How To Attract A Woman: The 25 BEST Tips (It’s SOLID)

To make a girl attracted to you, there are a few things you need to know.

There are things you must do…

…and things to avoid.

Whether you want to attract a girl for love, for a kiss, through texting, or even without talking

how to attract women with attractive traits

In this article, I’m going to share with you 25 solid tips (field-tested) that you can to use to attract a woman you like and take your relationship to the next level.

Let’s go.

1. To attract a woman, don’t look for her validation

The first thing you need to understand is that you should never look for validation from the girl you want to hook up with.

Do not beg for her affection.

Do not go out of your way to please her.

Because if you do this, you’re going to make it obvious that you need her affection.

You’re going to make it obvious that you need her.

And you know what?

This kind of attitude makes women run away.

women attraction dysfuntional relationships

Women are looking for a man who is able to give.

Not for a man who can only take.

Women are looking for providers, not for takers.

Women are looking for a stable, secure, and emotionally healthy man.

Not for a doormat.

To attract a girl in a solid way, don’t put her on a pedestal.

Consider yourself as having a value greater than (or equal) to hers.

Otherwise, the game is already lost.

2. Smile (when you approach her)

When approaching a woman you want to seduce, smile.

Whether you are approaching a girl who’s alone or with her friends.

Whether you are approaching a girl in a nightclub, in the street, or on public transportation.

Related: How To Approach A Girl You Don’t Know

By smiling, you convey positive emotions right away.

You set the tone for the rest of the interaction.

attract woman with genuine smile

On the other hand, if you approach a girl by pouting or looking depressed, you’re going to convey negative emotions.

Keep in mind that when you approach a girl you don’t know, she doesn’t know why you’re approaching her.

Ideally, she should be able to understand from the first second why you’re there thanks to your facial expressions and tone of voice (I’ll come back to this).

So when you strike up a conversation with a girl you want to attract, smile.

Obviously, I’m not telling you to smile during the whole conversation (you would look like a complete idiot).

I’m telling you to smile during the first seconds of your approach, so that you can infuse positive energy into the interaction.

Then you can stop smiling and adopt a more neutral facial expression.

And you’ll smile again only if it’s justified.

3. Look right into her eyes when you talk to her

To effectively communicate your thoughts and emotions, look the girl right in her eyes when talking to her.

Or should I say, right into the eye (you’ll probably agree with me that it’s difficult to stare at both eyes at the same time).

Choose one eye (her right eye or her left eye), then stare at it when talking to her.

womens attraction with eye contact By looking at the girl right in the eye when you talk to her, you radiate self-confidence and solidity.

And you can effectively connect with her.

On the other hand, if you say something by looking away, what you say is going to sound fake:

You’re going to look like a guy who doesn’t believe in what he says.

You’re going to look like a guy who is not honest.

You’re going to look like a guy who is not at ease or who is insecure.

The girl is going to feel that something is wrong.

So when you say something to the girl you want to attract (especially if it’s something important, like your opening line), look at her right in the eyes.

4. Make her understand (quickly) that there’s something going on between you

Like a lot of guys, you’ve probably already tried to hit on a girl who sees you as no more than a friend.

how to get women naturally attracted “Let’s be friends.”

Sounds familiar?

It happened to me a lot back then…

The friendzone.

But I have some good news for you:

This is a situation you can easily avoid if you make the girl understand quickly that something is going on between you and her.

It can be done as soon as you approach her (if you use a direct approach where you compliment her).

It can also be done during the conversation by declaring to her that you find her attractive (compliments on looks are very effective for this, as well as staring and physical contact).

Be at ease with your desire.

Because from that moment, the girl will know that she can’t consider you merely as a friend.

She’ll see you as a potential lover.

Make sure to make her understand that you find her attractive, but at the same time that you don’t need her.

Like James Bond, who can be quite charming with women, but whose attitude clearly communicates that he doesn’t need them.

Read: How To Show A Girl You Like Her

5. Lead

To make a hot girl attracted to you, be in control.

Take the lead.

Your ability to lead is very attractive for a woman.

Read: How To Make A Girl Like You

And if you’re dating a shy girl, this character trait will be of use.

Women love when they can just give in to a man who fully controls the situation.

It is your job to direct the conversation.

