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    4.0 GPA Colleges

    An unweighted 4.0 GPA means a student earned all A's (or close to all A's) their high school classes. A grade point average of 4.0 is the best unweighted grade point average a student can get! If you have a 4.0 GPA, you earned higher grades in high school than the vast majority of students.

    The best colleges in the country accept students with 4.0 GPAs, including ivy leagues like Harvard and Yale and the group of prestigious liberal arts sometimes called the "Little Ivies," which include Williams and Amherst.

    Other top colleges that admit students with an average GPA of 4.0 include Kenyon in Ohio, UNC Chapel Hill in North Carolina, and Clemson in South Carolina.

    Scroll down to see a full list of colleges for a GPA of 4.0. If you see a school that looks like a good fit for you, click the heart to save it to your own personal college list.

    Remember, GPA is only one of the things that colleges look at. Test scores, recommendations, essays and activities also play a role in determining which schools make sense to apply to.

    From the Forums:

    What are the chances that a student from Maryland with a 4.0 GPA will get into Carnegie Mellon or Georgetown?

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