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Salazar Introduces the No AI Fraud Act

January 10, 2024

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Reps. María Elvira Salazar (R-FL) and Madeleine Dean (D-PA) introduced the No Artificial Intelligence Fake Replicas And Unauthorized Duplications (No AI FRAUD) Act. The bill establishes a federal framework to protect Americans’ individual right to their likeness and voice against AI-generated fakes and forgeries.

Artificial intelligence (AI) brings immense innovation and convenience to America’s most critical business sectors and consumers, but it also comes with the unintended consequence of allowing thieves to steal their victim’s identity and intellectual property (IP) through AI. There is a vital need for federal law to address these concerns while establishing clear First Amendment protections.

It’s time for bad actors using AI to face the music,” said Rep. Salazar (R-FL). “This bill plugs a hole in the law and gives artists and U.S. citizens the power to protect their rights, their creative work, and their fundamental individuality online.”

New personalized generative AI cloning models and services have enabled human impersonation and allow users to make unauthorized fakes using the images and voices of others. The abuse of this quickly advancing technology has affected everyone from musical artists, actors, sports professionals, and even high school students whose personal rights have been violated. These developments fundamentally undermine the United States’ most basic individual liberties and right to intellectual property.

The No AI FRAUD Act has the support of artists in the music industry, who are encountering direct attacks to their intellectual property from abuse of artificial intelligence. 

Laws at the state level to address these issues are inconsistent and, in some cases, not enough. The No AI FRAUD Act establishes a federal solution with baseline protections for all Americans by:

  • Reaffirming that everyone’s likeness and voice is protected, giving individuals the right to control the use of their identifying characteristics;
  • Empowering individuals to enforce this right against those who facilitate, create, and spread AI frauds without their permission; and
  • Balancing the rights against First Amendment protections to safeguard speech and innovation.

Not only does our bill protect artists and performers, but it gives all Americans the tools to protect their digital personas,” said Rep. Dean (D-PA). “By shielding individuals’ images and voices from manipulation, the No AI FRAUD Act prevents artificial intelligence from being used for harassment, bullying, or abuse. I am encouraged to see collaboration across the aisle to get these crucial protections passed.”

As artificial intelligence continues to develop, we are increasingly aware of the complex challenges that come with safeguarding intellectual property,” said Rep. Moran (R-TX). “The No AI FRAUD Act takes an important step forward to protect American innovation by preventing cloning, impersonation, and AI fakes from undermining artistic expression.”

Since successfully expanding the right of publicity under New York State law I have been working to highlight the dangers of Artificial Intelligence and ensure we are taking steps to protect a person’s likeness,” said Rep. Morelle (D-NY). “Now it is apparent we must take immediate action to stop the abuse of AI technology by providing a federal law to empower individuals being victimized, and end AI FRAUD. I’m grateful to my colleagues for supporting this bipartisan effort and look forward to our work together stopping AI fakes and forgeries.” 

As the use of artificial intelligence proliferates across our society, we must ensure that the integrity of American art is protected, “ said Rep. Wittman (R-VA). “The No AI FRAUD Act is a crucial first step in safeguarding the intellectual property of our artists and creators from bad actors who may try to exploit their work. I’m proud to join my colleagues from both sides of the aisle in introducing this critical piece of legislation to counter AI’s potential threats in the U.S. art and music industry.”

To read the full text of the bill, click HERE. A one-page summary summarizing the legislation can be found HERE.