It is your job to take the interaction to the next level:

  • To invite her to do something together later (and thus having her put her number into your phone).
  • To ask her out and decide when and where you’re going to meet.
  • To decide where to sit when you take her to a bar or to a restaurant, or where to go when you go have a walk with her.

It is your job to lead.

Do it.

➡️ If you haven’t done so yet: take a look at this article in which I show you how you can master women in a way that will turn them on.

In other words, how to dominate women to make them wet with desire.

And NOT just in bed: you’re going to implement these small actions in other contexts and environments, be it after an approach, on a date, at a party, in your everyday life with your girlfriend or wife (or with your ex), and more… so that the woman you like sees you as a powerful dominant male who is able to satisfy her deepest desires and take her to seventh heaven.

...which is what is going to make her want to sleep with you…and even chase you.

6. Don’t put any pressure on yourself

Too many guys put a lot of pressure on themselves when it comes to talking to a girl they like.

When you put pressure on yourself, the girl feels it.

She feels that you’re not at ease.

She feels fragility.

In a small dose, this is okay, but when it’s too much, it ruins the interaction.

If you put too much pressure on yourself, the girl is going to tell herself that it’s because you’re not used to interacting with girls like her or that you’re afraid of the outcome of the interaction.

And in both cases, you look like a needy guy.

You look like a low-value guy.

Women want to climb the social ladder.

They’re naturally more attracted to men that can help them do so.

And if the girl you want to attract realizes that she’s the only person in your life, she’s going to tell herself that something is wrong.

She’s going to tell herself that you don’t have many things to offer her.

She’s going to tell herself that you’re not an accomplished man.

Related: I Need A Girlfriend

7. Use humour in a solid way

To attract a girl, humour can be of use.

But there are traps you should avoid.

lasting attraction with beautiful woman A woman who laughs with you, by complicity or because she felt stupid after you teased her, is a woman who will be more likely to end up in your bed.

However, a woman who laughs at you out of mockery, disdain, or embarrassment will be less likely to end up in your bed.

Do not desperately try to make a woman laugh.

You could easily look like a guy who invests way too much of himself into the interaction.

It’s better just to be playful with the girl (like I show you here).

Laughter will then come naturally.

Laughter is a consequence of an attitude that is going to turn her on.

It’s not the laughter itself that is going to make her want to sleep with you (laugh can even be anti-seductive).

Related: How To Sleep With A Woman

8. Make her feel your warrior spirit

An effective way to attract a girl you like is to make her feel your masculinity…by letting her feel your warrior spirit.

It’s no news that women are attracted to masculine men.

By feeling your masculinity, the girl you want to attract is going to reveal her femininity.

That’s how you’ll get her to see you as a potential lover and not as an asexual guy who can be no more than a friend.

conscious effort to impress women To make her feel your warrior spirit, there’s no need to crush skulls…finding a point of disagreement with her and making it known is enough.

Instead of always trying to agree with her, find things on which you can disagree and defend your position.

It’s an easy and effective way to make a girl feel your warrior spirit.

You show her that you’re not here to please her.

She realizes that you’re not needy (like all those other guys who do everything they can not to upset her).

She feels that you have a pair of balls.

9. Tease her

Teasing a girl is an effective way to stand out.

By teasing her, you show her that you don’t take her seriously.

Unlike the other guys who bend over backwards to please her.

The girl understands that with you, she can let go.

You pull her out of her normal routine.

She feels swept off her feet.

10. Speak slowly

Many men speak too quickly when they interact with a girl they like.

By speaking too quickly, they implicitly communicate several things:

  • That they are nervous.
  • That they are used to being interrupted when they talk (that’s why they talk as fast as they can so that they can deliver their message).

The alpha male speaks slow-ly.

He doesn’t talk as fast as he can, like an ultra-nervous guy.

He knows that he’s going to be listened to.

He knows that others will let him speak.

self respect good listener

Observe around you or in movies the men who look self-confident and dominant.

You’ll notice that most of the time, these men are calm when they speak.

You’ll notice that they speak slowly by enunciating their words.

If you’re like most men out there, chances are that you talk too fast when interacting with girls you like (and even when interacting with people in general).

I know I did.

Especially a few years ago, when I started approaching girls:

I was talking way too fast.

And I wasn’t even aware of it.

