Does your baby have a skin spot that is beige or light brown? Chances are, it’s a café-au-lait mark, a harmless and common type of birthmark.

Read on for everything parents should know about these marks, including how they can change with age and when you should bring them up with the doctor.

What are café-au-lait spots?

Café-au-lait spots are flat, usually round or oval, and can be light to dark brown in color.

These birthmarks are common, found in 20 percent to 30 percent of people, and are usually present from birth (although they can also develop later on in childhood). They’re rarely cause for concern and aren’t usually treated.[1]

What do café-au-lait spots in babies look like?

cafe au lait spots in babies

Think a very large, pale version of a freckle. These common spots look a lot like their name suggests: Café-au-lait means “coffee with milk.”[2]

  • In children with darker pigmented skin: Café-au-lait spots usually will appear darker than the surrounding skin, but may be more challenging to distinguish.
  • In children with lighter pigmented skin: Café-au-lait spots usually have a light brown color.

Café-au-lait spots also tend to be:[3]

  • Flat
  • Round or oval-shaped
  • Have smooth edges
  • Smaller than the size of your child's hand, though they can get bigger and darker with age.

What causes café-au-lait spots?

Cafe-au-lait spots can form when pigment-producing cells called melanocytes group together under the skin. Some babies have them at birth, but they can also develop during early infanthood. The spots can occur in all skin tones, though they seem to affect Black babies slightly more often. 

Most café-au-lait spots aren’t harmful and don’t turn into skin cancer. But babies with a very large spot or with multiple spots could be linked to certain rare health conditions.[4]

Do café-au-lait spots go away?

Your little one will have her café-au-lait spot for life (unless you opt to have it removed with laser treatments, which is rarely done). And chances are, it will grow as she gets older and darken as she spends more time in the sun. Consider it just one more special thing that makes her unique.

When to talk to your baby’s doctor about café-au-lait spots

It’s worth pointing out any kind of skin spot to your baby’s pediatrician, including café-au-lait marks. While the vast majority are harmless, café-au-lait spots and other birthmarks are always worth keeping an eye on.

Rarely, café-au-lait spots can be linked to certain health conditions. Large marks with jagged edges are tied to McCune-Albright syndrome, a rare genetic condition. And children with more than five café-au-lait spots, especially spots in the armpits or groin, may be more likely to have neurofibromatosis.[5]

If your little one’s café-au-lait spot is bigger than her hand, is jagged instead of smooth or is part of a bigger cluster,[6] it’s even more important to bring it up with the doctor.