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Map and Analysis: Building a Strong Manufacturing Base for Clean Energy in the US

January 16, 2024

The clean technology supply chain analysis below can help federal and state policymakers, advocates, developers, journalists, and others trying to break down the complexity of domestic supply chains for clean energy. The map and spreadsheet below show how we can use new investments in the Inflation Reduction Act to bridge supply chain gaps and build a stronger, cleaner, and fairer industrial base for the clean economy in the U.S. Instead of hitching our climate goals to exploitative, vulnerable, and polluting production overseas, we have the means to build durable, equitable, top-to-bottom domestic supply chains for our clean energy future.

Map of the U.S. manufacturing base for clean energy: This interactive map showcases the breadth of communities that stand to benefit from new federal investments to expand clean technology manufacturing.  Done right, this funding offers an opportunity to reinvest in hard-hit communities hollowed out by deindustrialization, energy transition, and chronic divestment. The map shows all known U.S. facilities that currently manufacture components for the solar, wind, energy storage/battery, electric grid, and building materials sectors.  If you have trouble viewing the map, click here.

How To Use the Map

  • Feel free to use the map on the BGA website or open it in a different window to view the map full screen.
  • The “About This Map” pop-up is automatically open. Close using the X or close button at the bottom of the pop-up. Reopen using the info button on the left side of the map.
  • The legend for the nine supply chains is in the bottom left corner. This can be opened and closed using the double arrow next to the legend box.
  • Click and hold to drag the map into different views or zoom in and out using the + and – buttons on the left side.
  • You can zoom into specific locations and states using the search bar. Simply click on the magnifying glass in the top left corner.
  • Click on the different legend markers to view more information about each facility. When you open an information box you can also click the dock button to pin it to the top right hand corner.
  • To filter by supply chain, click the funnel button in the bottom right of your screen. You can filter by one, some, or all of the sectors.

About the Map

There are 1,156 U.S.-based facilities across nine essential clean economy supply chains on the map. This includes:

  • battery/energy storage,
  • efficient buildings,
  • electric grid,
  • electric vehicles,
  • electrolyzers,
  • offshore wind,
  • onshore wind,
  • rail, and
  • solar photovoltaic (PV).

These facilities are engaged in producing the final clean energy products or in manufacturing critical components for each supply chain.

Across each supply chain, the most notable domestic production gaps are found within in the solar, offshore wind, battery/energy storage, and electric grid sectors.

Within the solar supply chain, for example, there is no current domestic production of c-Si ingot, wafers, or PV cells.

For offshore wind, only 4 active facilities were identified. This includes two cable facilities, one offshore substation facility, and one offshore wind foundation facility.  There is no active domestic production for any other major components – including blades, towers, nacelle, hub, bearings, power converters.

Within the lithium-ion battery and energy storage supply chain, our analysis reveals very limited capacity for raw material production and processing capacity. Production levels for each of the required raw material inputs – anodes, cathode materials, and binders – were categorized as “limited.”

Components with the most domestic supply include:

  • Heat pump assembly
  • Lithium-ion battery cells, modules, and packs
  • Solar trackers, solar racking, mounting systems, and PV modules
  • Nacelle assembly for onshore wind
  • Transit and passenger rail assembly and steel track 

Supply Chain Gaps in Clean Energy

This spreadsheet spotlights the most notable supply chain gaps across the clean energy sectors represented on the map. We evaluated the domestic manufacturing capacity for each of the main components within these supply chains, using readily available data. The domestic supply rate is the primary metric for this evaluation. This measure tells us the degree to which domestic production fulfills domestic demand, indicating the strength of domestic manufacturing. This figure is calculated by dividing total domestic production (including exports) of each component, by total domestic consumption.

Download the Spreadsheet >>>

These metrics are then used to classify the production capacity for each component into one of four categories, as follows:

  • None: Domestic production meets 0% of domestic demand, or there are no known domestic facilities manufacturing this component.
  • Limited: Domestic production supplies less than 25% of domestic demand, or there is evidence of one to two domestic facilities manufacturing this component.
  • Moderate: Domestic production supplies between 25% to 75% of domestic demand, or there is evidence of three to six domestic facilities manufacturing this component.
  • Significant: Domestic production supplies over 75% of domestic demand, or there is evidence of more than six domestic facilities manufacturing this component.

Based on our findings, we encourage the Biden administration to prioritize federal funding for components in the supply chains that have “zero,” “limited,” or “moderate” domestic production. Doing so will help to build our clean energy future on a foundation of good jobs, clean manufacturing, and a more reliable and equitable industrial base.

Click the link below to download the spreadsheet. 

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