During the interaction, I had the impression that I was speaking calmly. But when listening back to my recordings of these interactions a few hours later (yes, I recorded myself), it was obvious that I was talking way too fast.

To attract a girl in a solid way, speak slowly.

11. Leave pauses

This advice works in tandem with the previous one.

When a girl says something to you, don’t answer her right away.

Take the time to listen and process what she’s said.

Then answer her back.

With serenity.

Avoid reacting nervously to every action or every sentence of the girl.


Keep in mind that you may be speaking nervously without even noticing it.

I had to listen back to my recording to finally notice that I was reacting too nervously at most girls’ sentences, and that made me look like an anxious and freaked-out guy.

So leave pauses.

Whether it is after the girl tells you something or between your own sentences.

The girl you’re talking is going to perceive you as way more masculine and solid.

And she’ll be much more attracted to you.

See also: 17 Signs That A Woman Is Attracted To You

12. Adopt a self-confident body language

Your body language says a lot about your emotional state and your self-esteem.

The way you stand, the way you move, your facial expressions…those elements of your body language can help you build your game, or break it.

No matter the words that come out of your mouth, if you say them while shaking or retreating into yourself, you’ll be seen as a panicked guy with low self-esteem.

On the contrary, if you say your words in a calm and self-assured way, by adopting a relaxed posture, you’ll be seen as a solid and self-confident man.

relationship expert - what attracts a woman to a man sexually

Have this in mind the next time you interact with a girl you want to attract.

Move slowly and calmly.

Not rapidly and nervously.

And adopt an open body language when you want to transmit positive energy to the girl you’re talking to (especially during the first seconds of your approach).

13. Use emotions rather than logic

Many guys get it wrong when they try to convince girls to have sex with them…instead of making them want to have sex with them.

They rely on logical arguments, on rational speeches…

But that’s not the way it works.

Women don’t work that way.

Read: What Women Want From Men

right woman own experiences To attract a girl, you must speak to her emotions.

Not to her reason.

Women are emotional creatures (men also, of course, but much less so).

You don’t turn a girl on with cold and logical reasoning.

But by an interaction full of emotions and sensations.

To attract a girl in an effective way, you must be able to trigger the right emotions at the right times.

The girl will associate these emotions with you and she’ll want to sleep with you.

Read: What Turns Women On

14. Feel the emotions you want to transmit

This advice works in tandem with the previous point.

You’ve understood—thanks to what we saw above—that to attract a girl, you must speak to her emotions.

But how do you do it concretely?

How do you effectively convey the emotions you want her to feel?

Well, the easiest way to do it is by feeling these emotions yourself.

Because emotions are contagious.

When you say something to a girl, if you make sure to fully experience what you’re saying, she will feel those emotions.

beautiful woman wearing absolutely nothing

Hence the importance of being aligned with what you say and to be grounded in the present moment.

When you say something to the girl you want to attract, first feel the emotions you want her to feel.

The words you use are only a vehicle to carry those emotions.

If they are not filled with the right emotions, they won’t have the desired effect.

15. Avoid hackneyed questions

Hot girls are often approached and hit on by various guys.

Several times a day for some girls.

A whole bunch of guys try to pick them up on the street, on social media, in nightclubs, in the gym, in college, at work, and so on.

And most of them do it the wrong way.

They usually subject the girl to the same boring line of inquiry with dull questions such as:

  • Where do you come form?
  • What do you do in life?
  • How old are you?
  • Where do you live?
  • What kind of music do you listen?

Related: How To Talk To A Girl Over Text

Hot girls find it annoying to be asked those predictable and boring questions every day.

female arousal neediness memorizing lines And you know what?

If guys constantly ask those questions, it’s not really their fault.

It’s because they don’t know what else to say.

And that’s understandable: they need some knowledge to be able to hold a conversation with these girls they want to attract.

And to this end, they need information.

That’s why they ask all those questions.

Others ask those questions in order to fill in the gaps.

But here it is:

It is annoying.

So avoid asking these hackneyed questions when talking to a girl you want to seduce (especially in the beginning, when she doesn’t know you).

Instead of asking questions, make assumptions.

For instance, instead of asking “Where do you come from?” say “You look like you come from New York.”

It changes everything.
And it works like a charm.

See also: How To Seduce Women

16. Let her invest in the interaction

When the girl you want to attract engages in the conversation, let her talk.

