<img src="https://web.archive.org/web/20201101115404im_/https://sb.scorecardresearch.com/p?c1=2&amp;c2=1000009&amp;c3=&amp;c4=www.engadget.com/control-hitman-3-switch-cloud-streaming-155306591.html&amp;c5=&amp;c6=&amp;c15=&amp;cv=2.0&amp;cj=1">
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20201101115404/https://www.engadget.com/control-hitman-3-switch-cloud-streaming-155306591.html

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Image credit: Remedy Entertainment

'Control' and 'Hitman 3' head to Switch via cloud streaming

You can grab "Control" right now.
Devindra Hardawar, @devindra
October 28, 2020

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Control Switch
Remedy Entertainment

Control, one of the most graphically intensive games ever to hit consoles, is available today on the Nintendo Switch thanks to cloud streaming. It marks the first time Nintendo has allowed developers to bring cloud-driven games — where the graphics are rendered remotely and streamed to your console over the web — outside of Japan. But that’s not all: Nintendo also revealed that a cloud version Hitman 3 is also headed to the Switch eventually.

Control Ultimate Edition — Cloud Version, as it’s officially called, includes the original game, its two expansions — The Foundation and AWE — as well as its Expeditions mode. The game was notoriously rough on consoles, even on the PlayStation 4 Pro and Xbox One X, and could even bring well-equipped PCs to a crawl if you flipped on ray tracing. While it costs $40 on Switch, you’ll also need to test your internet connection with a free launcher application to test your connection speed before you can play.

While we don’t have any additional information on Hitman 3’s release timing, it’ll be a notable release since it’s the first time that series has appeared on the Switch. It’ll be interesting to see how well cloud streaming works for both games, since they often demand quick player responses. Control, in particular, is a game that can get particularly hectic, and I’d imagine a hint of lag making that extra frustrating. But it certainly would be ironic if it ended up playing better on the Switch over the cloud than it did on the base PS4 and Xbox One.

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