Tesla CEO Elon Musk Unveils Line of Home and Industrial Battery Packs

‘We’re talking about trying to change the fundamental energy infrastructure of the world,’ Musk says

Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk unveiled a line of home and industrial battery packs late Thursday, representing a strategic shift as his money-losing electric car company tries to break into a crowded energy storage market Photo: Bloomberg

HAWTHORNE, Calif.— Tesla Motors Inc. Chief Executive Elon Musk unveiled a line of home and industrial battery packs late Thursday, representing a strategic shift as his money-losing electric car company tries to break into a crowded energy storage market.

More than just a splashy evening party in a hangar at Tesla’s Southern California design studios, the event was the 43-year-old billionaire’s attempt to bring attention to an alternative business unit that has long been under development.

Mr. Musk says “power wall” batteries—ranging from a $3,000 7 kilowatt-hour wall-mounted unit to a $3,500 10 kwh unit—cost far less than the going rate for large-scale batteries and can be easier to install. Palo Alto, Calif.-based Tesla aims to begin delivering units by the summer from its California car factory, and later shift production to a $5 billion battery plant under construction near Reno, Nev.

Tesla also will sell massive battery blocks for industrial users and open-source the patents for the entire range, much like the company does with electric-car technology. Mr. Musk portrayed the effort as a breakthrough toward transforming energy use in favor of renewable resources.

“We’re talking about trying to change the fundamental energy infrastructure of the world,” he said during a public unveiling. “This is actually within the power of humanity to do. It is not impossible.”

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