Don’t interrupt her.

Because the more she talks, the more she gets involved in the conversation.

And the more she get involved into the conversation, the more this interaction becomes important to her.

Because the more you invest in something, the more value you attach to it.

So when a girl you just approached starts talking about herself, let her do so.

Read: How To Tell If A Girl Likes You

17. Make her jealous

Insidious but tremendously effective: when you talk to a girl you want to attract, talk about other girls.

Praise girls you just met or girls who are friends of yours.

For instance:

“We have a new colleague at work. She’s a very smart girl, and what’s more, she’s very sexy. She’s always dressed in style.”

“We just formed new groups for the biology class and I was sitting next to a girl I hadn’t taken time to get to know before. And we’re getting on very well.”

When you talk this way about another girl to a girl you want to attract, the one you’re talking to will get jealous.

Even if she wasn’t particularly planning to hit on you.

most women want an amazing life It’s an effective way to generate attraction.

Related: How To Attract A Girl Who Doesn’t Like You

The girl you want to attract realizes that she’s not the only one in your life, and that you may very well look elsewhere if you want to.

It makes her understand that she’s going to have to fight to stand out.

And if you wonder how to attract a girl who is just a friend, you will find this method to be of particular use.

It’s by generating jealousy that you will make her want to chase you.

Another powerful way to generate jealousy is simply by letting her see you with other girls.

18. Keep some of the mystery alive

As you might expect, mystery can be a real turn on.

female arousal Appearing mysterious is not hard to do.

You must remember this:

During an interaction with a girl you want to attract, the topic of conversation must not be about you, but about the girl you’re talking to.

You’re going to make the conversation about her.

By getting her to continually reveal more about herself and about the things she is passionate about.

And from there, you’ll be able to easily build a conversation that will turn the girl on.

Related: How To Have A Conversation With A Girl

And in the end, you won’t be talking a lot about yourself.

The discussion will be tailored to the girl: her passions, her projects, her dreams…

Of course, you’ll also talk about yourself and your passions from time to time, such as when the girl asks you a question. But you won’t be monologuing endlessly.

You’ll limit your answer to one or two sentences, then you’ll shift the topic back to the girl.

And in the end, she won’t know much about you. And that’s how she will find you mysterious.

She’ll know the broad strokes, but there’ll still be many things she’ll need to explore.

19. Make her feel at ease by making her understand that you’re normal

To make a girl attracted to you, you must be able to put her at ease.

In the first place, she doesn’t know you.

You might very well be a psychopath or have bad intentions.

It’s completely normal to be suspicious of a stranger.

women tend to be suspicious

In order to establish a connection with her and make her receptive to your moves, you’re going to put her at ease.

You’re going to reassure her about the fact that you’re a normal guy.

But not like this…

You’re not going to say to her: “Don’t worry, I’m not a psychopath, everything will be fine ;)”

You’re going to be subtle.

During the conversation, you’re going to act in a way that makes the girl feel that you have a social life (and a certain status) and that other women appreciate you.

You’re going to do this through your attitude and some anecdotes you will tell her.

And this way, the girl will see you as a normal guy with whom she can feel safe.

20. Show indifference

Remember what we saw above:

To attract a girl, she must see you as a challenge, and not as a guy who would move mountains to get her.

You must act in a way that makes her feel that you have choices, and that you can go elsewhere if you like.

This girl is not the only girl in your universe.

Sure, you find her attractive, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re going to choose her.

beautiful women looking through the window To make her feel that, you’re going to show indifference once in a while, in order to raise doubts in her mind and get her to question your intentions.

Don’t hesitate from time to time to come out aloof and hard to get.

It goes without saying that these techniques must be used with moderation.

Otherwise, you’re going to fuck it up.

21. Don’t be hesitant

Women want a man who knows what he wants.

Not a man who is constantly unsure and always questioning himself.

Masculinity = action.

So take action.

Don’t be this weak guy who is afraid to take action and who is constantly doing things halfway.

When you compliment a girl you like, do it with confidence and authority.

Don’t wait for her answer or her validation.

You express your point of view, period.

When you say to a girl that you would like to see her again on a date, say it with conviction by looking straight into her eyes. Without your voice going up in pitch like you would when asking a question.

When entering a bar or coffee shop with the girl, don’t be hesitant when choosing a place to sit.

