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Second polar bear killed in Iceland

Second polar bear killed in IcelandA second polar bear, which was found roaming in Northern Iceland yesterday, has been shot. Stefan Vagn Stefansson, police chief from Saudarkrokur, said the polar bear had bolted towards the sea and they were left with “no choice but to shoot it”, reports

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The polar bear is reported to be an adult female. It is the second sighting of a polar bear in Iceland in a month and follows the shooting of an adult male in the same area on June 3rd.

More reports to follow.

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31 Responses to “Second polar bear killed in Iceland”

  1. phaenomen says:

    Total idiots. Second one in a row. Shame!

  2. F Sutton says:

    If it was heading back to the ocean, why didn’t they have it followed by boat and sedated then removed?

    Where is Iceland’s conscience? Stop killing these bears, it’s barbaric!

    You people are incredible.

  3. Moondog says:

    KILL KILL KILL!!!!! Drug some meat drop it for the bear and when its in Loll loll land. Scoop it up and give it a ride home. So what if it was heading for the water were they afraid it would drown so they shot it? lol

  4. Frikkie Eksteen says:

    What is wrong with you people? It’s a relief you don’t have any rain forests to protect. But then again, you used to have forests. No thinking, no learning.

  5. arieh says:

    Se les esta acabando su habitad natural y cuando buscan refugio en otro lado y se pierden y llegan a esas costas LOS MATAN!!!… La estupidez humana no tiene limite. TOTAL IDIOTS.

  6. arieh says:

    Stefan Vagn Stefansson YOU ARE AN IDIOT!!…

  7. Sara Augland says:

    I have never heard of anything more disturbing than this polar bear thing. There are poorer 3rd world countries that have better nature conservation and awareness than Iceland!

  8. Sergio says:

    I hope there’s a “Happening” in Iceland soon. You truly deserve it, SoB!!

  9. Stefan V Stefanson says:

    Please visit the beautiful community of saudakrokur for once in a lifetime polar bear buffet. T shirts only 2000 isk (17 us dollars aprox) For further information regarding saudarkrokur visit:

  10. Jo Stott says:

    I’m disgusted. How can it be justified to kill the bear when it was running away back to the sea? This is a senseless killing of an innocent animal that mireaculously survived a 300 kilometre journey. It probably hadn’t eaten for months when it came to shore and from the pictures it looks to be a juvenile. Bitterly sad and disappointed about this. Can’t Iceland get its act together? The world is watching you know.

  11. Páll says:

    The bear would have never survived the trip from Iceland to Greenland, it was weak and woundede, it was only 147 kg. It was better for the animal to be killed instantly than to have to suffer for hours before it died. Iceland great nature conservation and awareness, don’t talk about something you don’t know anything about. We have the cleanest air in the world, the cleanest water and clean energy too, no nuclear plants or oil-rigs.

    Those who think that shooting two polar-bears is the end of the world should go visit Greenland who have permission to shoot 50 bears every year.
    How many bears die every year because of global warming? We were just protecting our selfs, these animals are deadly and do not share the simpathy for lifes like we do.

  12. Teddy bear says:

    And I thought pollution and global warming AKA shit from the US, UK and developed countries carried to the arctic with ocean currents and the air was the main reason that the polar bear is endangered. After reading the comments above I know that I have been completely wrong. They are all innocent. It’s the damn Icelanders after all who are the guilty ones!!

    I actually have a theory that the Icelanders are using their geothermal energy to secretly melt the arctic ice to completely eliminate the polar bear. BASTARDS!! I’m so ANGRY!!

    Let’s kill all the DAMN ICELANDERS …argghhhh!!! KILL KILL KILLL KILLL

  13. matt says:

    The police men who shot it should of shot its paw or something that way it wouldn’t of been killed. well there’s another endangered animal gone.

  14. adam says:

    is eating polar bear illegal because that looks like a mighty fine dinner for us red necks. What happend to the polar bear.

  15. adam says:

    Why did you have to kill it you could have locked up and made it kill itself.

  16. said says:

    i reckon the police man should be shot ad se if he likes it

  17. ashtone says:

    is the policeman of iceland idiot?
    they don’t have an anesthetic-gun at all?
    what the poor animal….

  18. Kristjan says:

    F Sutton said: “If it was heading back to the ocean, why didn’t they have it followed by boat and sedated then removed?”

    Uh what do you think will happen if you sedate a swimming polar bear? … It will drown.

  19. Sheri says:

    Let’s see, where’s the last place on earth I’d go right now to spend my vacation $. Oh yeh, Iceland, where they shoot their endangered wildlife on sight. I remember the ads not long ago about the beautiful natural surroundings and the cosmopolitan city. But they don’t mention the philistines who go around shooting polar bears instead of keeping people away from the area until they can dart it. How pathetic.

  20. Math says:

    Well, talking and trying to make those poeple understand is a waste of time.

    Sooo. I remembered people that tryed to pass the same message… Only the first 5:30 min should be enough to get it:

    Sorry it is not a Youtube video… The bandwith is crappy but it is well worth it.

    Remember you uneducated rednecks… You need to scream out loud “It’s comming right for us!” before shooting the endangered species.

    I hope you all enjoy my sarcasm.

  21. BsEAnTLES says:

    “Icelandics will say that they are nature lovers” ? It is really a shame. How come icelandic authorities are not prepared for rescuing wild life. Every police department should have reserved tranquilizers. According to my local source there were 3 bears killed..

  22. BsEAnTLES says:

    Icelandic authorities only love their own nature and animals. If they saw foreign animals, they will killed it…They havent yet learned that “racism” in terms of nature are totally discouraged. Long live the tribes…..

  23. BsEAnTLES says:

    Iceland considered themselves as one of the developed, rich and civilized country in europe that embraces the protection or the interest of human life,wild life and nature…They should be following the protocols of preserving wild life at its best..That image that they tried to project to the international community is hyporitic in nature…

  24. Polar Bear Mania says:

    Hey Bseantles, next time we have a polar beer in Iceland pop over and take care of it, we need your enlightened guidance. It’s great to be back in the comfort of you home and judge what happens several thousands of miles away. Also feel free to come to Iceland and hike the northern part of Iceland on the look out for polar beers, then if you find one let us know how to deal with it.

  25. polobearlover says:

    shame of iceland! murder!!!


  1. [...] Han matado al oso polar que apareció ayer en Islandia [ENG]… por sanzaru hace pocos segundos [...]

  2. [...] of its own?).  But then, just two weeks later, a second bear, a female, made it to Iceland, too ( [...]

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