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The Switch has officially sold more than the PlayStation 2 in its first year

It’s no surprise that the Nintendo Switch has seen an extremely successful year since its debut on March 3. What no one predicted, however, was that it would go on to outsell the PlayStation 2 in terms of its first year’s sales numbers.

Consider how popular the PlayStation 2 was. Everyone had one. Everyone has one. Now it looks like the Switch is going to be the “it” console,” which is a significant development for Nintendo.

The Switch sold 269,684 units from Dec. 18 through Dec. 24, according to the latest data from Media Create’s sales list. This has brought the Switch’s year-to-date total sales to 3,258,083 units compared to the PlayStation 4’s 3,016,622 units in 2000. These numbers are up-to-date through Dec. 24, but it’s finally official now: the PlayStation 2 has been dethroned, with the Switch having sold an impressive amount of consoles in its first year and overtaking one of the most popular and successful consoles of all time.

This is an interesting development for Switch fans, but it doesn’t exactly come as a surprise that the console has been such a smash hit for Nintendo. With games like The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Super Mario Odyssey hitting best of 2017 lists left and right, it’s jam-packed with great games and ports of other titles that people have clamored for.

For the Switch, sales-wise, it certainly seems as though there’s nowhere to go but up from here—at least for now.