Medical skill data
Subskill of Airway:PTC
Head Trauma
Joint Immobilization
Long Bone Splinting
Medical Patient Assessment for Altered Mental Status (AEIOUTIPS)
Medical Patient Assessment for Chest Pain (OPQRST)
Medical Patient Assessment for Respiratory Distress (PASTE)
Naloxone Administration
Primary Assessment
Spinal Trauma
Trauma Patient Assessment
  • 0:01 Alertness Assessment (AVPU)
  • 0:30 Orientation Questions
  • 0:41 Orientation (person)
  • 0:43 Orientation (day)
  • 0:49 Orientation (time)
  • 0:52 Orientation (event)
  • 1:00 Orientation Notation/Documentation

Assessing a patient's Alertness & Orientation is the first part of your Primary Assessment following the general impression you form while approaching the patient.


When approaching a patient, introducing yourself and asking for their name can help you assess their Level of Consciousness (LOC) or Alertness. If they respond, and appear awake an unaltered they may be considered "Alert" and you can move on to evaluating their orientation.


Orientation questions test a patient's mental status by checking on his or her memory and thinking ability. The most common orientation questions are checking awareness of person, place, time, and event. Ask your patient simple open ended questions that can not be answered with yes or no to determine the LOC. For example:

Do not ask your patient simple yes/no questions like "Do you know your name?" or "Do you know were you are right now?" since this gives you little insight into the mental status of the patient.

Reporting and Documentation

Report your results as a patient oriented score from 1 (lowest) to 4 (highest), noting any areas not oriented to. For example, you can state:

Level of consciousness and any alterations to mentation should be assessed upon initial contact with your patient and continuously monitored for changes throughout your contact with the patient.

Self Assessment

  • Test your knowledge with this quiz.

Tips and Tricks

Page data
Keywords medical, trauma
Authors Catherine Mohr, Josh Hantke
License CC-BY-SA-4.0
Language English (en)
Related subpages, pages link here
Impact 14,051 page views
Created September 26, 2020 by Emilio Velis
Modified October 23, 2023 by StandardWikitext bot