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Search Results for: deepfake law


Business needs biometric protection from voice deepfakes, lawmakers want watermarks

Policy-makers may still be catching up to deepfakes, but biometric liveness detection developers are much further ahead, according to a…


The law is not keeping up with AI deepfake fraud, and it will only get worse

Joe Biden deepfake robocalls, Taylor Swift deepfake porn, the launch of Sora: the past few weeks have seen progressively disruptive…


US lawmakers attack categories of deepfake but miss everyday fraud

A pair of U.S. House of Representative members have introduced a bill intended to restrict unauthorized fraudulent digital replicas of…


UK unveils new laws to protect ‘revenge porn’ victims, including from deepfakes

The United Kingdom’s Ministry of Justice has unveiled a new amendment to the Online Safety Bill to protect victims from…


China amends law to ban deepfakes as ValidSoft exec proposes biometric detection

China has moved to ban “deepfakes,” as the Standing Committee of China’s National People’s Congress amended the country’s Civil Code…


Sumsub puts numbers to deepfakes preceding elections; govts take action

An internal analysis conducted by Sumsub shows a substantial rise in deepfake content leading up to the 2024 elections in…


Single solution for regulating AI unlikely as laws require flexibility and context

There is no more timely topic than the state of AI regulation around the globe, which is exactly what a…


AI deepfakes are wreaking havoc on an unprepared financial industry

The identity of the firm targeted in a deepfake video scam that resulted in the loss of US$25 million has…


Nations and companies line up defenses against AI deepfake fraud

Regulatory alarms are sounding on new risks presented by deepfake technology and the concurrent spike in AI-driven fraud. New security…


Selfie biometrics tailored to different sectors but must defend against fraud and lawsuits

Innovatrics presents a use case, AuthID nabs a new deal and another BIPA lawsuit has been filed over selfie biometrics…

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