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  • NewsThe Independent

    Watch: Fauci grilled by House Republicans over Covid-19 response

    Watch again as House Republicans questioned Dr Anthony Fauci on his response to the Covid-19 pandemic and the origins of the virus on Monday, 3 June. Lawmakers grilled the former head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) in his first congressional testimony in almost two years. The GOP-led Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic have requested access to Dr Fauci's personal email and mobile phone records after obtaining information they say calls into que

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  • NewsThe Guardian

    Fauci describes ‘credible death threats’ for overseeing US Covid-19 response

    Doctor, who was head of infectious diseases unit during height of the pandemic, tells Congress he and his family still get harassed

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  • NewsThe Guardian

    Wuhan: How the Covid-19 Outbreak in China Spiraled Out of Control; Wuhan: A Documentary Novel – reviews

    Dali L Yang’s critique of China’s response in the early days of the Covid pandemic is thoroughgoing if academic, while poet Liao Yiwu’s account mixes fact and fiction to extraordinary effect

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  • HealthEvening Standard

    FLiRT Covid variant: Everything we know so far about the coronavirus strain sweeping the US

    UKHSA data shows a rise in British cases of virus

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  • NewsThe Guardian

    AstraZeneca withdraws Covid-19 vaccine worldwide, citing surplus of newer vaccines

    Pharmaceutical company says newer shots led to decline in demand for AstraZeneca vaccine, which is no longer being manufactured or supplied

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  • HealthThe Telegraph

    The true tragedy of the Covid-19 vaccines

    Vaccination is one of mankind’s most miraculous innovations. The eradication of smallpox, and the retreat of measles and other cruel afflictions, mean that vaccines rival sanitation for first prize in the saving of lives. New jabs against malaria and melanoma promise great benefits. All the more reason to worry that Covid vaccines may have tarnished the technology’s reputation.

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  • NewsEvening Standard

    Coronavirus victims remembered at Covid Memorial Wall ceremony

    Some members of the group became emotional and hugged each other during the event.

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  • NewsThe Independent

    Brazilian ex-president Jair Bolsonaro indicted for faking his Covid-19 vaccine data

    The former president of Brazil is a staunch opponent of Covid-19 vaccines

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  • ScienceSky News

    'Hypervaccinated' patient had 217 COVID-19 jabs in less than three years, scientists say

    The unnamed man, a 62-year-old German national from the eastern city of Magdeburg, had 217 vaccines for "private reasons" over a period of 29 months, according to medical journal, Lancet Infectious Diseases. Academics contacted the patient after reading about him in newspaper reports - and asked if they could study his body's response to multiple jabs. The patient was "very interested" in doing so, Dr Schober added.

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  • HealthSky News

    COVID-19 'pandemic babies' developed 'fascinating' protection against common condition, study finds

    Lockdowns imposed during the COVID-19 pandemic saw changes in newborn babies that may have protected them against allergies, according to a study. Infants raised when coronavirus social distancing restrictions were in place were found by Irish researchers to have more of the beneficial microbes acquired after birth from their mother, which could act as a defence against disease. The findings, published in the journal Allergy, highlighted the gut health benefits for the youngsters as a result o

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