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Seniors and Diabetes

According to the American Diabetes Association, approximately 18.3% (8.6 million) of Americans age 60 and older have diabetes. The prevalence of the disease increases with age; an estimated 50% of all diabetes happens in those aged 55 and older. The risk of developing type 2 diabetes also increases with age.

Seniors face unique diabetes management challenges. For those with type 2 diabetes, age causes a decline in insulin production and an increase in glucose intolerance. Older Americans are also more likely to have complicating conditions such as retinopathy, hypertension, and kidney problems.

Other environmental and physical issues that may impact diabetes care for older Americans include:

  • Economic Barriers. Seniors on a fixed income may skimp on appropriate diabetes care, medications, and proper nutrition.

  • Transportation. Seniors who can no longer drive may have difficulty getting to medical appointments and keeping up with appropriate diabetes preventative care.

  • Mobility. Conditions such as arthritis that are more prevalent with age can keep older adults from regular exercise. By age 75, approximately one in three men and half of all women are physically inactive.

  • Isolation. Seniors may lack an adequate peer or family network for emotional and social support. They may be more apt to suffer from depression.

There are solutions. For those who don’t have access to public transportation due to location or physical limitations, community-sponsored senior transportation may be available at little to no charge; check with your municipality to find out more. Your local senior center may also provide transportation, as well as meal service.

Reviewed by Francine Kaufman, MD. 4/08

Last Modified Date: February 18, 2010

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