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Reliable news is essential for democracy. What responsibility does Big Tech have to make sure it remains accessible?

It’s time to ask if the billions pulled in by Google and Facebook could do more than make shareholders rich, and instead help sustain the industries that are central to democracy, writes Navneet Alang.

3 min read

As the COVID-19 pandemic has shown, there is a vital public function to journalism in that it both empowers the public to inform itself, while also holding power to account, Navneet Alang writes.

Pay for news. That’s what we always hear. As news organizations see both their revenue and stature shrink, paying for news has become a kind of rallying cry for journalists looking to save their beleaguered industry. Want to save journalism from peddlers of “fake news” or media naysayers like Donald Trump? Open your wallet.

But as understandable as it is to ask people to pay for news and thus support the organizations and journalists who cover it — it also carries with it a risk: in an age of rampant misinformation, putting news behind a paywall may cordon it off from the public at large.

Navneet Alang

Navneet Alang is a Toronto-based freelance contributing technology columnist for the Star. Follow him on Twitter: @navalang.

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