How stress affects your skin

How stress affects your skin

Dr Dinyar Workingboxwalla tells us how stress can age our skin.

Written by Dr Dinyar Workingboxwalla |Updated : September 25, 2014 4:28 PM IST

stressStress isn't very uncommon these days due to deadlines, work pressure, too many errands to run, etc. But being in a constant state of stress can show its effects on your skin. Dr Dinyar Workingboxwalla, a celebrity cosmetologist with clients like Jacqueline Fernandes, Lara Dutta, points out how stress affects our beauty with tips to counter the same. Here is an excerpt from his book 'Beauty Unleashed: A Comprehensive Guide To Getting Perfect Skin And Hair'.

The word stress usually conjures up images of a situation where you are anxious, nervous and under strain. But you need some stress in your life to help you function at your best.

Manageable levels of stress give you a zest for life, release your creative juices and generate excitement by challenging you to stretch your abilities.

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However, stress overload can lead to health problems, which all too often shows on the skin. If you are trying to do too much in too little time, you are functioning in permanent overdrive. And that is where the difficulties lie. When you are in a stressful situation, certain physical changes occur that are designed to improve your performance. These effects are caused by the release of the fight-or-flight hormones, adrenaline, nonadrenaline and cortisol which prime your body for action.

Once the immediate pressure is removed, your body is constantly being readied for action without having time to recuperate, and there can be detrimental effects on your health.

Short-term signs of stress overload or fatigue are sleeping difficulties, irritability and memory lapses.

In time, you may find yourself getting more coughs and colds than usual because your immune system isn't functioning at its peak.

Headaches or migraines, backache, palpitation, asthma, high blood pressure, irritable bowel syndrome, heart burns and indigestion are other well-known symptoms.

You may lose your sense of humour, become uninterested in sex and develop nervous twitches and eventually you may feel that you can't carry on anymore.

Effects on the skin

The many physical changes associated with long-term stress can have intense effects on your skin.

The hormones released when you are under stress cause blood vessels to constrict, leading to poor circulation. And this decreases blood supply to the skin, leaving it feeling dry, flaky and prone to irritation.

In periods of stress, your breathing alters, becomes quicker and shallower. This reduces the amount of oxygen carried in your blood stream, which in turn diminishes the oxygen supply to your skin. If the stress is long-lasting, you may find that your skin becomes pasty or grey, it lacks a glow and you have tension lines around the forehead, eyes and mouth.

Many skin complaints such as eczema, psoriasis and rashes, though not initially caused by stress, can worsen when you are under pressure. And some people find that they break out in spots when they are stressed.

Coping with stress

Although it is impossible to remove all the stress from your life, there are techniques that will help you cope more effectively.

Make time for yourself. Just take an hour a day to have a bath. Reading or going for a walk can reduce your stress levels. Choose something undemanding; it should be a pleasure, not a chore.

Practice time management. If you are trying to do too much, lower your expectations of yourself.

Learn to say 'no'. If it's not necessary, don't do it.

Pay attention to your diet. Include lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and low-fat, high fibre foods to ensure you get a full complement of nutrients.

Get enough sleep, but don't overdo it, because this can make you feel sluggish in the morning.

Exercise can help clear your head, eliminate some of the build-up of stress hormones and release endorphins the body's 'feel good' hormones. It can also improve your circulation, which will benefit your skin.

Learn relaxation techniques. Try deep-breathing exercises, visualization, meditation or pranayama.

Have a massage to relax tense muscles.

A professional stress management course or counselling can give you a chance to talk about what's troubling you and help you work out better ways of handling the demands in your life.

'Beauty Unleashed: A Comprehensive Guide To Getting Perfect Skin And Hair' is authored by Dr Dinyar Beauty_UnleashedWorkingboxwalla and published by Westland Ltd. It can be purchased online on Flipkart. Watch this space for more excerpts from the book.

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