The Best Yoga Retreats and Ecstatic Dance Day Retreats in Ireland

The Best Yoga Retreats and Ecstatic Dance Day Retreats in Ireland

Ok, so we all know that practicing yoga can reduce stress and improve flexibility while providing a sense of peace, calm and relaxation. Combined with ecstatic dance/movement medicine, it's a real gift for the soul. Ireland is known for its breathtaking landscapes and serene atmosphere, making it the perfect destination for yoga retreats 

In 2024, the best yoga day retreat in Ireland is taking it to the next level by incorporating the Open Floor ecstatic dance discipline (which is very like 5 Rhythms) into our programs. This unique retreat offer an unparalleled experience that rejuvenates both the body and soul. Blending spiritual practices with the energising rhythms of dance, our retreat provides an environment ripe for self-care, holistic health, and deep embodied meditation practice. With a focus on renewing body and spirit, our retreat provides a safe space and a sanctuary for explorers, dance and yoga enthusiasts alike.

Spring Awakening Yoga and Dance Retreat

Get ready to embrace the vibrant energy of spring at our immersive Yoga and Dance Retreat, where you'll rejuvenate mind, body, and spirit.

Treat yourself to a day of unparalleled relaxation with time to enjoy the outdoor hot tub & sauna or a beautiful lakeside walk before or after lunch.

A relaxing morning of yoga with Noeleen Shannon, in a beautiful, bright, airy studio overlooking Lough Erne. Time to unwind, relax and soothe body, mind and soul. Then lunch, walk, hot tub and sauna and an afternoon of restorative dance with Fiona Flynn to tune in, flow, shake off the cobwebs and send you floating home, revitalised and reconnected. Click here to get tickets from EventBrite.

Explore Ireland's Top Yoga Day Retreat in 2024

Enjoy our holistic escape on the stunning shores of Lower Lough Erne, at our Spring Awakening Yoga and Dance Retreat. This brand new one-day wellness treat takes place on Saturday March 2nd, 2024 at the lakeside Blaney Centre close to Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh, just 2 hours drive from Dublin 

Attendees can expect a lovely group of like-minded, growth-oriented people, we will start with amazing morning yoga sessions, then break for food and a break, then afternoon ecstatic dance sessions and also an opportunity to use the sauna, hot tub, gorgeous meals and free time to soak up the scenic lakeside beauty.

Whether you’re travelling solo or with friends, it’s sure to be a soul-nourishing experience.

The retreat centres around two complementary movement arts. The morning yoga practice grounds participants in mindfulness and embodiment, combining ashtanga, yin and restorative yoga, to refamiliarise yourself with your body, squeezing, stretching, meditation and slow relaxation.

Then ecstatic dance activates joy and creative freedom. Moving from yoga in the morning to dance in the afternoon helps to liberate and change your state, release stuck energy, encourage mental and emotional insight and breakthrough, facilitating profound mind-body integration.

This carefully crafted retreat is led by two of Ireland’s most experienced and talented teachers; Noeleen Shannon (yoga) and Dr Fiona Flynn (dance).

With deep knowledge, wisdom and playfulness, Noeleen and Fiona create a safe, supportive space for relaxation, discovery and awakening. They create a light, high-vibration atmosphere of connection, community, transcendence and fun, always working to ensure that you leave the retreat reenergised, inspired and having gained something truly precious that will endure far beyond.

In the following sections, we’ll share key details on the Soul Awakening retreat including the venue, schedule, teachers, practices, and more. Read on to learn why this one-day getaway could be the perfect self-care ritual for 2024.

Overview and Short Details:

Embrace the Healing Power of 5 Rhythms & Ecstatic Dance

At our yoga day retreat in Ireland, we offer an immersive experience that goes beyond traditional yoga practices. We deeply believe in the healing power of movement and expression, which is why we complement yoga with free-form Open Floor ecstatic dance sessions in our retreats.

Open Floor is a dynamic movement practice (similar to the better-known 5 Rhythms) that allows participants to explore different rhythms and energies within themselves. It provides a space for self-discovery, releasing tension, and finding a deeper connection with the body. Fiona has been practising movement meditation through ecstatic dance for many years now. Fiona is also a practising psychologist in the adolescent mental health and wellness space for many years.

