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Egypt's Sisi arrives in Rwanda on second leg of Africa tour

Ahram Online , Tuesday 15 Aug 2017
A screen capture of Egypt's President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi after arrival at Kigali International airport (Photo : Ahram Arabic website)
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Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi arrived in Kigali, the capital of Rwanda, on Tuesday at the start of a two-day visit.

El-Sisi was officially received by Rwandan officials at Kigali international airport. He then visited the Kigali Genocide Memorial site, where he paid his respects to the victims of the Rwanda genocide.

The Egyptian president previously visited Rwanda in July 2016 during the African Union summit in Kigali.

Rwanda is the second stop in El-Sisi's four-day African tour, which began on Monday in Tanzania, where he held talks with Tanzanian president John Magufuli.The two leaders discussed bilateral relations as well closer cooperation on economic and trade issues.

On leaving Rwanda, El-Sisi will visit Gabon and Chad.

According to the Egyptian presidential office, the visit reflects Egypt's "keenness on the continued bolstering of relations with the African continent in all fields, intensifying coordination and communication with its African brothers, as well as boosting cooperation with African countries on all levels, especially economic and trade ties."

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