Sleep Disorder

sleep disorder

Information on Sleep Disorders

A Sleep Disorder is a medical problem that occurs during sleep.

There are many types of sleep disorders. Each can interfere with health and well being. Below is a brief introduction to the many types of sleep disorders that are described in the medical literature.

Are you sleepy? Are you having a hard time falling asleep or staying asleep? Do you do ‘weird’ things in the night?

If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of these, you might be suffering from a sleep disorder, also called as somnipathy. It is a medical disorder relating to sleep and wake patterns. While there are some common disorders that usually don’t interfere with general health, there are also those that can significantly affect physical, social, emotional, economic, and mental functioning of an individual. There are many types of sleep disorders. Here, we will just touch the surface of sleep heath and sleep disorders that can cause daytime sleepiness.

Types of sleep disorders


This category of sleep disorder is characterized either by insomnia or hypersomnia. The major factors involved are environmental conditions, internal body mechanism and disruptions in the circadian rhythm. Also, it includes Sleep Disordered Breathing such as snoring, sleep apnea, restless leg, upper airway syndrome, restless leg syndrome and periodic limb movement disorder.

sleeping person 04 (3)


This category entails abnormal behaviours, movements, perceptions, dreams and emotions that are associated with sleep. Examples include bedwetting, Bruxism, explodinghead syndrome, sleep terror, sleep walking and sleep talking.

Sleep Related Breathing Disorders

…..More to come here….


Psychiatric or medical conditions

Mood disorders, anxiety, panic, depression and alcoholism are included in this category. It also involves sleeping sickness, a parasitic sleep disease which can be caused by Tsetse flies.

Rapid Eye Movement

Rapid Eye Movement is common in sleeping. Just in case you are not yet aware, REM sleep is one of the five stages in sleep. It is characterised by fast, random eye movement and eye muscle paralysis. The time spent for REM sleep usually varies depending upon the age. It is usually experienced by up to 25 percent of adult people in the whole world.  The first rem cycle usually occurs in the beginning of the sleep and last for a short period of time while the following cycle usually last a little longer. It is also common that other people are experiencing a light sleep ten to stay awake after a certain cycle.

Sleeping disorders can be caused by different factors. There are still some factors that are unidentified yet, other certain factors can be avoided as soon as the sleep disorder happened. Although some sleep disorders are not really that harmful to someone (people who are in their middle- age and elderly stage) but if triggering sleep disorders are not avoided, they may get worse.

Sleep Disorders Book

sleeping in bed

Other sleep disorders:


Insomnia (NOS) G47.00
Adjustment Insomnia F51.02
Other insomnia not due to a substance or known physiological condition F51.09
Primary insomnia F51.01
Paradoxical insomnia F51.03
Sleep Deprivation Z72.820
Insomnia Due to Medical Condition G47.01
Hypersomnia (NOS) G47.10
Hypersomnia Due to Medical Condition G47.14
Narcolepsy With Cataplexy G47.411
Narcolepsy Without Cataplexy G47.419
Recurrent Hypersomnia G47.13
Idiopathic Hypersomnia With Long Sleep Time G47.11
Idiopathic Hypersomnia Without Long Sleep Time G47.12
Primary Hypersomnia F51.11
Insufficient sleep syndrome F51.12
Other hypersomnia not due to a substance or known physiological condition F51.19
Sleep Related Breathing Disorders
Obstructive Sleep Apnea G47.33
Sleep Related Nonobstructive Alveolar Hypoventilation G47.34
Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome E66.2
Sleep Related Hypoventilation/Hypoxemia G47.36
Primary Central Sleep Apnea G47.31
Cheyne Stokes Breathing Pattern R06.3
Central Sleep Apnea/Complex Sleep Apnea G47.37
Other Sleep Apnea G47.39
Dyspnea, unspecified R06.00
Other forms of dyspnea R06.09
Periodic breathing R06.3
Snoring R06.83
Other abnormalities of breathing R06.89
Apnea, not elsewhere specified R06.81
Unspecified Sleep Apnea G47.30
Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorders (NOS) G47.20
Delayed Sleep Phase Type G47.21
Advanced Sleep Phase Type G47.22
Irregular Sleep-Wake Type G47.23
Free-Running Type G47.24
Shift Work Type (Shift Work Disorder) G47.26
Confusional Arousals G47.51
Sleepwalking F51.3
Night Terrors F51.4
REM Sleep Behavior Disorder G47.52
Recurrent Isolated Sleep Paralysis G47.53
Nightmare Disorder F51.5
Other sleep disorders not due to a substance or known physiological condition F51.8
Other parasomnia G47.59
Sleep Related Movement Disorders
Restless Legs Syndrome  RLS G25.81
ICD-10 Diagnosis Codes for Sleep

Periodic Limb Movement Disorder

Sleep Related Leg Cramps G47.62
Sleep Related Bruxism G47.63
Drug Induced Sleep Disorders
Opioid abuse with opioid-induced sleep disorder F11.182
Opioid dependence with opioid-induced sleep disorder F11.282
Opioid use, unspecified with opioid-induced sleep disorder F11.982
Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse with sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic-induced sleep disorder F13.182
Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence with sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic-induced sleep disorder F13.282
Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic use, unspecified with sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic-induced sleep disorder F13.982
Cocaine abuse with cocaine-induced sleep disorder F14.182
Cocaine dependence with cocaine-induced sleep disorder F14.282
Cocaine use, unspecified with cocaine-induced sleep disorder F14.982
Other stimulant abuse with stimulant-induced sleep disorder F15.182
Other stimulant dependence with stimulant-induced sleep disorder F15.282
Other stimulant use, unspecified with stimulant-induced sleep disorder F15.982
Other psychoactive substance abuse with psychoactive substance-induced sleep disorder F19.182
Other psychoactive substance dependence, in remission F19.21
Other psychoactive substance dependence with psychoactive substance-induced sleep disorder F19.282
Other psychoactive substance use, unspecified with psychoactive substance-induced sleep disorder F19.982
This article uses material from the Wikipedia article: 

Sleep Disorders List ICD-10 Codes Downloadable PDF

For more information on sleep disorders, follow the links above to the specific sleep disorder.

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