Ecstatic dance is a liberating form of expression that encourages free movement and disinhibition. It allows participants to let go of stuck energy, release stress, and experience a sense of joy and freedom through movement.

Combining these two transformative practices creates a unique and powerful experience for our retreat participants. It allows them to connect with their bodies on a deeper level, let go of the mind's chatter, and experience a profound sense of healing and well-being.

"The body is meant to be danced, to be moved, and to be expressed. Ecstatic dance provides the perfect platform for this expression, allowing people to tap into their inner selves and experience a profound sense of freedom and connection." - Fiona Flynn

Benefits of 5 Rhythms and Ecstatic Dance

Engaging in 5 Rhythms and Ecstatic Dance sessions during our retreat can have numerous benefits for the mind, body, and soul. Here are some of the key advantages:

  • Release of stress and tension

  • Increased body awareness

  • Improved flexibility and stamina

  • Enhanced self-expression

  • Deep sense of joy and liberation

  • Connection with oneself and others

  • Cathartic release of emotions

  • Boost in creativity and inspiration

By embracing the healing power of 5 Rhythms and Ecstatic Dance, our retreat participants can experience a profound shift in their overall well-being. It is a transformative journey that helps individuals unlock their potential, find inner peace, and cultivate a joyful connection with their bodies.

Yoga Retreat in Ireland: A Gateway to Inner Peace

In the enchanting landscapes of Ireland, yoga retreat offer a transformative escape that leads to inner peace and relaxation. Surrounded by picturesque beauty, these retreat provide the perfect setting for individuals to rejuvenate their minds, bodies, and souls.

Immersing yourself in the serenity of nature while practicing yoga can have profound effects on your overall well-being. The tranquil surroundings and fresh air create an ambiance that enhances your yoga practice, allowing you to delve deeper into each pose, breath, and meditation.

As you connect with your breath and flow through yoga sequences, you'll experience a sense of harmony and alignment that reverberates throughout your entire being. The gentle sounds of nature and the soothing touch of the breeze create a symphony of calmness, enveloping you in a state of tranquility and serenity.

But it's not just the external environment that cultivates inner peace. The expert instructors and like-minded participants at these retreat infuse each session with positive energy and support, creating a nurturing community where you can explore and expand your practice.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced yogi, there are retreat for every level, offering a variety of yoga styles and practices. From gentle restorative sessions to dynamic vinyasa flows, you can tailor your retreat experience to suit your needs and preferences.

The immersive nature of yoga retreat allows you to step away from the demands and distractions of daily life and focus entirely on your well-being. It's a precious opportunity to disconnect from technology, reconnect with yourself, and truly be present in the moment.

So, if you're seeking a gateway to inner peace and a chance to deepen your yoga practice, look no further than the yoga retreat in Ireland. Let the breathtaking landscapes, the skilled instructors, and the supportive community guide you on a transformative journey of self-discovery and relaxation.

Immerse Yourself in the Spring Awakening Yoga and Dance Retreat

Join us at our Awakening Yoga and Dance Retreat, one of the premier retreats in Ireland in 2024. Experience the unique combination of yoga and dance as we embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and rejuvenation.

At our Awakening Retreats, we believe that movement is a powerful tool for connecting with our bodies and awakening our spirits. Through the practice of yoga and dance, we create a harmonious blend of mindfulness, physicality, and self-expression.

Immerse yourself in a serene and scenic retreat location, surrounded by nature's beauty, providing the perfect backdrop for this transformative experience. Engage in daily yoga classes led by experienced instructors who will guide you through asanas, pranayama, and meditation. Explore the power of movement and rhythm with dance sessions that incorporate elements of 5 Rhythms and Ecstatic Dance.

Throughout the retreat, you will discover the unique connection between your body, mind, and spirit. As you flow through yoga sequences, you will cultivate strength, flexibility, and balance. The dance sessions will allow you to free your body, express yourself authentically, and tap into your inner joy.

Our retreat also offers plenty of opportunities for relaxation and self-care. Restore your energy with soothing spa treatments, unwind in nature, and connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for yoga and dance.

Highlights of the Spring Awakening Yoga and Dance Retreat:

  • Ambiance: A beautiful, tranquil and serene rural lakeside environment that encourages self-reflection and personal growth.

  • Expert Instructors: Experienced yoga and dance instructors are dedicated to creating a safe and supportive space for your practice.

