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Egypt's El-Sisi to skip Obama's Africa summit

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi will not attend African summit hosted by Obama next week, US official says

AFP, Friday 1 Aug 2014
Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi
Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi (Photo: Reuters)
Views: 4924
Views: 4924

New Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi will not attend an unprecedented gathering of African leaders here next week, a US official said Thursday, after he was given a belated invitation.

Morocco's King Mohamed VI will also be a no-show at next week's gathering to be hosted by President Barack Obama, the US official said.

"The Egyptian president and the king of Morocco won't come to the summit," the official told AFP, asking not to be identified, and without specifying why.

Egypt, a key regional US ally, had initially not been on the 50-strong guest-list for the summit, because its membership of the African Union had been suspended following the ousting of elected president Mohamed Morsi.

But Cairo was re-admitted to the African Union in June and the White House issued an invitation for Egypt to attend the talks, which begin on Monday and last three days.

Only four African nations -- the Central African Republic, Eritrea, Sudan and Zimbabwe -- have not been invited.

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02-08-2014 11:58pm
good to say no!
Not long ago I believed that mr obama could have change the devil attitude the USA has, but I found him to the contrary,in Italian proverb says that il mulo parla male dell cavalo, who is he to blame the president of eritrea, Did he really mr obama know why the american peaple elect him ? not becouse he was smart, but becouse americas believe if they choose some one like him different they think they could cheat the world, we soon understand that he has no will no gut to do things like he promise when he come to if he organize to talk with the African leaders nation so what , he knew that the situation different no one is going to listen.
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01-08-2014 10:31pm
A good move...
Obamas ego needs this summit more than any African nation.
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