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How China's Growing Deserts Are Choking The Country

Updated Sep 19, 2017, 12:30am EDT
This article is more than 6 years old.

The Gobi Desert blankets nearly 500,000 miles of northern China and southern Mongolia in dry, arid land. Cutting between the two countries and traditionally providing cover for the northern “barbarians”—what imperial China called the fast-moving Mongolian nomads who periodically attacked the empire—the Gobi has always been a headache for Chinese rulers. And yet while the government no longer fears invaders cutting through the desert and attacking Beijing, the rapid desertification of China’s northern regions poses an acute risk to the country and its people.

Defending Against The Desert

The Gobi is the fastest growing desert on Earth, transforming nearly 2,250 miles of grassland per year into inhospitable wasteland. This expansion eats away at space that was once fit for agriculture and creates unbridled sandstorms that batter cities near the edge of the desert. In May, one such storm enveloped 1 million square miles of northern China in dust. Combining with Beijing’s industrial pollution, the city’s air quality index shot to a peak of 621, a rating classified as “beyond index.” For context, levels above 200 are ranked by the United States embassy as “very unhealthy,” while readings between 301 to 500 are labeled “hazardous.”

Desertification is a type of land degradation whereby previously fertile soil is transformed into arid land. Effectively, it is the process of areas turning into deserts, and the causes are both man-made and climate-induced. China’s frenzied developmental campaigns in the 20th-century ravaged the country’s timber resources and this deforestation along with overgrazing, wind erosion, and depletion of water resources accelerated desertification in the latter half of the century.

The Great Green Wall

Most alarmingly, the encroaching desert shows little sign of slowing. Since 1978, the Chinese government has initiated a project called the Three-North Shelter Forest Program—better known as the Great Green Wall—which aims to halt the creeping Gobi by constructing a 2,800-mile wall of trees to block its path. Up until now, more than 66 billion trees have been planted, creating the largest artificial forest in the world, but experts are skeptical whether this afforestation project has been successful. Although the desert’s expansion has been slowed in certain areas, it continues unaffected in others.

More on Forbes: China's Most Infamous 'Ghost City' Is Rising From The Desert

Introducing thirsty, non-native trees to northern China as part of the project has absorbed dwindling groundwater resources in regions that were parched to begin with. This creates a vicious cycle whereby the new trees take what’s left of the water and then perish along with other plant species around them. According to a study of the Great Green Wall in 2004 by Su Yang, only 15% of the trees planted since 1978 have survived.

Furthermore, monoculture planting in the area has made forested areas more vulnerable to disease. In 2000, 1 billion poplar trees in China’s northwestern Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region representing two decades of work were lost to a single disease. Sticking to a single species can help drive up planting quotas, but monoculture forests are often highly susceptible to pathogens, do little to regenerate nutrients in the soil, and fail to create the diverse ecosystems needed for lush vegetation.

Creeping Occupation

And in addition to the severe environmental consequences, China’s rapid desertification poses a serious political threat to Beijing. As towns get swallowed by deserts, so do their economies, and the government is forced to continue moving people away from degraded lands. Between 2003 and 2008, 650,000 people living in China’s Inner Mongolia province were forcibly resettled. To make things worse, China is already teetering on the edge of a food scarcity crisis, and considering the country lost 6.2% of its farmland between 1997 and 2008 while its population grew by almost 100 million people, desertification poses a severe risk to food security. It’s almost impossible to turn a desert back into land fit for agriculture, but excuses matter little to starving populations.

Around 27% of China is covered in desert. There are now dunes forming just 44 miles from Beijing, and some estimates put the Gobi’s crawl south toward the capital at a pace of almost 2 miles per year. The best way for the central government to stem the tide is by focusing on restoring natural ecosystems. This will require close supervision of local projects to ensure they aren’t mismanaged and focused solely on meeting quotas.

In “The Grapes of Wrath,” John Steinbeck described trying to outrun the growing Dust Bowl: “66 is the path of a people in flight, refugees from dust and shrinking land, from the thunder of tractors and shrinking ownership, from the desert’s slow northward invasion.” Today, China is better equipped to fight desertification than the United States was in the 1930s, but it will take some creative thinking. Just as the Great Wall of China didn’t stop the Mongolians, nor can a wall of trees halt the world’s fastest-moving desert.