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iPhone Users Watch More Video… and are Older than You Think | Nielsen Wire

iPhone Users Watch More Video… and are Older than You Think

Upon Apple’s announcement of a new iPhone - the iPhone 3G S, slated to be available June 19 - Nielsen takes a look at iPhone insights on its users and usage.

  • As of April 2009, Nielsen estimates that there are 6.4 million active iPhone users in the U.S., up from 2.1 million a year prior. The most impactful iPhone announcement this week may be the price reduction of $99 for the 8 GB version: cost has been one factor (in addition to AT&T exclusivity) that’s kept the overall iPhone audience modestly sized.
  • 37% watch video on their phone (6x as likely as the typical subscriber)
  • The iPhone audience is age-diverse: a device this powerful isn’t just for kids. There are roughly as many iPhone users 55 and older as there are 13-24.

  • iPhone users look good to mobile marketers. Forty-percent have household incomes of $100K or more – twice the ratio among all subscribers (19%). That income may also be helpful for current iPhone owners who want to upgrade: in-contract iPhone owners may have to pay an additional $200 to upgrade before their contract expires.
  • It’s not just for looks. 98% of iPhone users use the data features of their phone, services that should improve with the enhanced speed promised by the iPhone 3G S.
  • 88% use the Internet (making them 4x as likely as the typical subscriber)
  • 75% download apps (5x as likely as the typical subscriber)
  • 72% used location based services (7x as likely as the typical subscriber)

Apple’s announcement came on the heels of the release of the latest so-called “iPhone killer” the Palm Pre smartphone. However, iPhone buzz continues to dominate the blogosphere.

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2 Responses

  1. Nikkei 225 said @ June 11th, 2009 at 10:01 am

    I’am not surprised that the iPhone isn’t a kids phone as its simply too expensive. By the way the price reduction on the iPhone is only for new customers, existing customers are excluded from this deal, not a smart move I believe, how many will defect to the competition?

  2. Andrew Golis » Blog Archive » links for 2009-06-11 said @ June 11th, 2009 at 5:03 pm

    [...] iPhone Users Watch More Video… and are Older than You Think | Nielsen Wire Good data. (tags: iphone metrics statistics mobile video age nielsen) [...]

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