follow up with applying an ice pack to your face to immediately close the pores and reduce any redness.

#3: Precision

Shaving can get really tricky, especially when trying to shave on top of a curve or bone structure. Waxing introduces more control and precision. You can tell your esthetician exactly where you want the hair removed and they’ll be able to ensure that you have the cleanest line-up. Guaranteed when you leave the barber, you’ll be far more satisfied with the results.

#4 More time to sleep in!

The greatest benefit of waxing and threading is the fact that you can now catch up on some z’s. After waxing and threading your facial hair, it can take anywhere from 1 to 4 weeks for some individuals to see new hair growth.

#5 Cheaper and more environmentally friendly.

As a result of facial hair growing back slower, you will ultimately save money on repurchasing razor blades and shaving cream! Yup, you wallet just got that much heavier!

Now fellas, we understand that some of you may be uncomfortable getting this treatment done. Not to fret, you can even do this yourself! We do however suggest you heading to a local barber that offers waxing and threading services the first couple of times you try this out. Learn the techniques they use and then go out and purchase your own wax kit for your home.

Let us know below if you’ve tried out either of these beard grooming techniques.

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