Finding the perfect gift is never easy. Especially when it's for someone you care about as much as your best friend. When a special occasion rolls around, you'll want to give your friend a unique present that stands out and shows how much you care about her. Spend the time to create a thoughtful gift that she will always remember.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Creating an Experience for Your Friend

  1. Tell her to block off an afternoon or evening and take her out for an adventure. [1] People tend to prefer experiences over objects when it comes to gift giving.[2] This is also likely to be more memorable, as you will be spending time together. Not only will you be giving a great gift, but you will also be creating a special memory.
    • Consider taking a trip together. Go on a walk or hike, or to the zoo or an amusement park. Use this as an opportunity to explore a place she has never been to before.
  2. Give your best friend something she can enjoy at later date. Purchase something that she can experience later, such as a spa treatment or concert tickets. That way she will have an event to look forward to after the birthday or special occasion has passed.
    • Massages and manicures are great ways to get your friend to spend time on herself. This is an indulgence she might not normally spend money on. She will be grateful for the experience.
    • A well-chosen book or DVD is a thoughtful way to give your friend a curated experience based on her tastes or interests. [3]
    • A pair of concert or movie tickets for you to enjoy together is a way to show that you enjoy spending time with your best friend. It is a promise that you will continue to share experiences as friends.
  3. A home-cooked meal requires time and care, and shows your appreciation for your friend. This will also allow you to spend time together, while creating a new memory. [4]
    • Baked goods are also a thoughtful gift. Wrap them creatively in a mason jar or colorful baking tin. Bake her favorite sweet treat to show you know her tastes. [5]
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Making a Homemade Gift

  1. Create a collage of old photos, or order a personalized calendar with photos of you two together. You will have a special, nostalgic gift that will let you both reflect on the times you have spent together. [6]
    • Create a scrapbook using old photos and decorate it with ticket stubs, magazine clippings, and craft supplies that will remind her of your friendship. [7] You can add pages to the scrapbook of new memories as your friendship continues to grow.
    • Frame a special photo of the two of you. Decorate the frame and you will have a totally unique gift that will always remind her of you.
    • Order a t-shirt, coffee mug, or iPhone case with a photograph of the two of you together. These useful items will remind your best friend of your friendship every time she uses them.
  2. Gather a group of her friends and create a collection of video messages from them. Edit it together with her favorite music and you will create something she is likely to keep and cherish forever.
  3. Collect her favorite foods and beauty products in a box and decorate the outside. Include framed pictures of you two together, and small objects that remind you of her. [8]
  4. Make her a mix tape. [9] Research artists and titles based on her music taste and burn them onto a CD or flash drive.
    • Consider making a series of playlists based on different moods and emotions. Decorate each CD according to the styles and moods found on them.
    • If you play music, record a video of yourself singing or playing one of her favorite songs. This is a priceless gift that requires a lot of time and thoughtfulness, and will be a unique gift. Upload it to Youtube or burn it onto a flash drive and give it to her so she can replay it whenever she wants.
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Shopping for a Personal Gift

  1. Make sure you are choosing a gift that matches her lifestyle. Put yourself in your best friend's shoes. Choose something that she would actually buy, rather than something you personally find interesting.
    • If she loves fitness, buy her a collection of fresh juices or new workout clothes. [10]
    • If she loves movies, create a movie night gift box by pairing her favorite DVDs with a package of popcorn and a comfy blanket.
    • Spending the time to buy something specific to her tastes rather than a generic gift will show your friend how much she means to you. [11]
  2. There is an entire digital library of your conversations that you can scour for clues about what she might want. [12] You might surprise her with something she brought up casually in conversation months ago!
  3. Get her something adapted to her interests and hobbies. If she knits or plays sports, buy a special interest item that she can use.
    • Make sure to do research about the item if you are not as knowledgeable about the hobby. [13]

Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    What is the best memorable gift for a best friend?
    Ebony Eubanks, MSW, ACSW, CAMS-II Ebony Eubanks is a Therapist, and Founder and CEO of Peaceful Living Counseling and Professional Services of Philadelphia, PA and in Hockessin, DE. With over a decade of experience providing counseling and coaching to individuals, couples, and groups, she specializes in depression, anxiety, couples work, life guidance coaching, and anger management. Ebony holds a Master’s in Social Work from Temple University and is a member of the Academy of Certified Social Workers. She is a Certified Anger Management Specialist-II, Level II trained Gottman Couples Therapist. and Certified Gestalt Therapist. Ebony also holds additional certifications in Advanced Clinician Training.
    Ebony Eubanks, MSW, ACSW, CAMS-II
    Expert Answer
    Something homemade is great! You could buy or make them a card and write a personalized message inside, give them a handmade painting of a fun memory you shared together, or write them a thoughtful poem. Anything thought-provoking and emotional is good!
  • Question
    What should I give my 11 year-old best friend old who's leaving soon?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Any heartfelt gift will do. Try something handmade, such as a drawing or card. If you're not comfortable with that, try something from his or her favorite store.
  • Question
    How do I get over my best friend moving away?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Get her contact information and try to stay in touch with her. Maybe, as a going away present, you could buy her some cool cards and envelopes, and you guys could send them to each other.
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  • Do not worry about spending a certain amount of money on your friend. The monetary value of a gift has little to do with how much the recipient appreciates it. [14] The most thoughtful gift is not always the most expensive one.
  • Consider including a handwritten card. [15] You and your best friend most likely spend a lot of time communicating digitally. Taking the time to write her a note is an intimate way to show the value of your friendship.
  • Give the gift confidently and with a smile, Don't try to show the value of your friendship by purchasing expensive items!

About this article

Ebony Eubanks, MSW, ACSW, CAMS-II
Co-authored by:
This article was co-authored by Ebony Eubanks, MSW, ACSW, CAMS-II. Ebony Eubanks is a Therapist, and Founder and CEO of Peaceful Living Counseling and Professional Services of Philadelphia, PA and in Hockessin, DE. With over a decade of experience providing counseling and coaching to individuals, couples, and groups, she specializes in depression, anxiety, couples work, life guidance coaching, and anger management. Ebony holds a Master’s in Social Work from Temple University and is a member of the Academy of Certified Social Workers. She is a Certified Anger Management Specialist-II, Level II trained Gottman Couples Therapist. and Certified Gestalt Therapist. Ebony also holds additional certifications in Advanced Clinician Training. This article has been viewed 220,772 times.
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Updated: September 20, 2022
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  • Anonymous


    Sep 25, 2016

    "This helped me make something for her for when she leaves."

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