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HIV Symptoms

Many people do not realise that they have HIV and some can go for some years without being symptomatic. However, most people do report initial symptoms sometime before they are diagnosed. The below HIV symptoms are the most common and could be a prompt to you to get tested.

The main symptoms of primary HIV infection are:
  • 80% - Fever
  • 68% - Malaise
  • 54% - Arthralgia
  • 54% - Loss of appetite
  • 51% - Rash
  • 49% - Myalgia
  • 46% - Fever and rash
  • 44% - Pharyngitis
  • 37% - Oral ulcers
  • 32% - Loss of more than 5.5 lbs in weight

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raTrust 27 Old Gloucester St London, WC1N 3AX, UK Charity № 1154442 Company № 08659898 National Sexual Health Helpline 0300 123 7123