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First published online February 22, 2008

Intersection of Child Abuse and Children's Exposure to Domestic Violence


This review addresses research on the overlap in physical child abuse and domestic violence, the prediction of child outcomes, and resilience in children exposed to family violence. The authors explore current findings on the intersection of physical child abuse and domestic violence within the context of other risk factors, including community violence and related family and environmental stressors. Evidence from the studies reviewed suggests considerable overlap, compounding effects, and possible gender differences in outcomes of violence exposure. The data indicate a need to apply a broad conceptualization of risk to the study of family violence and its effects on children. Further testing of competing theoretical models will advance understanding of the pathways through which exposure leads to later problems in youth, as well as protective factors and processes through which resilience unfolds.

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Article first published online: February 22, 2008
Issue published: April 2008


  1. child abuse
  2. exposure to domestic violence
  3. co-occurrence
  4. youth outcomes
  5. resilience

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PubMed: 18296571



Todd I. Herrenkohl
Cynthia Sousa
University of Washington
Emiko A. Tajima
University of Washington
Roy C. Herrenkohl
Carrie A. Moylan
University of Washington

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