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Getting the bugs out : the rise, fall, and comeback of Volkswagen in America Preview this item
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Getting the bugs out : the rise, fall, and comeback of Volkswagen in America

Author: David Kiley
Publisher: New York : Wiley, 2002.
Edition/Format:   eBook : Document : EnglishView all editions and formats
"For almost three decades, Volkswagen's ride has been on a wild track of many ups and downs. In between the heyday of the Beetle's popularity in the 1960s and the unveiling of the New Beetle in the 1990s, the beloved automaker lost its focus and suffered more than its share of near misses and total catastrophes. Poor decisions and banal advertising campaigns seemed to have stalled Volkswagen's growth for good. And  Read more...

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Genre/Form: Electronic books
Additional Physical Format: Print version:
Kiley, David.
Getting the bugs out.
New York : Wiley, 2002
(DLC) 2001046543
Material Type: Document, Internet resource
Document Type: Internet Resource, Computer File
All Authors / Contributors: David Kiley
ISBN: 0471225983 9780471225980 1280342447 9781280342448
OCLC Number: 50785364
Description: 1 online resource (xvii, 302 pages, 8 unnumbered pages of plates)
Contents: Getting the Bugs Out Contents Acknowledgments Introduction 1 The Unveiling 2 Sins of the Fathers 3 The Rise 4 The Magic 5 The Wall 6 The German Patient 7 The Pitch 8 The Recovery 9 The Prince.
Responsibility: David Kiley.


This is the informative story of the rise, fall, and re-birth of Volkswagen - both the company and the car. It explains how VW lost its focus for decades and then regained it through a better  Read more...


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The story of how a rigid German automaker stormed the American market with its lovable Beetle, virtually disappeared, then came roaring back is told here by USA Today's Detroit bureau chief. Part Read more...

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