Report That Something Isn’t Working on Facebook.

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This process is for reporting something on Facebook that isn't working correctly, like a broken feature or a payment issue. If you're having other issues, such as trouble logging into your account or if you think you've been hacked, learn more about what steps you can take. You can also learn about what to do if you want to report content on Facebook, such as Pages, profiles, posts or ads.
Reports from people on Facebook help us identify and fix problems when something's not working correctly. Giving details (example: adding a screenshot and description) helps us find the problem. Reporting issues when they happen helps make Facebook better, and we appreciate the time it takes to give us this information.
Report that something isn't working on Facebook
  1. Log into Facebook on a computer.
  2. Click your profile picture in the top right of Facebook.
  3. Select Help & support, then select Report a problem and follow the on-screen instructions.

Report something else or fix a different issue
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