My Video Exposing Fake Virus Pulled by YouTube


I posted this video tonight and yes I knew it would upset YouTube; but as far as I know, free speech is still the right of every US citizen and still part of the American Constitution and so I posted it. The video had no violence in it at all and it did NOT violate YouTube community guidelines or even their posted terms of service. And so, I figured I would go for it. Silly me, turns out it ruffled the feathers of those seeking to further deceive the people so as to keep the Pope’s plandemic running ahead as planned so as to ready the masses to receive the mark. Therefore, without a single viable law to back up their illegal actions against this ministry, YouTube pulled the video after just about one hour after I posted it.

Not to worry, my video portal at does have the entire video online. (click here to watch the video) I built the server years ago knowing this day would come. No, not all 650+ videos are on this server as I have not had the time to convert the old FLV videos to MP4 yet. And yes, as I stated before, I am seeking ways to create a YouTube clone on my own server as soon as possible so as to make it easy for people that are used to using YouTube so as to easily navigate the site.

And as expected, YouTube one again blocked my ability to upload ANY new videos for one week. Worse yet, I will not be able to STREAM LIVE on YouTube this coming Sabbath once again. (not the first time). The Sabbath services will be on WTPR LIVE this coming Sabbath eve and Sabbath day as usual, and those seeking to listen LIVE as well as text chat with brethren, you can log on here as usual.

*PLEASE* If you have any ideas on YouTube emulator servers that I can use that run on either a Windows or Linux server, *contact me asap* – I will be phasing YouTube out as soon as possible.

By the way – Deleting the video VINDICATES US and the truth we share about vaccines!


Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days:

SIGNS OF THE TIMES: Secular Democrats urge Biden to pounce on U.S. Christianity * Dozens of police barricade Canadian church parking lot to keep worshippers out of drive-in service. So they line the highway instead * China arrests 4 Christians for selling audio bibles * Methodist church schism results in a prohomosexual Methodist church * World Economic Forum encourages plebs to eat weeds, drink sewage (The ‘Great Reset’ never tasted so disgusting) * Vatican Run UN removes cannabis from list of world’s most dangerous drugs * At least 6 people missing, homes destroyed after record-breaking Southeast Alaska rainstorm * VIDEO: Gabbard Backs Trump Section 230 Repeal Push: ‘This Is About Freedom’ * 11-Year-Old California Boy Dies After Self-Inflicted Gunshot Wound During Online Class * Ezekiel 7:23GET OUT OF THE CITIES:Defund the Police’ Minneapolis Sees Most Homicides Since Mid-1990s * RACISM & CORRUPTION IN POLITICS – TO DIVIDE AND CONQUER:Political Elites Did Nothing While Big Tech Subverted Democracy’ * VIDEO: Georgia Vote Counters Appear to Pull Suitcases of Ballots from Under Table After Observers, Media Leave * VIDEO: Biden Jokes About Getting a Disease and Resigning (Didn’t appear to be a joke to me) * China Unfurls Communist Flag on the Moon (They did it with a robot, the USA did it with fiction) * Louisville Mayor Declares Racism a ‘Public Health Crisis’ * Georgia governor calls for signature audit amid ‘smoking gun’ evidenceVIDEO: 4 boxes of ballots counted after poll watchers leave * UW-Madison feminism magazine calls to abolish all white fraternities on campus * RELIGION OF PEACE?  ISIS Plotting Christmas Attacks in Europe in Revenge for Mohammed Cartoons, Claims Ex-MI6 Spy * ANTIFA-Linked Washington Women, Former Democrat Organizer Charged With Terrorist Attack in Train Derailment Plot * HORROR OF VACCINES: Institute lists COVID vaccines that rely on aborted baby cells (“several used abortion-derived cell lines in laboratory testing”) * ROME’S HOMOSEXUAL AGENDA IS SPREADING: Methodist church schism results in a prohomosexual Methodist church * POPE’S PROPHESIED CLIMATE CHANGE AGENDA: VIDEO: Vatican Says Biden Presidency Can Play ‘Key Role’ in Paris Climate Deal (Surprised? – Still.. he has NOT been elected yet) * ROME’S SOCIALIST AGENDA EXPOSED: 100 small business owners defy COVID closure demands (Small biz must close why Govt funded big box stores stay open – hmmmm) * ROME’S WAR ON FREE SPEECH: Facebook Bans ‘Misinformation’ About Coronavirus Vaccine * USING CORONA VIRUS HYPE TO ROME’S MOB COMPLIANCE ADVANTAGE: CDC Virus Warning: U.S. Facing ‘Most Difficult’ Months in Nation’s ‘Public Health History’ (Yet all of it is based on proven lies) * VIDEO: Gabbard Backs Trump Section 230 Repeal Push: ‘This Is About Freedom’ * Welsh government says people will get ID cards to prove they’ve been vaccinated (“My Body my Choice!” – ECHO, Echo, echo) * Dozens of police barricade Canadian church parking lot to keep worshippers out of drive-in service. So they line the highway instead * Restaurants, bars, cinemas and sports venues will require proof of COVID-19 vaccination to enter * CORONAVIRUS HYPE EXPOSED: Los Angeles Store Creates Anti-Lockdown Display Featuring Democrats * Andrew Pollack: Lockdown Hypocrites – or Sociopaths? * Hours after voting to ban outdoor dining, L.A. County supervisor dines outdoorsAustin’s Democrat Mayor ‘Sorry’ for Traveling to Mexico While Telling Others to Stay Home (It just keeps happening!) * 100 small business owners defy COVID closure demands (Small biz must close while Govt funded big box stores stay open – hmmmm) * Some college students are trying to get COVID. Here’s why * Want the INSIDE INFO on what the Bible says will happen next? GET THIS BOOK!


Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days:

SIGNS OF THE TIMES: Iran to Boost Uranium Enrichment After Scientist Assassination * China’s new intercontinental bomber could put U.S. bases, state of Hawaii in strike range * Republican Senators Find Anti-Trump Messages on Body Bags at Their Homes * GRAPHIC: 18 Shot During Cartel Shootout at Bar in Mexico (Keep in mind, the Cartel are in fact Roman Catholic) * ‘Treasonous’ enemies within: 3-star general pushes Trump to use emergency powers * VIDEO: Man finds out he just delivered his sister to abortionists * Ezekiel 7:23GET OUT OF THE CITIES: Over 3,800 People Shot in Chicago During First 11 Months of 2020 * Still no Indication of Why Man Drove SUV Through German Shopping Street, Killing Five * Flight from the Cities: Single Family Home Construction Jumps 5.6% in October * RACISM & CORRUPTION IN POLITICS – TO DIVIDE AND CONQUER: Congressman promises to challenge presidential election results * VIDEO: Dominion contractor drops bombshell at Michigan hearing * Biden voters, Trump voters: Each sees each other as America’s biggest enemy (The lifeblood of Civil war is now pumping) * VIDEO: Crowd gasps amid testimony of ease in hacking vote-counting machines * New ethnic-studies mandate: Turn students into ‘agents of change’ * Bill would mandate lessons on racism and social justice * HORROR OF VACCINES: Doctors warn CDC to tell public about side effects of COVID vaccines, number of doses needed (They ADMIT dose #1 will get you sick!) * POPE’S PROPHESIED CLIMATE CHANGE AGENDA: Report: U.N. Climate Projects Swamped with Fraud, Corruption Allegations (DUH) * ROME’S SOCIALIST AGENDA EXPOSED: Joe Biden Rushes to Embrace U.N. and Burnish Globalist Ambitions * Betsy DeVos: ‘Free’ college is a ‘socialist takeover of higher education’ * ROME’S WAR ON FREE SPEECH: Facebook and Google Are Buying Up Rivals Despite Antitrust Action * ROME’S ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT AGENDA EXPOSED: Joe Biden Rushes to Embrace U.N. and Burnish Globalist Ambitions * USING CORONA VIRUS HYPE TO ROME’S MOB COMPLIANCE ADVANTAGE: Democrat California Gov. Newsom Ignores SCOTUS, Doubles Down on Worship Restrictions (Why? Most Churches are no longer Biblical Christians anyway) * Facebook Wants to Help Biden Administration with Coronavirus Vaccine Response * New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy: 70% Not Cooperating with Contact Tracers (That number will drop dramatically by 2027) * Mayor in L.A. County declares not wearing a mask in public an ‘act of domestic terrorism’: Report * Newspaper draws backlash after claiming COVID has turned ‘all of us into potential serial killers’ * This Governor Just Predicted a “Drastic” Stay-at-Home Order * CORONAVIRUS HYPE EXPOSED: San Francisco Mayor London Breed Attended Birthday Party at French Laundry * San Jose’s Democrat Mayor Apologizes After He Ignored Coronavirus Guidelines * VIDEO: Biden not wearing mask at press conference * Scientists demand retraction of study backing top COVID-19 test * VIDEO: Dr. Roger Hodkinson on how governments responded to COVID (For some strage reason YouTube did NOT delete this video – Yet my video on same topic WAS deleted) * Want the INSIDE INFO on what the Bible says will happen next? GET THIS BOOK!


Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days:

SIGNS OF THE TIMES: VIDEO: Brennan: Killing of Iranian Nuclear Scientist Violates ‘Standards of International Behavior’ * Report: U.S. to Have 500K Fewer U.S. Births in 2021 Due to Coronavirus Crisis (That’s because the vaccine is designed to sterilize billions) * Robber in Coronavirus Mask Shoots and Kills Kneeling Store Clerk * Surprising percentage of Democrats think their party stole 2020 election * Georgia’s Fulton County Recount Delayed After Dominion Server Crash (It’s easy to “program” a crash when needed) * Israeli embassies on high alert after Iran vows retaliation for scientist’s killing (Yet the REAL ISRAEL dies to the tune of 200k a year) * Russia Warns US It Will “Respond” To Future Border Violations In Sea Of Japan * 90-year-old social butterfly chooses assisted suicide over another lonely lockdown * A Successful U.S. Missile Intercept Ends the Era of Nuclear Stability * Ezekiel 7:23GET OUT OF THE CITIES: 28 Shot, 7 Killed, over Weekend in Mayor Lightfoot’s Chicago * Sanctuary California: Three-Time Deported Illegal Alien Charged with Double Murder in Stabbing Spree * Democrat-run city hits highest homicide rate in over a decade after defunding police by $150 million * RACISM & CORRUPTION IN POLITICS – TO DIVIDE AND CONQUER: New Jersey Lawmakers Pass Bill to Adopt ‘Social Justice’ Education in Public Schools * Black Nationalist Instagram page actually owned by white British female (Not the first – nor the last)  * Wave of ‘anti-racist’ teachings sweep K-12 schools (Yet it’s the media and the politicians that are racist!) * RELIGION OF PEACE?  TERROR’S LITTLE HELPERS Four more pupils, aged 13 & 14, charged over beheading of French teacher by ISIS fanatic * Young Islamic female knifes people in Swiss shopping mall * VIDEO: Netherlands: Geert Wilders to PM Rutte: You have imported a monster called Islam into our country! * ‘She received 50,000 death threats’ – French teenager critical of Islam lives under police protection * Austria: Islamists threaten to murder interior minister and his family after crackdown on political Islam * HORROR OF VACCINES: How COVID-19 Vaccine Can Destroy Your Immune System * Doctors Warn Side Effects From COVID-19 Vaccine “Won’t Be A Walk In The Park” * Can Your Employer Force You to Get the COVID Vaccine? It’s Complicated * ROME’S HOMOSEXUAL AGENDA IS SPREADING: Roman Catholic Duke students organize ‘Queeristan’ event series to support LGBT Muslims * ROME’S SOCIALIST AGENDA EXPOSED: Over a Quarter of Small Businesses in New York and New Jersey Closed This Year * ‘Prestigious’ media outlets accused of being ‘enforcers of leftwing orthodoxy’ * ROME’S WAR ON FREE SPEECH: States are being banned from thinking differently * RELIGIOUS (CATHOLIC) LAWS ARE COMING: Roman Catholic Marco Rubio: It’s up to us to stop Communist China’s anti-faith agenda * USING CORONA VIRUS HYPE TO ROME’S MOB COMPLIANCE ADVANTAGE: Democrat Jon Ossoff Signals Support for Georgia Lockdown * UK Govt to Roll Out ‘Vaccine Stamps’ in Passports by Next Year: Report (They need this tech to easily switch to “Sunday Sabbath Compliant” stamps) * 90-year-old social butterfly chooses assisted suicide over another lonely lockdown * CORONAVIRUS HYPE EXPOSED: MAGA crowd calls mayor’s bluff, break curfew and get away with it * Want the INSIDE INFO on what the Bible says will happen next? GET THIS BOOK!


Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days:

SIGNS OF THE TIMES: Iran Confirms Top Nuclear Scientist Assassinated in Tehran * Andrew Cuomo Calls Supreme Court’s Church Lockdown Ruling ‘Irrelevant’ * YouTube Celebrates ‘Unthanksgiving,’ Honoring ‘Indigenous Resistance’ * Ten Years Later, Policies that Birthed the ‘Arab Spring’ Set to Return * San Antonio Food Bank Doubles Amount Of People It Serves  * VIDEO: Mystifying monolith found amid Utah rocks * Supreme Court cancels Cuomo’s church meeting limits * Dutch Doctors Can Now Secretly Place Sedatives in Food before Euthanizing Alzheimer’s Patients * VIDEO: Devout Catholic Joe Biden Does Not Know How To Pronounce Famous Book In Bible * Ezekiel 7:23GET OUT OF THE CITIES: Portland Antifa Attack BLM-Supporting Grocery, War Memorial * VIDEO: Seattle Police Officers Guild Pres: Police Cuts in Seattle ‘Going to Spread Across the Nation’ * Dallas Pastor Calls State Troopers ‘Occupying Force’ amid Violent Spike * HORROR OF VACCINES: COVID vaccine hype fails to mention critical point * ROME’S HOMOSEXUAL AGENDA IS SPREADING: A ‘Young, Queer Asian-American Businesswoman’ Will Control Free Speech on Twitter * Lawsuit: Starbucks fired employee for refusing ‘Pride’ shirt * ROME’S WAR ON FREE SPEECH: A ‘Young, Queer Asian-American Businesswoman’ Will Control Free Speech on Twitter * Dennis Prager on Big Tech Censorship: ‘Twitter Is the Worst’ — ‘Thuggish’ * Thanksgiving SCOTUS Decision Shows We’re One Vote from Losing First Amendment * Diversity officer: ‘1st Amendment ‘excuse’ is out’ regarding offensive speech * USING CORONA VIRUS HYPE TO ROME’S MOB COMPLIANCE ADVANTAGE: Andrew Cuomo Calls Supreme Court’s Church Lockdown Ruling ‘Irrelevant’ * Coronavirus Helps China’s Totalitarian Social Credit System Spread Worldwide * UK Govt: Lockdown Likely to Last 12+ Months, ‘Hard Winter’ Coming, Repeated Vaccinations May be Required * VIDEO: BBQ Rebellion: Restaurant Owner Arrested After Days of Defying Toronto Lockdown * Coronavirus Forever: Most of England Will go into Lockdown When Lockdown Ends * Belgian police will knock on doors at Christmas to enforce COVID rules * VIDEO: Business owner tears up $15,000 COVID fine on live TV * New Mexico Gov Shuts Down Some Grocery Stores With New Order, Forces Resident to Wait Hours for Food * CORONAVIRUS HYPE EXPOSED: Italian Areas Hardest Hit by Coronavirus Reaching ‘Community Immunity’, No Large ‘Second Wave’ * Cops Refuse to be the Thanksgiving Police * Denver mayor tells residents to stay home for Thanksgiving, then flies out of state to visit family * VIDEO: ABC News star hammered for removing mask when he thinks cameras are off (This has happened so many times it proves the media is in on it all) * Tennessee refuses to make COVID-19 vaccine mandatory in schools * Coronavirus mutations aren’t making more people sick * Johns Hopkins says COVID is wildly overblown * Pastor turns church into ‘strip club’ to avert lockdown order * Want the INSIDE INFO on what the Bible says will happen next? GET THIS BOOK!

Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days:

SIGNS OF THE TIMES: Hong Kong Dissidents: Joshua Wong in Prison Isolation, Facing Sleep Deprivation * Buildings Lit up Blood Red to Protest Christian Persecution (Why is the Vatican’s coliseum lit up? They’re doing most of the killings) * Russia Conducts Mass Raids on Jehovah’s Witnesses * ‘Gang of Eight’ Amnesty Architect: Joe Biden Can Use COVID-19 to Give Amnesty to All Illegal Aliens * VIDEO: Joe Biden: Amnesty for Over 11 Million Illegal Aliens Going to Senate in My First 100 Days * Five Illegal Alien MS-13 Gang Members Charged with Murdering Informant * The Atlantic gets ripped apart after publishing story on abortion of babies with Down Syndrome * VIDEO: Poll monitor describes 4 a.m. Biden ballot dump * Ezekiel 7:23GET OUT OF THE CITIES: Flight From the Cities: New Home Sales Up 41.5% * Antifa leader threatens ‘armed’ action against Trump supporters (Civil War sooner rather than later) * Michigan ramps up threats to prosecute vote-fraud WITNESSES * HORROR OF VACCINES: VIDEO: How a Virus Works * Doctors: CDC should warn side effects from COVID vaccine won’t be ‘a walk in the park’ * VIDEO: This is the Video (about the Vaccine) that YouTube deleted and then BANNED me from using YouTube for one week * ROME’S WAR ON FREE SPEECH: My Video Showing how a Virus Works was Pulled by YouTube * VIDEO: Josh Hawley Presses Facebook, Twitter on ‘Coordinated Censorship,’ Tracking Users * Sharyl Attkisson on Big Tech Censorship: Sheep Are Happy to Live in Artificial Reality * USING CORONA VIRUS HYPE TO ROME’S MOB COMPLIANCE ADVANTAGE: VIDEO: NYC to Have Coronavirus Checkpoints, Sheriff Warns of ‘Consequences’ for Violating Quarantine * Coronavirus Travel Restrictions Force Iditarod Champ to Skip Race: “I Can’t Get My dogs to Alaska’ * ‘Gang of Eight’ Amnesty Architect: Joe Biden Can Use COVID-19 to Give Amnesty to All Illegal Aliens * Biden: ‘Patriotic Responsibility to Wear a Mask, to Socially Distance’ * Delingpole: Qantas ‘No Vaccine, No Fly’ Boss Is Another Great Reset Shill * YouTube Blacklists One America News Over Coronavirus Coverage- No video Uploads for One Week (They did the same to me last night) * VIDEO: Governor declares: ‘There’s no constitutional right to walk around without a mask‘ * Give Everyone a Barcode? China Trying to Use COVID Fears to Launch Global Tracking System for Humans * Airline chief: COVID vaccine to be mandated for international fliers * CORONAVIRUS HYPE EXPOSED: NJ Gov. Phil Murphy on Maskless Dining Confrontation: ‘I’d Prefer Folks to Be More Civil’ * Coronavirus Unemployment Benefit Scam in California Sends Money to Death Row Inmates, Serial Killer * VIDEO: ‘You Don’t Need to Obey an Illegal Order!’: Tory MP Stands up to Cops Arresting Elderly Lockdown Protester * Michigan county joins push to impeach Whitmer for ‘unconstitutional’ lockdown * Want the INSIDE INFO on what the Bible says will happen next? GET THIS BOOK!

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