  • Mind-Body Connection: Explore the powerful connection between your mind, body, and spirit through the integrated practice of yoga and dance.

  • Physical and Emotional Release: Release tension, stress, and negative emotions through the dynamic movements of dance and the calming practice of yoga.

  • Community: Connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for wellness, self-discovery, and growth.

Don't miss out on this transformative experience. Immerse yourself in the Spring Awakening Yoga and Dance Retreat and embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and joy.

Discover the Magic of our Open Floor Dance Retreat in Ireland

We offer a unique opportunity to experience the magic of movement and rhythm while surrounded by the breathtaking landscapes of the Co. Fermanagh in Ireland.

We believe that movement is medicine for the soul. Through this dynamic practice, participants are invited to explore and tap into their innate wisdom, creativity, and vitality. Led by experienced facilitators, these retreat create a safe and inclusive space for self-expression, growth, and connection.

By engaging in dance, you will discover a profound sense of liberation as you let go of self-judgment, release stagnant energy, and connect with the present moment. The rhythmic movement allows you to tap into your authentic self, explore emotional landscapes, and cultivate a greater sense of joy and harmony.

A Transformative Retreat Experience

You will be guided through a series of movement sessions and embodied practices that encourage self-discovery and transformation. In addition to the dance sessions, we incorporate meditation and other mindful practices to support your journey.

Surrounded by the picturesque landscapes of Lough Erne, you will embark on a journey of self-exploration and personal growth. The serene beauty of the countryside serves as a catalyst for inner reflection, fostering a deep connection to nature and grounding your experience.

"The retreat was a truly magical experience. The dance sessions allowed me to let go of inhibitions, express myself freely, and connect with a supportive community. I left feeling rejuvenated, inspired, and deeply connected to my body and spirit." - Sarah M

Liberate Yourself at Ireland's Best Dance and Yoga Retreat

We believe in providing a truly holistic experience that nurtures both the body and the soul. That's why we're thrilled to offer the opportunity to immerse yourself in the transformative practice of yoga and ecstatic dance.

By letting the music guide you, you'll experience a sense of freedom and liberation that can be truly transformative.

We create a safe and supportive space for you to explore ecstatic dance. Whether you're a seasoned dancer or have never danced before, our experienced facilitators will guide you through the practice, gently encouraging you to let go of self-judgment and surrender to the rhythm.

By integrating ecstatic dance into our yoga retreat, we enhance the overall experience, allowing you to deepen your connection with yourself and others. The combination of yoga and dance creates a harmonious balance of movement, mindfulness, and self-expression.

Here are some benefits of incorporating ecstatic dance into your yoga retreat experience:

  • Enhanced self-awareness: By moving your body freely and intuitively, you'll develop a deeper understanding of your physical sensations, emotions, and energy.

  • Stress release: Ecstatic dance provides a powerful outlet for releasing tension and stress stored in the body, leaving you feeling lighter and more relaxed.

  • Increased vitality: The energizing movement of ecstatic dance can boost your vitality and invigorate your entire being.

  • Connection with others: Through ecstatic dance, you'll have the chance to connect with like-minded individuals and form meaningful connections in a nonverbal, authentic way.

  • Heightened creativity: Dancing freely without judgment can awaken your creativity and inspire new ideas and perspectives.

Embrace the transformative power of ecstatic dance at Ireland's yoga retreat, and discover a deeper level of self-expression, connection, and joy.

Elevate Your Well-being at Ireland's Best Yoga Day Retreat

Attending can truly elevate your overall well-being. These retreat offer a holistic approach to wellness, combining the physical benefits of yoga with the mental and emotional rejuvenation through dance.

Through daily yoga sessions led by experienced instructors, you can strengthen your body, improve flexibility, and enhance your posture. Yoga not only boosts your physical fitness but also helps relieve stress, anxiety, and promotes a sense of inner peace.

Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.

- The Bhagavad Gita

Open Floor Dance Practise: Connect with Your Inner Being

Open Floor is a dynamic movement practice that allows you to explore the different energies within your body.

"The best medicine is often an untamed, sweaty dance. Sometimes it's a good cry. Other times we need the support of a therapist or body-worker, a courageous conversation or silent contemplation. 

