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We are combining activism and art to create awareness for gender equality.

Photo Campaign:
“Feminism is…”

What is feminism for you? We are seeking for answers together with you. Do you want to take part in our photo campaign? Write your personal addition to “Feminism is…” large and clearly on a sign and take a photo with you and the sign. 

It’s time for new symbols in space!

The first spacecraft in a V-shape is not only a symbol for more diversity in space, but also state-of-the-art and thus more sustainable. The “Vulva Spaceship” designed by “WBF Aeronautics” represents inclusivity, varying from traditional shapes.

Quizzes: What do you know about gender equality?

Many of us didn’t learn about the feminist movement in school. That’s why we decided to take a look at facts about feminist issues and prepare quizzes for you. Take a look with us at the situation of women in health, economics and politics.

WHAT IS FEMINISM today? Feminism is…


Feminism is for everybody.

bell hooks, Author and Professor
Feminism is probably the most important movement that you could embrace, because it’s just basically another word for equality.

Taylor Swift, Singer
Feminism is equality: politically, culturally, socially, economically. That’s it, that simple.

Emma Watson, Actress
Feminism is a matter of fairness and the prerequisite for a just, sustainable world.

Elke Ferner, President UN Women Germany

Take part at our Photo Campaign!

How to submit:

1. Write large and clearly a sign with your addition to “Feminism is…”

2. While taken a picture, hold the sign in your hands and look into the camera. Your photo will be best outside in daylight.

3 . Upload the photo here. The file size must not exceed 3 MB per submission. You hereby affirm that you have the rights to the photo and agree that we may use the photo with your first name as part of the “What is feminism today?” campaign.

Our Board Game: “What was her name again?”

“What was her name again?” is a feminist board game for everyone. We cooperate and discover together in which areas women have achieved great, wonderful and important things.
The game has different game variants and is suitable for solo players as well as for two to five players. It contains unique cards. The illustrations are super modern and come from diverse designers: a real eye-catcher.

More information coming soon.

Stay tuned, stay curious! Follow us on Kickstarter:

Quiz: What do you know about women in space?

Many of us didn’t learn about the feminist movement in school. That’s why we decided to take a look at facts and figures about feminist issues and prepare quizzes for you. We are starting with the very big picture. 

Have you ever noticed? Like earth, space is struggling with gender equality. We believe: space is for everyone! It looks like we need more feminism even in space.

What do you know about women in space? Take part at our quiz! 

The “Vulva Spaceship”: 
a symbol for more equality in the entire universe.

We feel very blessed that our special spaceship concept has received so much attention: 250 Million media impressions, headlines in 110 countries, half a billion people impacted. Thank you very much for the many articles, interviews, radio reports, social media posts and comments. Our “Vulva Spaceship” even made it to the Late Night Show of Stephen Colbert.

After the launch of our “Vulva Spaceship” and all the media reports we received a lot of feedback and a number of requests: An article in a book, an invitation to the Summer Space Festival in Belgium and a lot of mails of man who explained us how to improve the “Vulva Spaceship”. The Australian News called it “Lefty Lunacy”. But above all, we created many question marks!

Art can and should create question marks!

Let’s dream big.
Imagine there are equal opportunities. Everywhere.

Have you ever noticed? In space travel all the problems that we have on earth are amplified. For example, in the coveted position of space traveler, only 12% were female so far. It’s time for equal opportunities in the entire universe!

That’s why we developed the “Vulva Spaceship”. We want to inspire people to think about socially relevant topics. Our societies still have a lot of gender related issues in daily life, in politics, in economics, in education and health. We should use our ressources and energy for the greater good and make earth and even space more equal places.

We believe that equality even has a place in space.
It’s time for new symbols in the universe.

Like earth, space is struggling with gender equality. We believe: space is for everyone! We think that it’s time for humankind to take the next giant leap. We would like to join forces with you to look to the future. How looks space traveling in the future? Who is involved?
With our project “WBF Aeronautics” we want to inspire space travel to be open to modern forms and to realize equal opportunities across the entire universe.

Thanks to everyone who took part in our project and signed our petition. We are grateful for all your signatures that we collected on our mission to create the “Vulva Spaceship”.

About “WHAT IS FEMINISM today?”

The German initiative “Wer braucht Feminismus?” was founded in 2012 by the activist and artist Jasmin Mittag. In the last 10 years, we have raised awareness of gender-based discrimination with various projects and have set ourselves the goal of empowering people. Basically we are combining activism and art to create awareness for gender equality. With our new project “WHAT IS FEMINISM today?” we are going international now!

We want to draw attention to feminist issues and debates. We want to give people a platform. We want to inspire people to contribute to gender equality. We want to empower people in their feminist perspective and connect them. That is why we have been campaigning since 2012 to make feminist issues visible. We want to contribute to the growth of the feminist movement.

With “WHAT IS FEMINISM today?” we are working especially on doing even more educational work internationally. We give workshops on feminist topics and the feminist movement. In addition, we are about to preparing feminist content digitally and make it available to the general public.

Our German Campaign and Exhibition “Wer braucht Feminismus?”

As part of the photo campaign of the same name, “Wer braucht Feminismus?” has collected over 3,000 feminist statements so far, which are presented in the internet and a traveling exhibition. We already showed our exhibition in over 50 locations in town halls, universities and libraries in Germany.

We were organizing a lot of talks, panels, conferences and network events in the last 10 years. Besides other awards were nominated for the “Smart Hero Award” (Facebook & Stiftung Digitale Chancen) and won the “Green Pussy Hat” (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen). We are organized as an initiative and do the grassroots work on a voluntary basis.

How to support us:

  1. Donate for our educational work. Get in touch for more information.
  2. Book us for a lecture or a workshop. Inivite us to your event. Report about our campaign and projects. Reach out to Jasmin.
  3. Follow us on Social Media and share our projects. Find us on Instagram, Twitter and Tumblr.
  4. Take part at our photo campaign.
  5. Submit your tip how we can act more feminist in daily life. Just scroll down and put your tip in the form.

Support Feminism

We still have a lot of gender related issues in daily life, in politics, in economics, in education and health – in nearly every area we take a look at. It’s a disadvantage not to be a man and be seen as female. Gender clichés and gender roles are still omnipresent and produce limited options for all of us to this very day. 

We should use our ressources and energy for the greater good and join forces to make earth a more equal place. There are many ways to support equal opportunities. Especially in everyday life, we can all make a contribution through small measures. What are your tips on how we can be more feminist in everyday life? Share your experience! We create a list that we continuously add to. We look forward to your submission! How to behave feminist in daily life? Put your tip in one sentence.