• Jillian McKoy

    Senior Writer and Editor

    Jillian McKoy is the senior writer and editor at the School of Public Health. Profile

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There is 1 comment on Air Pollution from Oil and Gas Production Contributes to Thousands of Early Deaths, Childhood Asthma Cases Nationwide

  1. I thank Jonathan Buonocore for this important publication. It provides more evidence of the damage we suffer from oil & gas extraction. Buonocore expands on the excess deaths reported previously by studies such as, Mayfield, Erin N., et al. “Cumulative environmental and employment impacts of the shale gas boom.” Nature sustainability 2.12 (2019): 1122-1131. Air pollution is not limited by political boundaries. Air pollution is not always visible, but the adverse effects are cumulative. We can not buy good health. Everything should be done to stop pollution.

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