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P90X workout schedule can be found on eleven DVDs. There is also an additional one (Ab RipperX), especially made for abs exercising. If you like this exercising program, you will probably want to have all twelve. So let us see how the P90X workout schedule looks like.

- DVD 1 is for back and chest exercising
- DVD 2 is about plyiometrics
- DVD 3 is for arms and shoulders exercising
- DVD 4 is for those who like Yoga
- DVD 5 is for back and legs exercising
- DVD 6 is will show you Kenpo X
- DVD 7 will tech you hoe to stretch properly
- DVD 8 is about core synergistics
- DVD 9 is for triceps, chest, and shoulders exercising
- DVD 10 will show you exercise for biceps and back
- DVD 11 has cardio X program
- DVD 12 is an additional DVD with exercise for abs

There is another DVD included in P90X exercising program and it is called “How to Bring It”. This is actually P90X general overview with useful instructions and more information about the P90X program. The instructions are there to help you in using those eleven/twelve DVDs and to tell you more about correct exercise combining.

The first, the second and the third week plans are as follows:

Day # 1: back, chest + Ab ripper
Day # 2: plyometrics
Day # 3: arms, shoulders + Ab ripper
Day # 4: Yoga X
Day # 5: back, legs + Ab ripper
Day # 6: Kenpo
Day # 7: “X – stretch”

The fourth week is actually a week for recovery and it looks something like this:

Day # 1: Yoga X
Day # 2: core synergistics
Day # 3: Kenpo
Day # 4: X – stretch
Day # 5: core synergistics
Day # 6: Yoga X
Day # 7: “X – stretch”

The fifth, sixth and seventh week plans are as follows:

Day # 1: triceps, shoulders and chest + ab ripper
Day # 2: plyometrics
Day # 3: biceps and back + ab ripper
Day # 4: Yoga X
Day # 5: back, legs + ab ripper
Day # 6: Kenpo
Day # 7: “X – stretch”

The eight week plan looks like this:

Day # 1: Yoga X
Day # 2: core synergistics
Day # 3: Kenpo
Day # 4: “X – stretch”
Day # 5: core synergistics
Day # 6: Kenpo
Day # 7: “X – stretch”

The eight week plan is the same as the eleventh week plan:

Day # 1: back, chest + ab ripper
Day # 2: plyometrics
Day # 3: arms, shoulders + ab ripper
Day # 4: Yoga X
Day # 5: back, legs + ab ripper
Day # 6: Kenpo
Day # 7: “X – stretch”

Plans for the tenth and twelfth week are:

Day # 1: shoulders, chest, triceps + ab ripper
Day # 2: plyometrics
Day # 3: biceps, back + ab ripper
Day # 4: Yoga X
Day # 5: back, legs + ab ripper
Day # 6: Kenpo
Day # 7: “X – stretch”

And finally, the thirteenth week looks like this:

Day # 1: Yoga X
Day # 2: core synergistics
Day # 3: Kenpo
Day # 4: “X – stretch”
Day # 5: core synergistics
Day # 6: Yoga X
Day # 7: “X – stretch”

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