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    Tesla develops new chip : has it finally cracked full autonomous driving?

    Elon Musk stated that this chip will be retrofitted to existing cars as well

    1y ago


    To make a car drive by itself, one needs to make the machine think like a human. That means the machine needs to replicate the nervous system of a human which implies the transfer of information through several millions of neurons in a network and Tesla has just tried a hand at that.

    Tesla has built a hardware chip that is designed to replicate the human nervous system, making autonomous driving more effective and efficient. Called the Full Self Driving Computer or FSD, the processor which has been developed in-house can perform 50 trillion operations, every second!

    Tesla's FSD

    Tesla's FSD

    Tesla founder Elon Musk stated that as no current chip was designed from scratch while possessing this artificial neural network, the company decided to design and build a software for this processor, by themselves. Previously, Tesla had Nvidia hardware installed for their autopilot systems but with this indigenous venture, the electric car firm will be replacing that with the FSD in an attempt to make the autopilot system more efficient.

    The FSD is said to have been applied in the new Model S and Model X, which were in production since March 2019 along with the most affordable sedan the company produces, the Model 3.

    If you’ve already bought a Tesla and are now mad at the manufacturer after reading this, don’t be, as the boss has already declared that the electric car company will be retrofitting the FSD into the existing cars as well.

    Further, the company claims to have started work on the next generation of this chip which is expected to be three times better than this current one. However, developing that will take a much longer time and we won’t be seeing that processor technology anytime before the next couple of years.

    Source : Electrek

    Do you think we all will be driving automated Teslas by the next decade?

    Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

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    Comments (18)

    • Thanks for the trip down memory lane. I really enjoyed seeing the dash displays from my 2013 Tesla. I miss that old display. Haven't seen it in years. Maybe see if you can get newer stock photos.

        1 year ago
      • For a good laugh read the headline displayed in the browser on the large center screen...2012.... That photo came from the Smithsonian.

          1 year ago
    • I want to know if the chip has a middle finger function and a “lean on the horn” option.. till then I don’t think the chip can act human.

        1 year ago
    • The biggest issue with Tesla is the mindset that only cameras are needed for full automation. I find this to be lacking, as cameras have issues separating objects and figuring out depth if the color is too even. For example, the Vantablack BMW would just cause the Tesla to hit it, as it would confuse the system too much. The same thing has happened when a white lorry is ahead. Having a second sensor, such as a radar or Ladar would assist in this, and is why most other companies use both.

      Sure, it is cool that they now have their own chip, and even better that it is custom made for their AI, but it isn't going to help avoid other cars that much.

        1 year ago
      • you're exactly right about the photogrammetric effect of the white wall, or monochromatic colored surfaces, but you might look at polarised photogrammetric tools that are very good at providing surface effects that can produce...

        Read more
          1 year ago
      • Humans drive cars with only cameras(eyeballs). And the human cameras(eyeballs) only see in one direction at a time and only a very limited range of wavelengths. How does a human do this? The answer is really really good image recognition...

        Read more
          1 year ago
    • The Tesla insurance is the telling sign. FSD is just around the corner.

        1 year ago
    • By 2030? Certainly, more likely within 5 years.

        1 year ago


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