About verified Pages and profiles

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Some verified accounts are owned by a notable person, brand, or entity, while others are subscribed to Meta Verified.
  • Verified badges mean an account has been verified based on their activity across our products and information or documents they provide.
  • Meta Verified is a paid monthly subscription that comes with features like the verified badge, account support, impersonation protection, and more.
If you already have an existing verified badge based on prior requirements, you can still subscribe to Meta Verified.
The verified badge means an account has been verified based on their activity across our products and information or documents they provide.
A Facebook Page or profile with a verified badge next to it now indicates that Facebook has confirmed that it is the authentic presence for that person or brand. Previously, the verified badge also required the person or brand to be notable and unique. You may still see users with a verified badge that represents our previous eligibility requirements.
The verified badge is a tool to help people find people and brands' real Pages and profiles. If a Page or profile has the verified badge, we've confirmed that it represents who it says it does. If the badge isn't there, it may not be the real Page or profile. Posts, stories and other content from verified Pages and profiles aren’t verified by Facebook. We don’t use the verified badge to endorse or recognize individuals, public figures or brands.
A verified Page or profile cannot transfer ownership or modify its purpose. Edits such as name, category and bio updates are reviewed before they're posted. Ownership transfers and significant changes may be grounds for badge removal.
Learn more about how Pages or profiles are verified. If you already have a notable profile and an existing verified badge, you can still apply for a Meta Verified subscription. Learn more about Meta Verified subscriptions.
As we test and learn, there will be no immediate changes to accounts on Facebook that are already verified based on prior requirements.
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