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FCC Farmland Values Report

The FCC Farmland Values Report provides an annual look at the regional land value trends across Canada in price per acre. Find land values on our interactive map, download the report and get big picture analysis from our Economics team.

What did values look like in 2023?

Select a province or region to get the farmland values for that area.

The average value of cultivated Canadian farmland increased by 11.5% in 2023. This is slightly less than the 12.8% increase recorded in 2022 but ahead of the 8.3% increase in 2021. This year’s increase is the second highest FCC has reported since 2014.  

Land value increases occurred amidst elevated interest rates and farm input prices, strong farm income and regardless of moisture levels. The demand for farmland remained robust and the supply of farmland available for sale continued to be limited. 

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