Ayten Amer picks title for upcoming movie after enlisting help from fans

Published July 14th, 2016 - 07:45 GMT
Ayten will come back to our movie theaters after a year-long absence. (2fshat.blogspot.com)
Ayten will come back to our movie theaters after a year-long absence. (2fshat.blogspot.com)

After enlisting the help of her fans to come up with a title for her upcoming film, Egyptian actress Ayten Amer has now settled down one.

After hundreds of people sent in title suggestions, between the funny, silly and serious, Ayten ended up going with a title suggested by scenarist Mohammed Amin Radi.

"Ya t'addi, Ya T-haddi" (Overtake or Slow Down) is the chosen title for Ayten's new film about driving lessons.

The movie will mark the 29-year-old's return to cinema after taking maternity leave to spend some quality time with her first newborn, Ayten.

"El Leila El Kibeerah" (The Big Night) was the last movie Ayten starred in before giving birth to her daughter.


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