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Gamètì winter road opens for the season

A sign on the Tłı̨chǫ Highway details the distance to Whatì, Gamètì and Wekweètì. Emily Blake/Cabin Radio

The winter road connecting Gamètì to the NWT’s highway network opened on Wednesday, the territorial government says.

According to the Department of Infrastructure, the road opened one day later than its average opening date over the past five years of February 20.

Ordinarily, Gamètì residents get about two months’ use out of the road before it closes again. The average closing date is in mid-April.

In the more immediate future, the road opening in time for this weekend’s hand games tournament in Behchokǫ̀ was considered an important milestone to hit. (Separately, Behchokǫ̀’s community government has announced a five-day alcohol prohibition for the dates surrounding that tournament, February 21-26.)

Work on the Wekweètì winter road continues, the Tłı̨chǫ Government said earlier in the week.



The road to Wekweètì is normally the last in the territory to open each winter, with an average opening date of March 8, giving residents just over a month’s use of the road before it becomes too unstable.