Spot a table, walk toward it, and sit down.

22. Don’t ask for permission

Let’s get things straight in order to avoid any misunderstandings:

When a girl clearly says no, it’s no.

If she firmly rejects you, it means that she’s not ready to move further or that she’s not interested.

And at this point, you must stop.

But when it comes to taking action, such as kissing her, establishing physical contact, asking her a bold question…don’t ask for permission. Just do it.

how to be attractive to girls Again, a man must take action.

If you always ask permission of the girl for every single thing you do, she’ll quickly get tired of it.

Because what she wants is a man who takes action. It’s a man who takes charge.

That said, if the girl makes it clear that you’ve gone too far or if she clearly rejects you, you must not persist.

Don’t ask for permission, but do not rape her.

23. Be unshakable

Some women will frequently test your solidity with shit tests or various games, or by rejecting you.

You must understand that this is absolutely normal.

She does that either to test you or make herself look less easy.

Some girls will test you to see if they can easily knock you off balance.

Don’t play their game.

Be unshakable.

Don’t let those shit tests affect you.

Women will find this attitude extremely attractive.

Read: How To Impress A Woman

24. Assume that she’s interested

When you interact with a girl you want to attract, proceed on the basis that she’s interested.

Always assume that she finds you attractive and that she secretly wants to have sex with you.

like most women This way, you’ll adopt a self-confident and exciting attitude, which will get the girl to actually be attracted to you.

Perhaps the girl won’t be interested initially, but the fact that you’re treating her as a girl who is interested in you will actually make her interested.

On the other hand, a guy who wonders if the girl is interested (or worse, who tells himself that she can’t be interested), is going to be hesitant and look unsure, ensuring that she won’t find him attractive.

Your beliefs shape your reality. They have a powerful impact on it.

So make sure that they help you reach your goals and not the other way around.

25. Persist

Being able to persist is crucial to attracting hot girls (and to attract girls in general).

Read: What Makes A Guy Attractive To A Woman

Some hot women you interact with will deliberately reject you.

Either to test you or to avoid looking too easy (to protect their reputation).

It’s not rare that a girl will initially reject only to let you kiss her afterwards.

It’s not rare that a girl will decline your invitation when you ask her to come to your place only to let you convince her a few minutes later.

Most of the time, she’ll do that to ease her conscience and raise her value.

That’s why you should always persist before concluding that a girl is not interested.

Some girls will reject you several times before giving in to you.

The key here is not letting yourself be affected by those rejections.

Show emotional stability and keep a masculine and playful attitude.

Women will find you even more attractive and will get really turned on when they see that they can’t shake you.

[MUST-READ] Be DOMINANT with Women: Know How to MASTER Them (In Everyday Life) to Make Them Fantasize About You

If you enjoyed this article (and even if you didn’t), you’ll love this other extensive post I recently published:

>> Be DOMINANT with Women: Know How to MASTER Them (In Everyday Life) to Make Them Fantasize About You

There’s something you need to understand:

Women want to be submissive.

They fantasize about sexual submission.

And when they meet a dominant man who has the potential to satisfy their submission fantasies, it makes them desire him intensely.

Sounds shocking or surprising to you?

Keep reading…

Today, you’re going to learn how to master women in a way that will turn them on.

You’re going to learn how to dominate women to make them wet with desire.

And NOT just in bed:

You’re going to implement this in other contexts and environments, be it after an approach, on a date, at a party, and more.

You’re going to implement this in your everyday life with the women you like so that they see you as a powerful dominant male who is able to satisfy their desires and take them to seventh heaven.

These actions you’re going to implement daily with the girls you want will lead them to see you as THE man to date.

You’ll stand out.

Women will see you as a potential lover and as a good lay (and that’s a bit of an understatement).

However, there are things you need to understand first.

You’ve got to be ready to try certain things that are a bit bold (more or less depending on the girl and the situation).

It's all there:

>> Be DOMINANT with Women: Know How to MASTER Them (In Everyday Life) to Make Them Fantasize About You

Stay solid,

About the Author

Expert in male-female relationships and passionate about evolutionary psychology, Jack Vitel has been helping for over 10 years men of all ages regain control of their sexual and love lives. He is known for his unique concept of solidity, which allows men to naturally attract the women they want by tapping into their inner masculine potential.