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Real-Time Lightweight Chaotic Encryption for 5G IoT Enabled Lip-Reading Driven Secure Hearing-Aid [article]

Ahsan Adeel, Jawad Ahmad, Amir Hussain
2018 arXiv   pre-print
(2) Real-time lightweight audio-visual encryption (3) Lip-reading driven deep learning approach for speech enhancement in the cloud.  ...  For security implementation, a real-time lightweight AV encryption is utilized.  ...  The authors would like to gratefully acknowledge Mandar Gogate from the University of Stirling for his contribution in implementing LSTM driven AV mapping, which was published in our previous work and  ... 
arXiv:1809.04966v1 fatcat:yf4dsncns5gtnlovwtlga5lifa

Converging Telco-Grade Solutions 5G and beyond to Support Production in Industry 4.0

Pal Varga, Sándor Bácsi, Ravi Sharma, Abdulhalim Fayad, Ali Raheem Mandeel, Gabor Soos, Attila Franko, Tibor Fegyo, Dániel Ficzere
2022 Applied Sciences  
These toolsets range from model-driven engineering through system interoperability frameworks, 5G- and 6G-supported manufacturing, and the telco-cloud to speech recognition in noisy environments.  ...  The Industry 4.0 initiative has been showing the way for industrial production to optimize operations based on collecting, processing, and sharing data.  ...  A lip-reading driven audio-visual hearing-aid is presented in [219] , which outperforms audio-only versions in noisy environments but requires significantly more sensor data and processing power.  ... 
doi:10.3390/app12157600 fatcat:hmg62vmytzhtdkpugltffxbfku