Open Floor teachers are artfully trained to get people to move (activate), settle (deactivate), then pause as they witness themselves and others. They support people  to embody all the thoughts and feelings that inevitably arise when we dance, and know when to suggest further support.

When our body moves, everything moves. A gesture brings on a flood of feelings. A surge of emotion creates sensation. Thoughts of loved ones stir us up. Our minds may keep us tight and frozen, or help us make sense of what just happened in the dance. Anything we try to push away can become our limitation.  

On the Open Floor we move and include the juicy moments of joyful release, as well as the challenging ones: pain in the body, shyness, self-limiting beliefs, a sense of isolation.  

This is how we learn to be true, fluid and whole."

* Quote from

By immersing yourself in the transformative power of open floor practice, you can connect with your inner being and cultivate a deeper understanding of yourself.

Join the rhythm and let your body guide you to new realms of self-discovery and personal growth.

Ecstatic Dance: Dance Your Heart Out

Ecstatic Dance is a free-form movement practice that encourages self-expression, uninhibited movement, and authentic connection with others. Guided by uplifting music, you can let go of self-consciousness and dance from the depths of your soul.

This form of dance allows you to release trapped emotions, boost your energy levels, and experience pure joy. It's a space where you can truly be yourself and celebrate the beauty of movement.

So, if you're looking to elevate your well-being, consider attending the best yoga day retreat in Ireland in 2024. Immerse yourself in the transformative power of yoga, emovement medicine, and embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and personal growth.

Benefits of Attending the Best Yoga Day Retreats in Ireland 2024:

  1. Physical fitness and increased flexibility

  2. Stress relief and relaxation

  3. Improved mental clarity and focus

  4. Emotional healing and release

  5. Enhanced self-expression and creativity

  6. Connection with like-minded individuals

  7. Cultivation of inner peace and spiritual growth


We have talked about our dance and yoga day retreats in Ireland in 2024. These retreats offer a unique and transformative experience, combining the practice of yoga with Open Floor dance

By attending our retreat, you can immerse yourself in the healing power of movement and connect with your body on a deeper level.

The peaceful and picturesque landscapes of Fermanagh serves as a gateway to tranquility and can enhance your overall retreat experience.

In closing, we invite you to embark on your own transformative journey by attending.


What can I expect from the retreat?

Located in picturesque landscapes, providing yoga, dance, connection and relaxation, helping participants find inner peace and rejuvenation.

How can ecstatic dance enhance the retreat experience?

Ecstatic dance sessions included in this retreat provide participants with a unique opportunity to connect with their bodies, release stress, and experience deep healing and joy through movement. These practices can help individuals express themselves, let go of inhibitions, and find a sense of freedom and liberation.

Why are yoga retreat in Ireland a gateway to inner peace?

The serene and peaceful environment is surrounded by stunning landscapes. The combination of yoga practice, meditation, and the calming natural surroundings creates the perfect setting for individuals to find inner peace, relaxation, and a deeper connection with yourself.

What makes the Spring Awakening Yoga and Dance Retreat unique?

The Awakening Yoga and Dance Retreat stands out for its unique combination of yoga and dance. Participants can immerse themselves in rejuvenating yoga classes and explore their creative side through expressive dance sessions. This retreat offers a holistic experience that nurtures the body, mind, and soul.

Why is our retreat magical?

We provide a space for individuals to embark on a transformative journey. Through the practice of the dance movement and form, participants can connect with themselves, others, and the world around them in a profound and meaningful way, leading to personal growth and self-discovery.

How does ecstatic dance enhance the yoga retreat experience?

Ecstatic dance, provides a unique and expressive way to connect with one's body and emotions. This form of dance allows participants to let go of inhibitions, release energy, and experience a sense of freedom and joy. It adds a dynamic and transformative element to the overall retreat experience.

How do the best yoga day retreats in Ireland elevate well-being?

Through yoga practice, participants can improve physical strength, flexibility, and overall health. Additionally, the inclusion of dance and mindfulness activities promotes mental and emotional rejuvenation, leaving attendees feeling balanced, refreshed, and more connected to themselves.


Ecstatic dance day retreats

5 Rhythms dance day retreat

yoga retreats

yoga day retreats

yoga day retreats in Ireland

yoga and dance retreats in Ireland

ecstatic Dance day retreats

movement medicine events and retreats

Yoga retreats and classes in Ireland

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